Jan 5, 12
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  • Learn how to tie a clinch knot at JustSportfishing.com. . Learn how to tie fishing
  • Mar 31, 2011 . I started using this knot when I tied my lures on straight to braid. 'Improved Clinch'
  • Braid>Swivel = Palomar Braid (or leader)>lure with no split ring or swivel =
  • better knot that the double loop rapala knot/trilene knot. . work) I have done with
  • Animated Knots by Grog - index of fishing knots. . knots in monofilament and
  • Wade's World Fishing: The Rapala Knot is intended to be tied directly to the lure.
  • I use I roller swivel at the end of the braid and a Rapala knot at the lure unless it's
  • Dec 29, 2011 . Albright Knot · Arbor Knot · Australian Braid Knot · Bimini Twist Knot · Blood
  • Choosing the right fishing knots and knowing how to use them is very . Rapala
  • BOB SANDS BRAID KNOT Tying nylon leaders, Connecting Topshot to Braid
  • Jun 22, 2011 . http://www.animatedknots.com/australian Australian Braid Knot - Learn how to tie
  • Jun 15, 2007 . I havnt tried it yet, but anyone know how the rapala knot holds with braid? (
  • Sufix is now part of the official Rapala and Respected Rapala brand Facebook
  • Learn to tie a variety of knots like the Rapala Knot, the Improved Clinch Knot, the
  • I usually "uni knot" 1-2 feet of 30 lbs test to my braid and then tie a rapala
  • [Archive] Loop knots with braid General Fishing Discussion. . Use a standard
  • The Albright Knot is by many considered the best knot for joining two lines of
  • The Braid Knot is the most secure way of connecting a swivel to braid lines. . a
  • These fishing knots are the most important link from you to the fish, here are the
  • It is one of the few recommended knots for use with braided lines. palomar_knot.
  • Rapala Knot Tying Animation (fishing) . Rapala Knot Details. Uses: The Rapala
  • One important note- When tying with braid for the tuna we go up 7 turns and then
  • Rapala knot. 30. Jansik special. 32. Worlds Fair knot. 33. Palomar knot. 34. Triple
  • Rapala Knot Techniques, Strategy & Presentations. . If you are doing it with
  • Trilene - A good knot with a good hold. Can be tricky to tie until you get the hang
  • The introduction of braided fishing lines knots solved the problem of breaking fish
  • Animated Knots by Grog - the different uses for fishing knots. . NOT
  • ive been snagged up and have not lost one rapala on a rapala knot. but what i do
  • 2) What do you think about attaching the Rapala to the leader with a snap swivel
  • Couple nights ago my nephew caught a big one on the braid and the hook came off
  • Also the palomar is so simple that it can be tied in the dark. This knot is good for
  • Fishing knots!!! Tie fishing knot by following the instructions.
  • The Rapala Knot creates a loop which enables the lure to behave in an
  • Aug 8, 2011 . One of the most important rules of fishing braided line is having a . To attach a
  • Arbor Knot Tying Animation (fishing) . Then tie a second overhand knot in the
  • Feb 3, 2009 . Basically, two small fixtures hold the line (or knot) and pull slowly apart, . use the
  • Sep 15, 2011 . Tie a loop at the end of a fishing line. Rapala Knot. Tie a lure or fly to a line with a
  • Then attach the mono onto the end of this braid using a uni to uni knot. Carry on
  • line to a hook, two lines together, to make a loop, tying braid to your leader, etc.
  • Berkley Braid knot versus the Fish-n-Fool. Episode 7 of Knot Wars, fro. .
  • The 8 1/2-by-11-inch, plastic laminated chart includes diagrams of 18 knots,
  • Essential saltwater fishing knots printed on waterproof plastic cards. . Jam Knot
  • I have my favorite knots for nylon, but not sure w… . I like the rapala knot for
  • Jul 29, 2011 . Providing the sensitivity of braid with the forgiveness of . . Rapala Knot | How to
  • Jun 9, 2011 . http://www.animatedknots.com/australian Australian Braid Knot . Rapala Knot |
  • Also Includes; Rapala Knot, Joining wire to Line, Nail Loop Knot, Joining coated
  • Using a Rapala Knot, tie a fishing swivel to the end of the braided line. To tie a
  • Braid fishing lines are a relative new comer to the world of fishing in comparison
  • The Rapala knot is very similar to the Miller as if it was mod from . Albright
  • Oct 21, 2009 . Don't know why the knot doesn't work as well with braid. The only knots I ever

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