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Noun: proxy war. A war instigated by a major power that does not itself participate
(root)/trunk/examples/ohloh-proxy/war-jdk6/pom.xml - Rev 3513. Rev . <name>
example of a proxy war between these values, José Bové's anti-globalization
Jul 16, 2006 . A Proxy War: The Israeli-anti-Israeli Debacle . Egyptian and Jordanian citizens (
We don't have to look further than the Cold War for examples of this although . of
What is the significance of proxy wars? Proxy wars are where two powers fight
Oct 14, 2010 . How did anarchists respond to the wars of that ripped Yugoslavia apart . .. In the
Examples. Main article: List of proxy wars. [edit.
May 16, 2011 . Interstate proxy wars in the Third World had little to do with the . Examples of
Research conducted by the Centre for the Study of Civil War at PRIO, using the
Example : the end of the Cold War brought an end to many of .
Jan 30, 2010 . Great powers have occasionally used humanitarian aid as a proxy to . During
Noun, 1. proxy war - a war instigated by a major power that does not itself
Examples. “There is no alternative because the proxy war is a political problem.”
The most well-known example of a proxy war in history is the Cold War. In the
It provides two historical examples, the United Nations operation in the. Congo in
Oct 2, 2007 . WASHINGTON - "Proxy war" is the kind of term that's regularly batted around
Feb 4, 2012 . Proxy War in Syria Threatens Catastrophe for the Middle East . For example, the
This is a list of proxy wars. This list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it.
Jan 29, 2012 . Nations participating in a proxy war against another relation improves everyones
Sep 15, 2011 . Provide an example of a proxy war during the Cold War era. List the major parties
AProvide an example of a proxy war during the Cold War era List the major Britain; United States. 8.3 After World War II. 8.3.1 Cold War; 8.3.2
For example, Angola's Civil War during the 1970s was a prominent proxy war of
Another example of a proxy war was East Germany's covert support for the Red
Both of the latter cases are examples where one side was fighting a proxy war,
Noun, 1. proxy war - a war instigated by a major power that does not itself
Jun 24, 2009 . Victor Fung IB History November 17, 2008 Proxy Wars during the Cold .
Proxy war definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with . an
(For example, see the Foreword to PROXY WAR, and the Afterwords to
For years, Lebanon has been the most tragic example of proxy wars. Similarly,
In the era of the Cold War, proxy wars were often orchestrated on a large scale by
What were the proxy wars of the cold war. Both North Korea and North Vietnam
"the capitalists and communists fought a proxy war in Vietnam" … this example
Some recent proxy wars. The Spanish Civil War, the 2006 Lebanon War, and the
Tubiana The Chad–Sudan Proxy War and the 'Darfurization' of Chad 3 . .. March
Feb 17, 2005 . Vietnam stands as the first modern day proxy war. It serves as a distinct example
Mar 13, 2011 . National Example or Pyrrhic Victory? . Thus Wisconsin can continue to serve as
Proxy wars are common in the study of international relations. An example would
Jun 24, 2011 . Can we expect to see similar behavior regarding proxy wars, where. . The
Another example of a proxy war was East Germany's covert support of the Red
goal achievement via proxy conflict in client states. The earliest Cold War
Feb 6, 2012 . Posted by xcroc under Africa command, African Union, proxy war, . with Libya
Examples of two proxies fighting each other were the 1973 Arab-Israeli War and
Jul 8, 2009 . leme look for an example.. i ll edit my answer once i find it edit: Proxy wars were
Jan 13, 2012 . For years, Lebanon has been the most tragic example of proxy wars. Similarly,
Proxy war - Description: A proxy war or proxy warfare is a war that results when .
without direct superpower intervention is a war by proxy if there is some
Feb 13, 2012 . "proxy war" definition: a war instigated by a major power that doesn't itself . (20
Our decade long "proxy war" against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan is an