Other articles:
Jan 23, 2012 . Membase and Python Development Tutorial . This tutorial will guide you through
python setup.py install. On Mac OS X and Linux you will need to do the above as
If you download a python package, it's usually an archive file in the .zip or .tar.gz
Tutorial - Getting started - SFML and Python . The purpose of this tutorial is to
Feb 1, 2006 . cd foo $ python setup.py bdist_egg $ sudo easy_install . should read the Trac
Mar 31, 2012 . Create, configure, deploy and scale a Python application on Heroku, using .
May 3, 2010 . Python packages can be installed with python setuptools, which uses distutils as
Throughout this tutorial, we'll walk you through the creation of a basic poll .
This tutorial covers installation and use. The YoLinux . Yolinux.com Tutorial .
Example setup.py templates . py2app is a Python setuptools command which
Now we need to make the setup.py, which is like a python Makefile (for more .
git clone https://github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn-tutorial.git. In the following we
Download and extract the library. ● Install PyFacebook. ● sudo python setup.py
To familiarize yourself with pyinotify, run a first example like this: $ cd pyinotify-
Mar 14, 2011 . C:\Tutorial>python setup.py install. "install" is a Distutils command that installs
Oct 19, 2008 . zaatar:~/projects/myproject-0.2.0$ python setup.py sdist . .. zaatar:~/projects$
editor's note - I had a few missing dependencies for the tutorial, fixed with the
Dec 8, 2011 . python setup.py install. If you have more than one . There is also an example
How can I perform "python setup.py install" in BeautifulSoup?- and .
Apr 1, 2009 . For example, a package whose code relates to SQL can be called . python
For a more detailed look at packaging a larger project, see this example. Let's
Mar 21, 2012 . In order to do so, cd to the “tutorial” directory you created in Make a Project, and
Jan 2, 2012 . In this example, we'll install into /opt/skytools-2.x.x against a postgres . python
Feb 24, 2012 . Biopython version - edit Bio/__init__.py; Biopython Tutorial - update the . drevil:~
Feb 7, 2012 . After these new dependencies are added, you will need to rerun python setup.py
Sep 24, 2009 . setup.py is a python file, which usually tells you that the . Here is a tutorial on the
But, I suppose, if you want all that then you will have no trouble extending it from
Mar 14, 2012. Installing using setup.py; Installing the C Extensions; Installing on Python 3 .
Try running: python setup.py develop . A tutorial in how to use these is outside
To install setuptools visit http://pypi.python.org/pypi/setuptools and follow the . of
Python Extension Programming with C - A beginner's tutorial containing . form
Python 3 support; Tutorial. Loading YAML . python setup.py --with-libyaml install
You can learn to use Python and see almost immediate gains in productivity and
Apr 7, 2011 . This gives a minimal Example on how to Extend Python with C. Linux is used .
python setup.py install. There are a couple sample scripts in the example folder:
Apr 9, 2009 . What if, for example, we want to be able to see all the TODO tags in the . . You'll
In order to do so, cd to the “tutorial” directory you created in Making a Project, and
Now we need to make the setup.py, which is like a python Makefile (for more .
How to create Windows executable (.exe) from Python scripts, a tutorial. . To
Jan 4, 2008 . Python setup.py distutils tutorial. How to use distutils. I started this a year ago and
buildout is source project; Example: zope.event . setup.py for defining egg .
Apr 3, 2009 . Hopefully this tutorial will fill that void. . setup.py. mypackage. the folder
Nov 21, 2007 . So as we can see it already has a setup.py which is part of the distutils . . Tags:
Jan 19, 2011 . If you'd like a real-world example, I could point you towards the setup.py scripts of
As we saw in section A Simple Example above, the setup script consists . in your
Jul 31, 2010 . For this tutorial, we're going to use a wxPython script that doesn't do anything.
python setup.py install. which will ultimately copy foo.py to the appropriate
In this tutorial we are going to create a working wiki from scratch using Pylons . ..
There is a setup.py shipped with libtorrent that can be used on windows. . For an
Setup. tar zxvf sslstrip-0.9.tar.gz; cd sslstrip-0.9; (optional) sudo python . . (