Other articles:
Jan 10, 2011 . Requirements: · PS3 on FIRMWRE 3.55 (so update it to v3.55/latest firmware first)
Dec 21, 2011 . It seems that people that update their PS3 via PSN tend to be more prone to
Mar 24, 2012 . PUP" to the UPDATE folder that is inside the PS3 folder on flash drive change the
last updated May 09, 08 at 4:33pm; is ther any way i can transfer my saves from
Jul 30, 2011 . Put it in your USB flash drive on folder path like this “x:\PS3\UPDATE\PS3UPDAT.
Aug 28, 2009 . 7 - once you power back on, make sure you have a drive (USB - thumb or disk)
Sep 1, 2009 . This is a simple, user-friendly guide on how to update the firmware on the PS3
You can update directly from the PS3, you can update using data on a game disc,
Jan 16, 2011 . Put the folder "PS3" on a USB flash Drive 2. Go to Settings > System Update 3.
You'll need to copy the ps3 update file into the correct folder on your usb drive. It
2) Download Update 3.56 from playstation.com via PC and put it on a flash drive
I have always been scared to download the PS3 system updates directly on my
Jun 7, 2008 . "Just tried to do a system update on ps3 via flash drive but didnt work!!!?" - Find
I had download the ps3 software with my pc to place the most recent ps3 software
Sep 30, 2007 . Album Name (when copying whole album to drive) . UPDATE (firmware update
How to Transfer Update to a PS3 Using a USB Flash Drive. PlayStation 3 video
May 23, 2011 . Within the PS3 folder, create a folder named "UPDATE". . To reinstall from Safe
3 days ago . 3. Copy PS3UPDAT.PUP to your flash drive. You'll need to create this folder: X:/
. out how to update your PlayStation®3 System using your computer, a USB
Feb 28, 2012. capabilities. USB flash drive or hard drive FAT32 formatted. . 20) Perform a
Mar 18, 2011 . Sony is out with the latest update for PS3 firmware. Yes, PS3 Firmware 3.60 is
I'm trying to use a USB flash drive to update my PS3's firmware but the PS3
You are able to update the PS3 system computer software utilizing a USB flash
Mar 6, 2007 . Before I got my PS3 online I updated the firmware via USB flash drive. First I
Aug 23, 2011 . This Post is for beginners that want to learn how to update their PS3 from a usb
PS3 users can upgrade the size of the hard drive space on their system in a .
Jan 29, 2008 . have a 1GB flash drive formatted in FAT32 but it doesn't recognise this.Whats the
4 days ago . Support. Get answers for your PlayStation support questions from other users in
Now, to get the update onto the PS3 you will need to use either a flash memory
Apr 1, 2011 . But when i put my flashdrive in ps3 and select download via storage device a
Ok so I am trying to install custom firmware onto my PS3 and I am at the step . I
How do you update a PS3 using a flash drive? . How do you save PS3 games
I've tried SD memory card, SD mini memory card, USB flash drive, and . you're
Oct 1, 2011 . NBA 2K12 Official Roster Update/ Custom Roster Thread (PS3). This is a .
Nov 3, 2007 . I am trying to update my ps3 to the current software version 1.93. I downloaded it
Sep 7, 2007 . This guide explains how to manually download PS3 System Software (firmware)
Copy TrueBlueUpdate-2.3.pkg from this archive to a USB flash drive . After the
Sep 7, 2010 . I click on the link and it began to download onto my flash drive in the UPDATE
Jan 7, 2011 . Using a USB Flash Drive is the safest way to update your PS3 Software. The first
Update latest PlayStation®3 system software to include latest security patches, .
Oct 26, 2008. to update the firmware of your PlayStation 3 console using a flashdrive. . PUP
Sep 30, 2010 . Drag the whole thing (the folder marked ps3) over to your USB flash drive, once
May 8, 2011 . This will allow the user to update their PS3 console with new firmware in same
Feb 7, 2012 . PS3 System Software Update v4.10 Live Now: Download Link Here. . or a USB
Format your flash drive to FAT32 Create a folder and name is PS3 Inside the
Jul 19, 2011 . Transfer the MinVerChk file to a USB flash drive, as if it were an upgrade (e.g. x:/
PUP file downloaded from the Playstation System Software site to update my PS3
So can game updates be downloaded on a PC and then installed via cd/dvd or