Other articles:
ABSTRACT - In a recent paper Fisher and Price (1992) test the influence of a
14-1. TOPIC 7 & 8: Group influence, communication & social class. How groups
The influence of a national reference group on the effectiveness of advertising
Széchenyi István University. Multidisciplinary Doctoral School of Social Sciences.
The present research proposal is developed to get a deeper insight into the
INTRODUCTION. In the Marketing context, the relationship between the
One may or may not be a member and may or may not aspire to membership in a
approach and also provide insight into how reference-group influence may vary
value expressive reference group influence, An individual's use of groups to
The concept of the reference group has a pervasive influence on marketing .
Reference Group Influence on Product and Brand Purchase Decisions -
more important influence is clearly that of one's reference group. Individuals with
This study reveals that among the three reference group influence examined,
EJ671078 - Reference Group Influence on Adolescent Alcohol Use.
Oct 8, 2007 . Reference Group Influence on Desired Self-Brand Congruency in Mobile Phone
Reference Group Influences; Types of Reference Groups; Power of Reference
Consumer Behavior Topic 10. Personal Influence: Reference Group and Opinion
Consumer perceptions of reference group influence on product and brand
Reference group influence is an important concept in consumer behavior. An
Mar 8, 2011 . Materialism and reference group influence on the preference for Western culture
thrdLe7' types of reference group influence (Park and Lessig. 197:1).
Aug 18, 2010 . This article examines the effect of a change in housing consumption of various
influence. The degree of reference group influence is examined for each of 20
Mar 4, 2010 . Reference group influence has the potential to be quite strong. This section
Jul 29, 2010 . Variability among products When the influence of reference groups on the
Oct 28, 2008 . Reference Group Cb 25.9.9 · BB Chapter Fourteen : Group Influence And
is to develop a general model of reference group influence; one that can be
Reference Group of Microblog Influence on the Consumer Decision Process: A
From a review of two' early studies of reference group influence on political . .
(2007) Yang et al. International Journal Of Mobile Communications. Read by
This paper describes a comparative study investigating the .
A useful framework of analysis of group influence on the individual is the so
Professor Dennis Tourish* Aberdeen Business School Robert Gordon University
Group Influences. Chapter 9. Reference Groups. What is a reference group?
7.2.3 Factors affecting Impact of Reference Groups. 7.2.4 Reference Group
Informational Influence of reference Group, individual seeks information about
Issues of importance to marketing concerning reference group influence include:
Jan 25, 2012 . Liu, X. and Hu, J. (2012), Adolescent Evaluations of Brand Extensions: The
This page is closed to edits. Unfollow. follow. [report abuse]. Can you answer this
In particular, reference group influences are exerted on a traveler when . works
(1982) Bearden, Etzel. Journal of Consumer Research. Read by researchers in:
Amazon.com: Reference group influence on adolescent alcohol use.: An article
Reference Group Influence on Product and Brand Purchase Decisions . Abstract
Membership in a higher class generally leads to greater influence within the . . A
Keywords Susceptibility to interpersonal influence . Investments . Reference-
Abstract. This study investigates the role of reference groups in individual
This paper investigates how the college-educated Chinese youth evaluates
Manner of group function; classification of groups; Impact of reference groups on
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