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. if you volunteer for us) are also donated into the public domain. . damn dirty
Aug 28, 2006 . I bet that they have a pretty good selection of books on tape and, to a lesser . of
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Would you like to record chapters of books in the public domain? It's easy to
Books | Magazines on Tape | Online Texts | Descriptive Video | Newsline . light
About Large Print Books; About Audio Books; Local Public LIbraries; Free
Thousands of free audio books that you can download in mp3, iPod and iTunes
Books on Tape Coming Soon . To the left & right you will find links to New
This public domain audio book is read and recorded by Michael Scherer.
Apr 24, 2012 . Books on cassette tape . Under "Type," choose CD-Book or Playaway. .
If, for example, someone has collected public domain images in a book or on a . .
Feb 1, 2006 . Dead White Males -- Public Domain Books and Poems. Like many other Web-
Mar 17, 2006 . LibriVox gives books a voice in the public domain. by Rebecca Fernandez .
LibriVox recording of Public Domain Works of H. P. Lovecraft. . DigiBarn, The
Or perhaps you want to put on tape a book that already exists in the public
Jan 20, 2009 . Use the Advanced search and choose the Format "Audio Book" in the . The '
Jun 25, 2010 . I made a post about The Gutenberg Project a while ago, and here is something
Apr 25, 2012 . The Louisville Free Public Library's popular downloadable . In the meantime,
A public domain book is one that was never subject to copyright or whose .
Try the archive's site OpenLibrary for an interface to the published books on
Jun 4, 2010 . Right now this is one more advantage that public domain books and . vBookz is
Thousands of free audio books are available for the taking on the Web. . offer
To find audio files of Jane's books, please click on the AV and E-text page. .
Search for Books, Music, Videos… About the Catalog . Audiobooks. Playaway
Our goal is to make all public domain books available as free audio books. . a
Sacred-texts home · Neopaganism Grimoires · Buy CD-ROM Buy Esoteric and
Sep 12, 2005 . This all-volunteer website provides free audio recordings of public domain books.
LibriVox Horror - Collected Public Domain Works of H.P. Lovecraft Collected
Aug 25, 2006 . Public Domain Books, Ready for Your iPod . Eventually she upgraded from a
Sep 1, 2011 . The Auraria Library has few recorded books on CD. . Provides free audiobooks
Listen to French audio books and audio magazines to work on your listening
LibriVox uses volunteers to read chapters from books that are available in the
Sep 5, 2010 . Let's say that you simply take these 20 Public Domain books about trains and
Our goal is to make all public domain books available as free audio books. .
There are large print books, books on cassette tape and computer disk. . find
Here's a selection of sites where you can get public domain recordings. . Using
I listened to Girl of the Limberlost on tape and it was one of the best books on
Sep 24, 2011 . Free English Book on Tape: Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union .
Language Learning Forum : Language Programs, Books & Tapes . in the public
It may be in cassette tape, CD or MP3 format. . Georgia Download Destination
Download Free Audio Books of great works by Twain, Tolstoy, Hemingway, .
May 27, 2010 . Where online can I find FREE books-on-tape in MP3 or other digital format? .
Is it Sinful to Take Public Domain Books and Sell them for Profit? Introduction;
Jun 8, 2011 . Free English Book on Tape: Making a Rock Garden by Henry . This public
No fee or registration is required, but if you find Project Gutenberg useful, we
Our goal is to make all public domain books available as free audio books. . The
Oct 19, 2007 . Online Database of Free Books-on-Tape . of them) record themselves reading
Books on tape and books on CD may not be as convenient as a book . files of
May 10, 2006 . The classic vampire story by Bram Stoker revolves around a struggle between
Lists of recordings in the public domain or copyright searches *; Extensive