Other articles:
Feb 17, 2011 . In case you missed it, this week we elaborated on the not so funny dangers
There are a variety of reasons why teens use drugs, including helping to relieve
Parenting tips on how to stop teenage smoking. Effective punishment for teens
Nov 18, 2009 . Handle Punishing Teenagers. Your teen deserves to know how he will be
Hi my daughter is 16 years old and I really don t know what to do with her She is
Feb 4, 2011 . Punishment and grounding teenagers is a popular method with parents, but it
Jun 30, 2010 . HELENA — Alcohol is too easy for kids to get and the sanctions against
Punishments should generally not be longer than three weeks or teens may not
Mar 3, 2007 . By punishing your teen, you may feel that you are in control of them, but it will
Dec 6, 2010 . Gay teens are far more likely to be harshly punished by schools and courts than
Dec 15, 2010 . Guest blogger Kate Tuttle: A study recently published in the journal "Pediatrics"
Mar 23, 2010 . Punishment Rules For Difficult Teenagers. Teenagers are notoriously hard to
Instead of viewing a teen boot camp as a punishment, look at it as an opportunity
The Great Big Punishment Page We hear an awful lot these days about how
teen drinking, teen substance abuse, teenage drinking, underage drinking,
. it deemed the punishment of caning to be excessive for a teenager committing
For instance, one Watch member punished is a teenage girl, and her punishment
Teens and lying; there will come a time when you will catch your teen in a lie. .
Mar 25, 2011 . my friend has just put her 13 year old out of control daughter through a home
Harsh Punishment for Teen DUI Offender, No Compromise. There has been a
Have you ever punished your child in the heat of the moment, when you are
Diaper discipline, also called diaper punishment or "DD", is a type of
Sep 5, 2009 . What is just punishment for smoking weed? My boys are 16 & 17. When a
Jul 9, 2008 . What sort of new punishments can parents use on high-tech teens? I don't think
I am old enough to know that committing a crime is wrong and that if I commit one
In the meantime, don't ease up on the punishments because you feel her pain. .
Victor L. Streib, The Efficacy of Harsh Punishments for Teenage Violence, 31 Val.
Nov 2, 2009 . Two Indiana teenagers have sued their school district after they were punished
My daughter has been getting into trouble at school Her most recent was passing
22 hours ago . Mobile phone confiscation has become the most dreaded method of punishment
Many parents have had to actually decrease the punishments that the teen has
2 days ago . Parents of teenagers know all too well how difficult it is to get along with the
Apr 7, 2009 . Punishment for teens is out. Making restitution is in. Teenagers learn to be more
7 comments. Posted July 1, 2010 - 19:53 by Lela Davidson. Filed under Channel:
Mar 22, 2008 . Well, I am a teenager. 15 years of age. And, i was wondering what your rules on
Nov 21, 2008 . If you want to fight with your teens, punish them! Teens do not like punishment.
Dec 8, 2010 . Gay, lesbian and bisexual American teens are more likely to experience school
May 5, 2009 . First, you need to understand that scaring them into doing what you want is not
Common Punishments for Teenagers You may have noticed that as your child
Sep 4, 2007 . I almost didn't write this post,but I think the more input I get the better I can deal
Jun 11, 2006 . A parent writes in, “We are having a hard time in our family deciding on
A technique effective with school-age children and teenagers, it involves
Disciplining a teen is different than disciplining a younger child. Teens are too old
Top questions and answers about Teenage Punishment for Lying. Find 350
Sep 21, 2011 . Have you ever punished your child in the heat of the moment, when you're angry
So, for example, would a total and lengthy grounding be an effective punishment
my daughter is fifteen and i punish her by: no cell phone no seeing boyfriend no hanging out with friends no dance no shopping no computer .
Enforcing punishments as consequences for disobeying rules or doing
How can you get a teenager to respect your authority? . especially unlikely to be
Knowing the difference between discipline and punishment is also important