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Jul 1, 2010 . Pre-filling is a service the ATO provides to make it easier for you to meet your tax
The most common mistake people make is simply not holding onto receipts for
Jan 6, 2011 . For further information visit the Australian Taxation Office website. . Centrelink
This means receipts MUST be kept. The types of expenses the tax office
audit The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) may ask for more information to
Mar 9, 2011 . If you no longer have these receipts, you can allow the ATO to amend your tax
Jan 27, 2011 . Education tax refund – reminder to keep receipts. By Tax News . As per the
Does the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) accept digital (scanned) receipts for
Google ATO substantiation expenses or ATO written evidence. TAX RECEIPTS
Jun 21, 2011 . You need to keep your all tax records, including expense receipts, for five years
Sep 28, 2011 . This presents an issue when it comes to keeping receipts and financial records
Last year the Australian Tax Office (ATO) was able to process almost 90% of
libraries and archives) apply directly to the ATO for general DGR endorsement.
05. The Tax Office's 2004/05 Compliance Program. 06. Can I claim sun protection
that the loans could not be serviced by the income disclosed in the tax returns. .
After the ATO has processed your tax return you are issued with a "Notice of .
Dec 14, 2011 . The education tax refund (ETR) helps eligible families and . ato.gov.au .
Sample questions - Can I claim a tax deduction if I lost my receipt? Is there a
No, an electronic tax return is the only document lodged with the ATO. PAYG
Oct 15, 2010 . A tax deductible receipt can only be issued to a donor for gifts which are within
Jun 29, 2011 . ato.gov.au . Question D3 image from tax return for individuals form . receipts,
Nov 28, 2011 . ato.gov.au . Get a tax file number or Update your details . . in receipt of a capital
So from 1 July 2011 start keeping receipts for school uniform items so you can
The majority have applied to the ATO for individual endorsement as a DGR and
Education Tax Refund - Remember to Keep Receipts . Education Tax Refund,
Jul 20, 2009 . ATO's most commonly asked questions Same-sex couples; truck drivers in . by
Jan 11, 2011 . If you need a quick turnaround on your tax return - get the experts. . We can
Taxpayers Australia Inc - Tax . . Submissions - Treasury and ATO . . keep all
Sep 16, 2011 . Explains the requirements of a valid tax invoice and recipient created tax invoices
Browse > Home / Tax News & Views / ATO & Good record keeping for . leases,
Speak to a tax agent, or read the ATO website. . The "proof" is not just receipts
"Does the ATO every come to your house and check your receipts for . if you do
21 How long do I need to keep my receipts? . This means your assessment and
What is the difference between a tax invoice and a receipt? . the mandatory
ATO Tax Office Requirements. The tax laws can require you to have receipts
Oct 17, 2007 . For all those slackers who have yet to lodge their personal tax statement .
Enter a receipt for the value withheld, choosing the "Tax Withheld from . Enter a
Tax tips, suggestions and questions. Latest post: Tax exemption · View All Tax
Dealing with the tax auditors in Australia. . If you have lost the receipts, you may
A: The ATO advises all tax agents and taxpayers refunds should expect to . we
ATO Tax Tables. . Gross Tax Receipts. Income Tax Brackets .
Source: Australian Taxation Office, Taxation Statistics 2006-07 . from 0.9 per
expenses are over the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) threshold during a .
re; What constitutes a TAX Receipt ? according to ATO guidelines ? The reason I
May 18, 2010. Tax Tips & Tax Deductions Lodging Online Tax Return With ATO . to be
Please note that, due to our funding status, we are unable to offer receipts for tax
Jun 25, 2009 . Sorting out your annual tax return generally involves sorting through a . the ATO
Jun 29, 2011 . ato.gov.au . Question D1 image from tax return for individuals form . written
For expenses totalling less than $300, receipts are not required, however you will
Donations of $2 or over are tax deductible, and to claim a deduction you will