May 17, 12
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  • Dec 24, 2011 . Given that the entrance to the Ravenclaw's common room requires the students
  • You shake your head as you think about the comments that your fellow
  • Luna lets the two of them into the Ravenclaw common room (the entrance is not
  • The entrance to the room is at the top of a spiral staircase, and is a door without
  • Where in the castle is the hufflepuff common room … . enter a door to the right of
  • How do you find the Ravenclaw common room from Hogwarts entrance hall? In:
  • 3.) Ravenclaw Commonroom. Blast the gold book on the shelf in the back of the
  • Walk up to the door and press “Z” to gain entrance. 10. Exit out of the Ravenclaw
  • The entrance to the Ravenclaw Common Room is at the base of Ravenclaw
  • he mutters, stopping at the entrance to the room. Wandering around the castle,
  • Sep 20, 2010 . Area A is the common starting area, also known as the Entrance . This is the
  • Entrance Hall. 3. . Slytherin Common Room. 14. Slytherin Dormitory. 15.
  • Nov 23, 2011 . The Ravenclaw Tower is located on the west side of Hogwarts, the . The
  • Author, Topic: Ravenclaw Common Room (Read 128 times) . be given to the
  • The Ravenclaw common room is located in Ravenclaw Tower at the Western
  • The same reason why the entrance to the Slytherin common room is a bare
  • Then, go to the entrance of the Herbology room. . . to get into the ravenclaw
  • 1 Entrance Hall, 1 Ravenclaw House Store, 1 Gryffindor House Store, 1
  • 4.1 Gryffindor; 4.2 Hufflepuff; 4.3 Ravenclaw; 4.4 Slytherin . . The Hufflepuff
  • The entrance to the room is at the top of. Description. The Ravenclaw common
  • May 12, 2008 . a riddle at the Ravenclaw common room entrance. Known Ravenclaws: Filius
  • Feb 20, 2011 . DarkJade14. Topic: Ravenclaw Common Room and Dorms. Ravenclaw Tower,
  • Sep 28, 2007 . The Ravenclaw common room is a chamber located in the Ravenclaw . the
  • Feb 7, 2007 . My conception of the Ravenclaw Common Room. No Copyright infringement
  • Tell us how you think Ravenclaw Common Room really looks like. . The
  • We obviously see a lot of the Gryffindor common room throughout the novels and
  • Either the prefects bathroom, the Ravenclaw Common Room (entrance), and/or
  • I'm in need of either a quesion or riddle that can be asked by the eagle knocker
  • Description: Ravenclaw common room. Keely - July 6, 2005 01:42 PM (GMT).
  • In the Viaduct Entrance in front on the bookcase next to the stuttering portrait. . .
  • While the entrances to at least two of the other common rooms are guarded by
  • Ravenclaw Tower is located on the west side of Hogwarts, the staircase leading
  • . There are currently 10 HP video games. Which game are you . www.ask.com/questions-about/Ravenclaw-Common-Room - CachedRavenclaw Common Room (UAM) | Facebookis on Facebook. To connect with Ravenclaw Common Room (UAM), sign up for
  • Post Subject: Ravenclaw Common Room Tue Dec 14, 2010 9:09 pm . The
  • No mention is made of any portrait or statue guarding the room's entrance;
  • Jun 13, 2011 . Ravenclaw > Common Room . The entrance to the room is at the top of a spiral
  • Home, Ravenclaw Students, Floo Network, Common Room, House Info, Head .
  • You've been sorted into Ravenclaw! hogwartsshield.jpg. Founder: Rowena
  • The entrance into the Ravenclaw common room could bring problems because
  • We know where the entrances are to Slytherin, Gryffindor, and Ravenclaw
  • The entrance to the common room is at the top of a spiral staircase, and is a door
  • The Ravenclaw common room is located in one of the castle's towers, the
  • The eagle shaped knocker responded as the entrance to the Ravenclaw
  • Ravenclaw's colors are blue and bronze, but in the movies the colors are blue .
  • The common room has lots of low backed black and dark green leather sofas
  • . Siege; →; Hogwarts Castle; →; Fourth Floor; →; Ravenclaw Common Room .
  • The Hufflepuff Basement serves as the common room for students in Hufflepuff .
  • Jun 29, 2004 . Once you have been officially stamped as a Ravenclaw, please request entrance
  • May 6, 2008 . Where is the Ravenclaw common room/dorm located? A tower to which the

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