Other articles:
Jan 29, 2011 . Publishing 3.56's signing keys on github opens the door for new custom . No,
Oct 11, 2011 . You got questions; DemonHades has answers. Posted in the other DH forum
I installed the latest update 3.56. Still see the "you are owned" . http://www.ps3-
That would be sweet. Didn't jailbreak mine yet, and ended up upgrading so I
Apr 19, 2011 . Posted in Blind Fire | Tags: games, hacks, linux, playstation, PS3, ps3 hacks, ps3
Feb 4, 2011 . 3.56 Jailbreak For PS3? . PS3 Hacks ChrisTechTV.com – The Best Site For PS3
Jan 26, 2011 . I just got prompted to download a new firmware update version 3.56 on my ps3. I
PS3 firmware 3.56 hacked in less than a day, Sony's lawyers look confused (
Mar 6, 2011 . On several forums on the internet someone using the nickname EndeverouX,
Mar 30, 2012 . There is a way to downgrade your PS3 Slim firmware from version 3.56 . PS3
Jan 29, 2011 . PlayStation 3 Firmware 3.56 is Hacked and Jailbroken by KaKaRotoKS within the
Jan 27, 2011 . btw, it's easy to find the new keys.. I might write a script for that.. in the meantime:
Watch ps3 hacks 3.56 videos online for free on Indiatube section of
Jan 26, 2011 . It's not like there's a link to the hack. Anyone who wants to circumvent the
. .com/gaming/comment/ps3-firmware-update-3.56-is-coming-soon/ . These
Mar 8, 2011 . This definitely isn't going to be nice reading for Sony, but it looks like someone
Apr 3, 2011 . The dongle can launch homebrews on PS3 with 3.56 firmware, without
How do hack mw2 ps3? Take a REALLY big axe and hit it as hard as you can.
Jan 26, 2011 . A new mysterious PS3 update has gone live. It is a mandatory update so you will
Feb 21, 2011 . Waninkoko's PS3 Custom Firmware 3.56 http://www.ps3tuts.com/wanicfw.
Jul 14, 2011 . News; Posts; PS3 CFW; PS3 Files; PS3 Hacks; PS3 Help; PS3 Releases . . I
Jan 27, 2011 . PS3 Hacks ChrisTechTV.com – The Best Site For PS3 Hacks And A Lot More –
Jan 26, 2011 . It's out -- System Update! According to Mr. Lempel, "A new PS3 system software
Official Firmware, PS3 Hacks , 29.01.2011. PS3 firmware 3.56 has been released
Feb 21, 2011 . PS3 Jailbreak 3.56 Download Link IS LEGIT ps3 cfw 3.56 downgrade custom
PS3 Firmware 3.50 hack/ JAILBREAK – 10-10-2010,11:31 PM. Hi, i have not
Free Download mw2 hacks for ps3 3.56 Free Download availalbl at http://
Mar 7, 2011 . Last month Sony filed a far-reaching request for expedited discovery which would
This year PS3 hacks has become a hot topic for PS3 gamers from all over the
Can people get over the freakin 3.56 jailbreak. Once sony does a system update
Click on the image below to get an URL 3.56 UPDATE HERE TO DESTROY PS3
PS3 firmware 3.56 has been released, it is highly advised to NOT update at this
Mar 7, 2011 . Hacker discovers PS3 3.56 exploit, will not release . . The PS3 hack allows
A: Let Gamers answer your question: Was Update 3.56 for PS3 just to combat the
1 hour ago . The LittleBigPlanet Community is about to get a very special treat! Very soon,
PS3, mod, PS3 Jailbreak, jail break, PS3 backup, PS3 pirate games, PS3
PS3 Firmware 3.56 Is Now Live: Takes Shot At Hacks, Doesn't Work. 01/26/2011
his i have a ps3 with ofw 3.56 and want to mod to use cfw so i can back .
Today PS3 hacker Mathieulh reports finding a PlayStation 3 Firmware 3.56
Jan 29, 2011 . PSjailbreak New Version Working On New Ps3 Firmware 3.56 ! ! !Official Page:
Apr 27, 2012 . Who has JFW-DH-3.56 MA installed on their PS3? If you do then this could be
Jan 28, 2011 . Email a copy of: Sony patches PS3 to 3.56, hackers immediately open . . I don't
Aug 10, 2011 . Well today sony released the new fw version for the PS3; that is version 3.70. but
Feb 3, 2012 . An XMB application that places the PS3 into factory service mode. . cant