Other articles:
redminecrm.com/. /1464-installing-redmine-2-4-passenger-nginx-rvm-on- freebsd-9-1CachedSimilarRedmine. . Installing Redmine 2.4 + Passenger + nginx + rvm on FreeBSD 9.1 .
shapeace.tistory.com/207CachedSimilarJul 31, 2013 . [root@testman redmine]# gem install passenger --no-rdoc --no-ri . .. 본 절차는
blog.johnsonlu.org/freebsdredmine2-1-installruby1-9-nginx-mysql/CachedSimilar2012年10月8日 . 10, #rubygem-passenger(要選取SYMLINK和NGINX):部署ruby的套件 . 9, mysql
www.redmine.org/wiki/1/HowTosCachedSimilarFreeBSD¶. HowTo Install Redmine 2.1.x on FreeBSD + Apache + Passenger ·
d.hatena.ne.jp/eldesh/touch/searchdiary?word=*%5Bredmine%5DCachedSimilarサーバと環境は FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE-p3 amd64 + apache22 + mysql5.1 + . [
www.flagword.net/2010/07/mine-redmine/CachedJul 19, 2010 . production: adapter: mysql database: redmine host: localhost . To add some
zxstudio.org/blog/2014/08/06/redmine-ruby-freebsd-lost-blog/CachedAug 6, 2014 . Of Redmine, Ruby and FreeBSD: How I lost a blog. . . To get it working, you need
pkg.dicrurus.com/info?arch=freebsd:9:x86:64&pkg=redmineCachedmaintainer: ruby [ at ] FreeBSD.org www: http://www.redmine.org/ . on
code.google.com/p/. passenger/issues/list?. SimilarPassenger should display warning if RAILS_ROOT cannot be accessed by
www.redmine.org/boards/2/topics/39531CachedSimilarRecently, I set up Redmine using this combination of software: - FreeBSD 9.1 -
www.ravendevelopers.com/. /installing-redmine-opensuse-linux-122CachedSimilarDec 22, 2012 . Redmine is simplistic, minimal and pretty straight forward once you get all your .
freebsd.1045724.n5.nabble.com/ports-182131-patch-www-redmine-multiple -small-errors-td5844254.htmlCached>Description: The current version of redmine has a lot of problems. .
comments.gmane.org/gmane.os.freebsd.ruby/2863Aug 23, 2013 . Thank you for www/redmine port and Ruby gems in ports . to install Redmine
gotoanswer.stanford.edu/?. Running%20redmine%20on%20apache2%20with%20passengerCachedI'm running Redmine with apache via RVM and passenger successfully. I
https://jbox-web.github.io/redmine_git_hosting/. /troubleshooting/CachedOne major source of issues with this plugin is that Redmine needs to be able to
www.databaseskill.com/3829642/CachedTag: FreeBSD, Rails, of nginx, Entertainment, server Category: Database Author:
https://groups.google.com/d/topic/phusion-passenger/t-vyY0cGKogCachedSimilarDear list, I have massive problems on FreeBSD and redmine after I did some
docs.hybridcluster.com/current/08-build/jail.htmlCachedSimilar. Let's get started; Rails specific configuration; Installing Apache; Set up a
https://www.chiliproject.org/boards/1/topics/279CachedOh and btw, in FreeBSD redmine being installed from ports comes fully workable,
unix4me.ru/archives/916CachedSimilar13 апр 2012 . Так как Redmine работает под ruby решил поставить все из портов.
