Other articles:
if(ReleaseSemaphore(hSem,7,NULL) != 0). wprintf(L"ReleaseSemaphore() is OK
Feb 4, 2011 . NULL, "CreateSemaphore() failed! . BOOL ret = ::ReleaseSemaphore(
BOOL ReleaseSemaphore( HANDLE hSemaphore, LONG lReleaseCount,
n"); to_show(); sleep(5); printf("before release semaphore exclusively. \n");
ReleaseSemaphore(hSyncSemaphore,1,NULL)) 00143 { 00144 cerr << "
Bug 179446 - ainit: Memory: Failed to release semaphoreb . ainit: Memory:
ReleaseSemaphore failed in UTSemReadWrite:UnlockWrite. Here's another: The
ReleaseSemaphore(semaphore,0,&currCount) ) { int errCode = 0; string header
Apr 4, 2007 . quartz: Don't call ReleaseSemaphore on NULL semaphore handles. Ad . ERR("
ReleaseSemaphore(hSemaphore,1, NULL)) { printf("\nThread
{Connect Failure on Primary Transport} An attempt was made to connect to . . a
ReleaseSemaphore(cond->sem, 1, NULL)) Py_FatalError("ReleaseSemaphore()
*this) throw "::CreateSemaphore() failed"; } bool Semaphore::lock (unsigned . (
Aug 26, 2008 . Failed to acquire semaphore or Another copy of program already against .
After the semaphore counter has reached 65535, the ReleaseSemaphore() call
n"); break; } if (done) { printf("Challenge thread exiting.\n"); if (sem_post(&sem) ==
Jul 17, 2006 . Jul 17 19:10:39 localhost ainit: Memory: Failed to release semaphore Jul 17 19:
FORMAT: "%s App Id 0x%x Failed to report APP_ST change to CTC". FLAG: . . "
Mar 24 14:09:31 fc41 ainit: Memory: Failed to release semaphore. Mar 24 14:09:
. CreateSemaphore #undef ReleaseSemaphore #define IncCantStopCount(x)
not interested in previous count if (!rc) PrintError("Release Semaphore failed at ",
Dec 3, 2004 . 495752 0x87f1f000: CAudioStream::WaveCallback - ReleaseSemaphore failed
Mar 3, 2010 . The threds perform some silly loop and call ReleaseSemaphore before they go to
ReleaseSemaphore(_notify_sig, _notify_wthreads, 0))
Mar 18, 2011 . ReleaseSemaphore(cond->sem, 1, NULL)) + Py_FatalError("ReleaseSemaphore
ReleaseMutex(hMutex)) { // Deal with error. printf("ReleaseMutex() failed. . . not
The program will always fail if the reading thread wins the race. . to a variable
Failure Detectors. Each node: 2 processes, shared critical region. Process 1:
Solutions and help with Thread pool release semaphore on completion failed in
Nov 19, 2006 . ReleaseSemaphore failed in UTSemReadWrite:UnlockWrite. I was running some
Oct 16, 2002 . hotspot:runtime_system, "ReleaseSemaphore() failed" assertion with -Xrs option
And the "ReleaseSemaphore failed" suggests that the process was unable to
ReleaseSemaphore(semaphore,1,NULL) ) { int errCode = 0; string header = "
Note that a trace warning message is generated for each failed attempt if the . If
Jun 14, 2001 . AddTail(p); result = ::ReleaseSemaphore(handles[SemaphoreIndex], 1, NULL); if
Solution for Error 703 subcode 1015 ReleaseSemaphore failed.
ERR ReleaseSemaphore failed: ==muxThreadQuitSignal( CreateEvent failed ior
$opstring2) || die "Lock failed"; } ######################################
And on top of this error message a new window saying "Error: 0.2 fatal 031264:
Oct 23, 2007 . ReleaseSemaphore(sem->h,1, NULL)) THROW1(system_error,GetLastError(),"
wprintf(L"ReleaseSemaphore() failed, error: %d\n", GetLastError());. } else. wprintf
If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. // If the function fails, the
static void, ReleaseSemaphores (int status, Datum arg). static void,
May 17, 2004 . "return value=$var2.\n"; } else echo "Read var2=$var2.\n"; // Release semaphore
Aug 26, 2008. acquire semaphore void Release (); // release semaphore }; class . -1 ) Error ("
Error 703 subcode 1015 - ReleaseSemaphore() failed. Search other sites.
Nov 22, 2010 . Driver windrvr6.sys version = Cable connection failed. Cable
0) { LOG(LOG_ERROR, "sem", "Failed to remove sem '%s' (errno=%d)\n",
ASF Bugzilla – Bug 8124. mod_ssl fails to get and release semaphore mutex.