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Dec 24, 2011 . Given that the entrance to the Ravenclaw's common room requires the students
You shake your head as you think about the comments that your fellow
Luna lets the two of them into the Ravenclaw common room (the entrance is not
The entrance to the room is at the top of a spiral staircase, and is a door without
Where in the castle is the hufflepuff common room … . enter a door to the right of
How do you find the Ravenclaw common room from Hogwarts entrance hall? In:
3.) Ravenclaw Commonroom. Blast the gold book on the shelf in the back of the
Walk up to the door and press “Z” to gain entrance. 10. Exit out of the Ravenclaw
The entrance to the Ravenclaw Common Room is at the base of Ravenclaw
he mutters, stopping at the entrance to the room. Wandering around the castle,
Sep 20, 2010 . Area A is the common starting area, also known as the Entrance . This is the
Entrance Hall. 3. . Slytherin Common Room. 14. Slytherin Dormitory. 15.
Nov 23, 2011 . The Ravenclaw Tower is located on the west side of Hogwarts, the . The
Author, Topic: Ravenclaw Common Room (Read 128 times) . be given to the
The Ravenclaw common room is located in Ravenclaw Tower at the Western
The same reason why the entrance to the Slytherin common room is a bare
Then, go to the entrance of the Herbology room. . . to get into the ravenclaw
1 Entrance Hall, 1 Ravenclaw House Store, 1 Gryffindor House Store, 1
4.1 Gryffindor; 4.2 Hufflepuff; 4.3 Ravenclaw; 4.4 Slytherin . . The Hufflepuff
The entrance to the room is at the top of. Description. The Ravenclaw common
May 12, 2008 . a riddle at the Ravenclaw common room entrance. Known Ravenclaws: Filius
Feb 20, 2011 . DarkJade14. Topic: Ravenclaw Common Room and Dorms. Ravenclaw Tower,
Sep 28, 2007 . The Ravenclaw common room is a chamber located in the Ravenclaw . the
Feb 7, 2007 . My conception of the Ravenclaw Common Room. No Copyright infringement
Tell us how you think Ravenclaw Common Room really looks like. . The
We obviously see a lot of the Gryffindor common room throughout the novels and
Either the prefects bathroom, the Ravenclaw Common Room (entrance), and/or
I'm in need of either a quesion or riddle that can be asked by the eagle knocker
Description: Ravenclaw common room. Keely - July 6, 2005 01:42 PM (GMT).
In the Viaduct Entrance in front on the bookcase next to the stuttering portrait. . .
While the entrances to at least two of the other common rooms are guarded by
Ravenclaw Tower is located on the west side of Hogwarts, the staircase leading
. There are currently 10 HP video games. Which game are you . www.ask.com/questions-about/Ravenclaw-Common-Room - CachedRavenclaw Common Room (UAM) | Facebookis on Facebook. To connect with Ravenclaw Common Room (UAM), sign up for
Post Subject: Ravenclaw Common Room Tue Dec 14, 2010 9:09 pm . The
No mention is made of any portrait or statue guarding the room's entrance;
Jun 13, 2011 . Ravenclaw > Common Room . The entrance to the room is at the top of a spiral
Home, Ravenclaw Students, Floo Network, Common Room, House Info, Head .
You've been sorted into Ravenclaw! hogwartsshield.jpg. Founder: Rowena
The entrance into the Ravenclaw common room could bring problems because
We know where the entrances are to Slytherin, Gryffindor, and Ravenclaw
The entrance to the common room is at the top of a spiral staircase, and is a door
The Ravenclaw common room is located in one of the castle's towers, the
The eagle shaped knocker responded as the entrance to the Ravenclaw
Ravenclaw's colors are blue and bronze, but in the movies the colors are blue .
The common room has lots of low backed black and dark green leather sofas
. Siege; →; Hogwarts Castle; →; Fourth Floor; →; Ravenclaw Common Room .
The Hufflepuff Basement serves as the common room for students in Hufflepuff .
Jun 29, 2004 . Once you have been officially stamped as a Ravenclaw, please request entrance
May 6, 2008 . Where is the Ravenclaw common room/dorm located? A tower to which the