howtobsd.com/software/redmine-on-freebsd.htmlCachedSimilarOct 22, 2011 . Perhaps you know redmine ported in FreeBSD and first of all I tried to . . /ruby/
www.tobeannounced.org/tag/freebsd/CachedContent tagged with freebsd. . my babystep-by-babystep server administration: I
gentoobrowse.randomdan.homeip.net/package/www-apps/redmineCachedSep 20, 2014 . elibc. FreeBSD: ELIBC setting for systems that use the FreeBSD C library . www-
serverfault.com/questions/. /rails-app-redmine-on-phusion-passengerCachedSimilarMay 12, 2011 . I've installed mod_passenger for Apache on my Linux box. The module has
daemon-notes.com/articles/web/redmine/apacheCachedSimilarLoadModule passenger_module /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/passenger-
stackoverflow.com/. /redmine-not-start-log-says- activerecordadapternotspecified-some-other-strangCachedSimilarOops! I didn't mean to do this. up vote 0 down vote favorite. FreeBSD 9.2 Apache
https://github.com/ericpaulbishop/redmine_git_hosting/issues/79CachedSep 6, 2011 . The system is: FreeBSD 8.1 nginx/1.0.6 passenger 3.0.9 sudo 1.8.2. Redmine 1.2
www.linuxgurru.com/2010/05/how-to-install-redmine-on-ubuntu/CachedSimilarMay 15, 2010 . Required packages for installing Redmine . Run the following to install
sysmagazine.com/posts/167515/CachedOn great open spaces of the Internet to find the information necessary to me and
forum.ispsystem.com/ru/archive/index.php/t-11639.htmlCached[Архив] Redmine на FreeBSD Внешние приложения. . passenger (2.2.11) lib/
kamaok.org.ua/?p=138Cached10 ноя 2013 . Установка и настройка Redmine на FreeBSD 9.0 . /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/
letitknow.wordpress.com/. /redmine-install-with-passenger-module-and-ldap -auth-on-debian-squeeze/CachedSimilarJun 10, 2012 . Introduction I was setting up redmine for some project management monitoring
https://www.mail-archive.com/freebsd-ruby@freebsd. /msg03211.htmlCachedDec 8, 2013 . Generated with FreeBSD Port Tools 0.99_11 (mode: update, diff: SVN) . THIN
https://forums.freebsd.org/viewtopic.php?&t=41256CachedSimilarThe following HOWTO describes step-by-step how to set up Redmine under
www.howtoforge.com/forums/showthread.php?t=44469CachedSimilarOther · FreeBSD · Commercial · Mini-Howtos . Has anyone installed Redmine
www.gamecreatures.com/blog/tag/freebsd/Cachedfreebsd. There are 8 posts tagged freebsd (this is page 1 of 2). . My Apache
vmdepot.msopentech.com/List/Index?search=tag:=redmineCachedDefault credentials are username: 'user' / password: 'bitnami'. Packages: apache
www.cyberciti.biz/faq/httpd-client-denied-by-server-configuration/SimilarSep 19, 2008 . Previous Faq: FreeBSD: Apache httpready filter – Failed to enable the .
https://www.phusionpassenger.com/. /Users%20guide%20Apache%204.0. htmlCachedJan 23, 2013 . PassengerResistDeploymentErrors <on|off> . . not limited to, Ubuntu, Debian,
yunalatte.com/?p=6Cached2014년 8월 30일 . config 에서 PASSENGER 사용에 체크. 4. redmine 설치 - 엄청난 패키지가 설치
hgotoh.jp/wiki/doku.php/documents/other/other-013CachedSimilar2010年3月14日 . freebsd. 市販NASへのファイルバックアップ例 · /etc/hosts.allow · FreeBSDでPT2を
www.freshports.org/www/redmine/CachedRedmine is a flexible project management web application written using Ruby .
unix.stackexchange.com/. /phusion-passenger-not-working-with-apache- while-installing-redmineCachedSimilarMay 27, 2013 . I am trying to install redmine (which is a ruby app ) in my arch system. . able to
markmail.org/thread/bx3m5iagpkkkse4pCachedMay 8, 2012 . . feed · permalink 1 message in org.freebsd.freebsd-rubyFreeBSD Port: www/
forums.zpanelcp.com/Thread-How-To-Install-Redmine-On-A-Zpanel-Server- Using-Apache-Passenger-and-Subversion?. CachedInstall Redmine On A Zpanel Server Using Apache Passenger and Subversion.
www.flagword.net/2011/02/upgrading-redmine-on-ubuntu-10-04/CachedSimilarFeb 15, 2011 . DocumentRoot /var/www/redmine-1.1/public PassengerAppRoot . Installing and
cheatsheet.logicalwebhost.com/redmine/CachedRedmine is a management suite that's open source and is based on ruby. . 0.4.0
mutolisp.wordpress.com/2010/06/01/howto-redmine-on-freebsd/Cached2010年6月1日 . cd /usr/ports/www/redmine # make install clean. 因為我要使用apache2 以及
https://redmine.openinfosecfoundation.org/. /Suricata_Snorby_and_ Barnyard2_set_up_guideCachedSimilarRedmine. . Edit /etc/apache2/mods-available/passenger.load (or create if it does
www.opencobol.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic. CachedBob; (everyone), we want something like FreeBSD on this? . But I'll be more