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The representation in art or literature of objects, actions, or social conditions as
Definition of realism: Practical or pragmatic (as opposed to idealistic or visionary)
concern for fact or reality and rejection of the impractical and visionary. 2. a : a
Apr 21, 2001 . Political realism is a theory of political philosophy that attempts to explain . .
Jul 18, 2007 . Realism in the arts: the accurate, detailed, unembellished depiction of nature or
The heart of the American Legal Realist movement was an effort to define and
May 26, 2008 . I have been thinking a lot about Naïve Realism lately. It is a profoundly important
re·al·is·tic (r -l s t k). adj. 1. Tending to or expressing an awareness of things as
realism n. An inclination toward literal truth and pragmatism. The representation
Oct 3, 2005 . That much is the common (and more or less defining) ground of moral realism. As
as realism would be a simple task. A look at the representative sample of recent
Nov 20, 2006 . a new, more inclusive definition of magical realism, which will herein be . how
Definition of realism in the Online Dictionary. Multiple meanings, detailed
When academic critics attempted to define magical realism with scholarly
However, realism is most often associated with the novel. The term is from the
Read a comprehensible definition of the realistic and naturalistic art tendency
Definition of legal realism: View of nature of law that legal rules are based on
painting in a meticulously realistic style of imaginary or fantastic scenes or
Define realism. What is realism? realism meaning, synonyms and audio
National power has an absolute meaning since it can be defined in terms of
Definitions of hysterical realism, synonyms, antonyms, derivatives of hysterical
interest in or concern for the actual or real, as distinguished from the abstract,
Definition of Realism. Realism. As opposed to nominalism, the doctrine that
realism meaning, definition, English dictionary, synonym, see also 'magic realism'
Definition of Psychological Realism and related concepts.
Feb 15, 2008 . what does abstract art and realism have in common.
Definition of realism from the Longman Online Dictionary of Contemporary
Apr 27, 2011 . Before considering the nuances of what scientific realism entails, it is useful to
Top questions and answers about Realism Definition. Find 16 questions and
Definitions of Realism and Naturalism. From Abrams, M.H. A Glossary of Literary
socialist realism n. A Marxist aesthetic doctrine that seeks to promote the
The term magic realism describes contemporary fiction, often from Latin America
Classical realism is defined as the "drive for power and the will to dominate [that
Definitions. Broadly defined as "the faithful representation of reality" or "
a person who tends to view or represent things as they really are. 2. an artist or a
Definition: (1830-1870) An art movement also referred to as the Realist school. In
May 23, 2002 . Some various definitions of magical realism. Magical Realism--We recognize the
The art-historical definition of realism originated in the movement that was
Short scary realism. abstract on magic realism as literary stratergy, ppt realism
the more confusing the debate about magical realism's meaning became. The
noun. a tendency to face facts and be practical rather than imaginative or
noun. a person concerned with real things and practical matters rather than those
interested in, concerned with, or based on what is real or practical: a realistic
Social realism - Topic:Fine arts - Online Encyclopedia - What is what? Everything
Realism Definition Online Appraisal and Evaluation Services - Realism.
a Marxist aesthetic theory calling for the didactic use of literature, art, and music
realism: n. the art of depicting nature as it is seen by toads. the charm suffusing a
re·al·ist (r -l st). n. 1. One who is inclined to literal truth and pragmatism. 2. A
dirty realism definition, meaning, English dictionary, synonym, see also 'realism','
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