Other articles:
Sep 6, 2011 . The history of rating agency reform has not been inspiring. Until recently, it
Jun 17, 2011 . The ratings agencies have won victories over investors in several courts . “In
Dodd Frank: How rating agencies contributed to the financial crisis. By Anupama
Sep 14, 2011 . “The Dodd-Frank Act cracked down on the credit rating agencies, the firms that
Sep 6, 2011 . "A spate of new Dodd-Frank rules for the rating agencies 'doesn't really respond
Specific and additional disclosure for ratings related to ABS products. In addition,
May 23, 2011 . This Securities Law Alert provides practical tips for meetings with credit rating
Regulation FD and Rating Agencies: The Landscape After Dodd-Frank. Posted
Aug 11, 2011 . The Dodd-Frank Act enacted last year required the banking agencies to remove
This Note summarizes key provisions of the Dodd-Frank Wall .
Act's Credit Rating Agency. Reform on Public Companies. The Dodd-Frank Act
SEC Actions Dodd-Frank Provisions Re: Credit Ratings/Agencies. SEC Proposes
Jul 27, 2011 . A Republican aide said lawmakers would press regulators and rating agency
Cadwalader's Dodd-Frank Act Resources. . and the Regulation of Credit Rating
Jul 27, 2011 . For example, the rating agencies used untested models that were revealed to be
May 18, 2011 . SEC Proposal Cracks Down on Credit Rating Agencies . of the Dodd-Frank Act
By Erika Weinberg The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection
Jun 6, 2011 . A recent investigation by ProPublica's Bernstein and Eisinberg shows that
Aug 25, 2010 . Dodd-Frank focuses on the structure of credit rating agencies, requiring revisions
Sep 15, 2011 . Is Credit Rating Agency Reform Being Lost in the SEC Shuffle? . in the Dodd-
Credit Rating Agencies in the Aftermath of Dodd-Frank. Jul 29, 2011. On
Aug 2, 2011 . Republicans, though they're generally opposed to the Dodd-Frank financial
Jul 21, 2011 . At this point, the Dodd-Frank bill appears pretty much exactly like you'd . Last
Among other reforms, the Dodd-Frank Act establishes the Office of Credit Rating
Aug 1, 2010 . Dodd-Frank Measures Affecting Credit Rating. Agencies. Subtitle C of Title IX of
Sep 23, 2010 . The disastrous twins, ratings agency credit ratings and RWAs (risk weighted
Colloquial name(s), Dodd–Frank, Wall Street Reform, Financial Regulatory
Jul 27, 2011 . The Commission currently also is working to complete studies related to rating
Aug 4, 2011 . “There's no upside for the rating agencies in this debacle.” Congress and federal
Mar 29, 2011 . In the aftermath of the financial crisis, Congress passed the Dodd-Frank Financial
Dodd-Frank: Rating Agencies And The ABS Market. Law360, New York (January
Jul 27, 2011 . Page 2 of 25. Oversight of the Credit Rating Agencies Post Dodd-Frank. On
Summary of Credit Rating Agency Provisions in Dodd-Frank Act. 07-16-2010.
Nov 1, 2011 . Dodd-Frank created an Office of Credit Rating at the Securities and Exchange
Sep 30, 2011 . The SEC conducted the examinations as required by the Dodd-Frank Act, which
Aug 15, 2011 . In the wake of the financial crisis and criticisms of how the rating agencies
Jul 21, 2011 . Dodd-Frank strengthened oversight of credit rating agencies to better protect
Jul 28, 2011 . This section of Dodd-Frank was included with bipartisan support as a means to
Sep 1, 2011 . Al Franken wrote an amendment to Dodd-Frank that would change the issuer-
Oct 3, 2011 . The Dodd-Frank Act has broad and deep implications that will touch every corner
Hearing entitled “Oversight of the Credit Rating Agencies Post Dodd-Frank”
Sep 1, 2011 . The Dodd-Frank Act cracked down on the credit rating agencies, the firms . A
2012 Alston & Bird Dodd-Frank Teleseminar Series: Regulating the Rating:
Aug 23, 2010 . DODD – FRANK: CREDIT RATING AGENCIES, PART I. Credit rating agencies,
Nov 25, 2010 . The temporary solution to a flaw in the financial regulatory bill may become
Dodd-Frank Act's Impact on Rating Agencies as the ABS Market Continues to
Dodd-Frank will have a significant impact on the activities, organization, and
Oct 25, 2011 . OCTOBER 2011. Dodd-Frank Issue Brief: Requirements Affecting Credit Rating
Jun 3, 2011 . The full credit rating agency reform envisioned under Dodd-Frank is turning out to
Aug 3, 2011 . Everyone hates the big credit rating agencies—Standard & Poor's, Moody's, and