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An alternate prefix can be specified using the --prefix=<prefix> option. For
Mar 26, 2012 . python setup.py build --compile=mingw32 install. On Windows . python setup.py
To install a package with setup.py and the --install-lib and --install-scripts options,
python setup.py build: This command copies the *.py files to a staging area . .
Mar 24, 2009 . I want to write a setup.py script, which accepts my package specific parameters.
Apr 1, 2009 . From there, the script provides several commands that can be listed with the -
Feb 3, 2006 . If we are using setup.py to install the python > David> modules, then it . Also, the
You need to have Python 2 (2.5 or later for OpenERP v6.0, 2.6 or 2.7 for . The
For these options look at the official Python documentation. The other, and
Feb 23, 2012 . installers can override some of what you put in setup.py by editing setup.cfg; you
How do you ensure that these libraries are compiled with faster compiles and the
To build the application in alias mode, execute setup.py with the py2app
If this happens, replace the PythonSetup action with r.Run('./setup.py --<options>'
The setup.py file is at the heart of a Python project. It describes . If you want to
In addition, they may depend on build options that aren't reflected in the egg
If these packages were installed in non-standard places, try passing the following
May 1, 2011 . They were both installed through sudo python setup.py install so there . Options
There is a setup.py shipped with libtorrent that can be used on windows. . you
To install SCons in a version-specific location, add the --version-lib option when
sudo python setup.py install. see recommended setup. Another option is to use
Dec 8, 2011 . python setup.py install. If you have . . The "upload" command has a number of
5 days ago . /home/jcauwels/application/sandbox/bin/python setup.py . line 197, in main
Apr 25, 2010 . I'm looking for a way to include some feature in a python (extension) module in
Integrating with distutils / python setup.py test¶ . You can also pass additional
Feb 23, 2012 . It is enabled with a simple option: python setup.py install --user. Files will be
Apr 3, 2009 . setup.py. mypackage. the folder containing your Python code; should be the
Jun 9, 2011 . It's diagnostically useful to include all the output from setup.py. . or in
To make this topic appear first, remove this option from another topic. There was
If you'd prefer Genshi to not use this native extension module, you can explicitly
Oct 19, 2008 . zaatar:~/projects/myproject-0.2.0$ python setup.py sdist . . Foundation; either
Jan 7, 2012 . py.test has some useful options, for example to output the tests in JUnit XML
Oct 11, 2009 . I have installed a python package with python setup.py install . . of all files, you
Jan 14, 1999 . setup.py [global_options] cmd1 [cmd1_options] [cmd2 [cmd2_options]] . The
I have three options on windows: 1. . ttools-2.1>python -c mingw32 setup.py
Jan 5, 2012 . Downloading/unpacking MySQL-python Running setup.py egg_info for . in <
The basic usage of setup.py is: $ python setup.py <some_command> <options>.
python setup.py bdist_egg . Conveniently, ez_setup.py also takes the same
Some MPI-1 implementations do require the actual command line arguments to
May 7, 2010 . Consider the case where you want your setup to install third-party software, but
Copy the following section in a new file 'preferences.py' to # avoiding changing
If you want them in /usr/local/bin instead, you would supply this absolute directory
python setup.py nosetests. This command has . to your setup.cfg. The [nosetests
Feb 23, 2012 . The packages option tells the Distutils to process (build, distribute, install, etc.) all
metadata, options = get_config() File "D:\MySQL-python-1.2.3c1\setup_windows.
python setup.py install . . With the new MSI installer you also have the option to
Dec 20, 2009 . It is required in MySQL-python setup.py. . I got this error in setup_windows.py: .
Users download the stub and invoke it with any command line arguments
Oct 25, 2009 . #78 why does "python setup.py MYCOMMAND --verbose" not yield an
Feb 17, 2010 . Any of these options can come immediately after setup.py on the command-line.
Cheetah's installation is managed by Python's Distribution Utilities ('distutils').
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