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Hi! I'm developing a test application, just to experiment a little bit with ajax. Right
Mar 15, 2009 . Adventures of Jaime Bellmyer, A Freelance Ruby on Rails . I'm reading it (finally
May 30, 2006 . link_to("Delete article", { :action => "destroy", :id => @article }, :confirm => "Are
Rails AJAX calls without using link_to :remote helper. Posted on August 31, 2011
How to assign a css class or id to link_to method in Ruby on Rails. Posted on 06
Aug 10, 2010 . On one of my apps I recently converted to rails 3 (to be in production next month)
May 27, 2010 . Using link_to in rails with :confirm and :method - Every time i'm going to use .
link_to(image_tag(product.image_url), line_items_path(:product_id => product),
Rails `link_to_with_notification` Helper Method. January 16, 2012 | Baylor Rae'
Mar 29, 2012 . on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to rubyonrails-talk@
And a third for making the link do a POST request (instead of the regular . . New
Dec 12, 2009 . In Rails you can easily use the link_to helper in your templates to create links that
Sep 27, 2008 . Back to posts. Viewed. times . Highlight link based on current page in rails .
The link_to method is one of Rails' built-in view helpers. It creates a hyperlink
link_to "My first blog in Ruby on Rails", posts_path %> I need help to know how
Does anyone know if it's possible to generate a link_to with :post . at the source,
RDFa Link_to methods behave exactly like rails link_to methods. . rdfa_post
Sep 6, 2009 . Popular Posts. Rails Basics : link_to. It is an almost Rails convention that you
Apr 6, 2012 . Posts tagged with link_to . In this article, I'll walk through a basic Rails (3.2.x)
Creating Links In Rails Views Using link_to. Posted on May 10, 2012, under
May 25, 2007 . Rails: Does the option :host work in link_to? shiwei zhang. Guest. Posts: n/a .
It seems that you really want a single element form (in this case, a button). If so,
=link_to 'Videos', videos_path(@video), :method => :post. In source inspector i
Rails 3: Make "link_to :remote => true" replace HTML elements with jQuery . do
I've ran into a ror problem using the link_to. Why does my link to use . I think
Oct 28, 2005 . Rails has a helper names link_to that builds <a href> links for you. Unfortunately
Mar 28, 2012 . The question is how to create this: <a class="btn" data-toggle="modal" href="#
Rails 3: Using link_to :remote => true with jQuery UJS The Rails Unobtrusive
Mar 5, 2012 . Here's a tip when using Rails' button_to and link_to URL helpers! Never ever
Sep 15, 2009 . This entry was posted in Open source, Ruby on Rails and tagged form, image,
link_to. Importance_5. Ruby on Rails latest stable (v3.2.1) - 15 notes - Class: .
Jan 2, 2012 . Unobtrusive JavaScript is not applied to HTML generated link_to with a :method
Active state for link_to == active_link_to. A solution for building navigation
Feb 27, 2007 . I am attempting to use a link_to helper to perform a form post using the following
Jan 28, 2011 . Instead of <%= link_to "cancel", :controller => "posts" %> the generated code is
Aug 8, 2009 . link_to post.title, post — this is almost the same as we did for post's user earlier.
You are updating exist batch, but not creating, so you should make PUT request
Jul 8, 2006 . Please note that this post is over four years old - it's from 2006! As such, these
As the post above suggests, it was because I didn't have the Rails javascript files,
link_to with :method=>:delete not working ( Rails 3 ) (Page 1) - Controllers and
How do I make a remote POST request with custom parameters with a . Well, I
Feb 2, 2011 . link_to help in Rails 3.0.3. Is there a way to get link_to . Open this post in
Feb 17, 2012 . You could change your link_to call and include :method=>:post so it does . are
Useful for having links perform a POST operation in dangerous actions . Current
Dec 16, 2008 . Karl has posted 1 posts at DZone. . Link_to Image_tag Rails . description of
Luckily, the third parameter to link_to is a hash of HTML options. <%= link_to "
using a link_to = link_to "My settings", edit_manage_account_path, :class => "
Aug 4, 2011 . Rails' link_to: specifying miscellaneous attributes . in the middle, or after those "
4 days ago . How to send link_to parameters using POST on Rails 2. <%= link_to "Nuevo
May 6, 2009 . Tags:controllers, helper methods, link_to, Ruby on Rails. May 6 . After a fair bit