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Nov 4, 2011 . Why does the hard drive have two reallocation events but zero reallocated
Load Cycle Count 99 0 99. Temperature Celsius 39 0 55. Hardware ECC
"Main Menu > Function > Advanced Feature > Event Log" .
Jan 28, 2010 . C4 Reallocation Event Count 0 96 96 4025 OK: Always passes. C5 Current
After monitoring, it comes with S.M.A.R.T. Attribute: Reallocated Sectors Count &
C4 Reallocation Event Count 0 253 253 0 OK: Always passing. C5 Current
Some attributes (for example, 10 - spin retry count) are very critical. A small
Oct 14, 2010. Count 100 (100) Data 0000000206 05 Reallocated Sectors Count 200 .
Apr 8, 2010 . So I opened HD Tune today to check the health as usual once in a while. The
Apr 7, 2009 . I checked S.M.A.R.T. status and it fails Reallocation Sector Count and warns
196 Reallocation Event Count 100 100 0000000000-0001 000 (also marked with
Jan 5, 2011 . Read Error Rate; Reallocated Sectors Count; Spin Retry Count; End-to-End error;
For example, the "Reallocated Sectors Count" attribute value decreases as the
Oct 23, 2011 . T520 HDD Reallocation Event Count - ( 10-23-2011 03:48 AM ) · T4**, T5** und
Feb 16, 2010 . hige reallocated event count on my new hdd. Post here if you encounter any
#195 Hardware ECC recovered 253 252 731 Watch for astronomical number; #
195: SSD ECC On-the-fly Count Normalized Rate: 102 196: SSD Reallocation
. Power On Count, Spin Retry Count, Recalibration Retries, Device Power Cycle
Hi I have a hard drive that has 998375424 listed under Reallocation Event Count.
Mar 9, 2010 . Reallocation Event Count S.M.A.R.T. parameter indicates a count of remap
Note: C4 Reallocation Event Count has warning, the Data should be 0, but not 75
One thing I noticed when I ran Disk Checkup and checked the S.M.A.R.T.
Reallocation Event Count Storage. . Old 09-14-05, 04:48 PM. nVisiv. New
Nov 28, 2008. 4 Start/Stop count 0x12 100 100 29 5 Reallocated sector count 0x33 . 38 (
Device Model, Attributes ID#, Attributes Name, Special .
Apr 14, 2010 . I've just looked at the health status of my old 2,5 inch 500 Gb Fujitsu drive with a
Well, neither a full HD Tune scan nor a complete scan using Lenovo System
I don't know what is up with my luck with hard drives. So anyways, my Lenovo
My notebook drive, although I got it running (don't know how a knocking HDD can
There are yellow warning triangles next to G-Sense Error Rate and Reallocation
Power-off Retract Count,14286857,100,0,OK. Load/Unload Cycle Count,66871,
S.M.A.R.T. attribute list (ATA). This is the list of all known .
Download free xls files and documents about Reallocation Event Count or
Does Reallocated Event Count have any impact on performance? I have another
Reallocation Event Count S.M.A.R.T. attribute information. Active SMART -
Power Off Retract Count 98 558 Normal Load Cycle Count 78 227369 Good
C4 198 198 __0 000000000002 Reallocation Event Count C5 200 200 __0
S.M.A.R.T. attribute description. The following table was taken .
Πόσο σημαντικό είναι το "Reallocation Event Count" (S.M.A.R.T.);. Oct 27 2011,
[Archive] Reallocation Event Count Storage. . PDA. View Full Version :
The raw value is a vendor coded count that give, after decoding, the normal
Jul 8, 2011 . If Windows is blue screening, stalling/freezing, or displaying page file errors
The health status is now in Warning instead of OK because of the Reallocated
the reallocated event count was showen as OK. i wonder if its because the
Jun 4, 2010 . What's the difference? I have a HDD which reads 2 reallocated sectors and 1
2 days ago . 195: SSD ECC On-the-fly Count Normalized Rate: 105. 196: SSD Reallocation
193 Load/unload cycle count 188 188 00000000-8FAE 000 194 HDA
196,Reallocation Event Count,0200200,OK (Always passing),000000000000,0,
When you encounter a non-zero value in Reallocation Event Count and
196, 0xC4, Reallocation Event Count. Lower. Count of remap operations. The