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The rarest blood-type ever is A-H and only ~12 people in the entire world has it!
One never knows when this vital need may arise. And when it does, . The rarest
The situation of needing rare blood types is an actual problem that happens in
17% of people who don't give blood cite "never thought about it" as the main .
Aug 27, 2009 . Why Rare Blood Types : Arranging rare blood types donor ( rh negative . body
May 10, 2012 . There are several rare blood types, including B-, O-, and the rarest . out recently
Source: http://www.kgbanswers.co.uk/what-is-the-rarest-blood-group-ever/1.
Is O Positive Blood Rare?. A person's blood type is determined by the antigens in
Apr 26, 2012 . I have never donated blood either, but they have taken samples . They love me
Feb 1, 2012 . The KGB Agent answer: Blood type AB negative is the rarest. Only 1 person in
Rare blood types can cause supply problems for blood banks and hospitals. . .
However, at the blood center we think of the rarest type as being the one we don't
Anyone here knows what's the rarest blood type? I wonder. and much . There's
But I'm wondering if my fairly rare blood type means its more or less . Does
The rarest blood type is AB negative and it is found in about 3% of the . If you're
I was curious about my rare blood type, and so what started out as a simple . .
What is the rarest blood group ever? The KGB Agent answer: AB- is the rarest
Mar 23, 2010 . To those that think the world is overpopulated, have you ever seen how . .. It's an
A: i don't know what the rarest is but i know mine is quite rare it's -B and like 2% of
Rare blood types & factors.. RH- negative are you rh- neagtive blood type?
Apr 19, 2011 . The only issues you may run into is problems with blood transfusions, if you ever
Have any of you ever heard of type A-H blood? If only 3 people have it, then, i
If you, or one of your loved ones, have ever needed blood, you already know how
Aug 10, 2010 . Rare Blood types and Rare Blood information with charts and . By the way, if
Blood Type & Rh, How Many Have It, Frequency. O, Rh Positive, 1 person in 3,
Rarest type of blood? What is the rarest type of blood ever found in a human
Detection of a Rare Blood Group “Bombay (Oh) Phenotype”. Among the Kutia .
Sep 2, 2010 . But ask about blood type and you may as well audition for Twilight. . . I'm AB
Jan 18, 2010 . In the United States, the rarest blood type is AB Negative. About 1 in about 170 .
Aug 1, 2009 . 1 of 9 Stories from I Have a Rare Blood Type · Previous Story for I . Anybody
O Negative Blood Type - One of the most common appeals from hospitals and .
Feb 28, 2012 . I think A- is the second or third rarest blood type. . O+ mother and an O+ father
Jan 12, 2012. to me that i don't think i've ever asked about my blood type. as it turns out, .
Rh null blood group is even rarer. Only 32 people in the world own ever been
Which is the most rarest of all blood types? blood type o. What is the most
Jan 12, 2012 . and it occured to me that i don't think i've ever asked about my blood type. as it
Feb 4, 2012 . If we donate as a group, will blood be available to our employees and families? .
If your blood type is AB-, congratulations, you are part of 1% of the world's
Rare blood types & factors RH- negative are you rh- neagtive blood type . I don't
Apr 8, 2012 . What is the rarest blood type ever recorded? ChaCha Answer: The rarest blood
One aspect of the wide variety of humans is all the different blood types. .
I am curious if any of you have parents that have a rare blood type or . with
The rarest blood type is AB- and less than 1% of the world population . The
2nd rarest blood type (Rock on, AB Negative!). I didn't donate blood . And I was
1) "The rarest blood type is the type that's not available when YOU need it!" 2) "
Nov 18, 2006 . Is this your first preganancy ever (i.e., no previous pregnancies that ended . . I
It would never strike to us, that our blood type or blood group can also be a
"Whats the rarest blood type? . The rarest ABO group is AB which is found in ~ 3
the Rarest blood type is a blood type only ever found in a nurse in
Jul 28, 2011 . The idea that my blood type was responsible for some of my gut issues is . . type