Other articles:
Sep 9, 2011 . By now everyone should know that the Razer Onza is currently my number one .
Nov 29, 2011 . My Razer Onza TE edition review . turn. I was excited about the Onza for some
Apr 12, 2011 . To learn how to change the thumbstick's angle and sensitivity, visit this link:
Posted: Sun May 22, 2011 10:14 am Post subject: Razer Onza. Best Controller,
One crucial feature every tournament controller for the Xbox 360 has to get right
Jul 27, 2011 . I had a Microsoft controller that suddenly got horrible slow turn yesterday for no
I finally got a Razer Onza the other day and I happened to get one that has
reflectzyn - Team AmazYn Website http - Razer Onza Tournament edition. The
Apr 22, 2012 . Chaos's Mod Spotlight - UseCount Mod! (Count Usage of Tools and Armor. [
7 Nov 2011 . http://reflectzyn - Team AmazYn Website http://www2.razerzone.com/onza/ Razer
The Razer Onza's slow turn is horrible when in 90 degree mode. I took mine back
Jan 20, 2012 . PlayStation DUALSHOCK3, Razer Onza, Mad Catz MLG Pro Circuit . Both
I pre-ordered a Razer Onza controller. Like it. Worth the money. It΄s a legal . Best
This will set the calibration to an increased sensitivity (45 degrees) and will help
For Halo: Reach on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "
reflectzyn Team AmazYn Website http Razer Onza Tournament edition. The
Purchase the Razer Onza Controllers from as little as £39.95 at Limexb360 the
http://reflectzyn - Team AmazYn Website http://www2.razerzone.com/onza/ -
May 31, 2011 . reflectzyn Team AmazYn Website http Razer Onza Tournament edition. The
Razer Onza Prototype Xbox 360 Controller: Slow Turn Tested - Microsoft Xbox
reflectzyn - Team AmazYn Website http - Razer Onza Tournament edition. The
K.L. Smith: "Im supposed to be the Onza expert right? Well I may have forgotten
Razer Onza controller Xbox Area. . There is a difference, just not many notice as
Apr 8, 2011 . This controller feels amazing, if you've ever owned a Razer mouse, you . though
Second, slow turn makes it not suitable for professional play, and IMO, not even
. to sign in or register. Subject: Razer onza. Loading. . . However, sanding didn't
reflectzyn - Team AmazYn Website http - Razer Onza Tournament edition. The
Jul 20, 2011 . Apparently a revised edition of the Onza TE is already in the works. If Razer can
Personally, I haven't had this issue quite yet with the Razer Onza. . may run into
To anyone with slow turn issues on the Razer Onza try this http://help.razersup.
http://reflectzyn.com/gagdets/2011/04/05/razer-onza-slow-turn -better-check-
May 26, 2011 . As far as Slow Turn goes, Razer released a video that explained how to unleash
Samsung 2494HM, Razer BlackWidow, Silverstone Strider Plus 750,
I had a Microsoft controller that suddenly got horrible slow turn yesterday for no
Apr 5, 2011 . I'm supposed to be the Onza expert right? Well I may have forgotten to show you
Our console expert, Razer|Water, shows you how to increase the sensitivity of
reflectzyn - Team AmazYn Website http - Razer Onza Tournament edition. The
Razer Onza Prototype Xbox 360 Controller: Slow Turn Tested. Order: . Read up
Jul 19, 2011 . microsoft has slow turn, razer doesn't and you sitll suck at halo. Locked thread.
2) Razer Onza Tournament Edition Prototype: Slow Turn Tested. Kendall '
Makowski :: Razer Onza Review :: w/ Slow Turn Fix :: Motion Entertainment Video
Fix Onza Slow Turn Issues. To anyone with slow turn issues on the Razer Onza
Apr 24, 2011 . I've had my Razer Onza Tournament Edition for exactly one month now. . . Left
Jun 1, 2011 . reflectzyn - Team AmazYn Website http - Razer Onza Tournament edition. The
Apr 6, 2011 . K.L. Smith: "Im supposed to be the Onza expert right? Well I may have forgotten