May 27, 12
Other articles:
  • promptness definition, meaning, English dictionary, synonym, see also 'prompt',
  • . Service", "To Improve Performance", "To Inspire Promptness" or "To Insure
  • Synonyms for promptness at with free online thesaurus,
  • Definition of promptness in the Dictionary. Meaning of
  • Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Can't connect to the
  • Definition of PROMPTNESS. the quality or habit of arriving or being ready on time
  • promptness n 1: the characteristic of doing things without delay [syn: promptitude]
  • promptness meaning, definition, English dictionary, synonym, see also 'prompt',
  • PROMPTNESS Defined Using a Free Online - Cachedpromptness - Dictionary of English▶verb. 1 cause or bring about. ■ (prompt someone to/to do something) cause
  • PROMPTNESS: Review the definition, meaning, pronunciation, explanation,
  • Promptness Definition, Definition Promptness, Promptness - Definition for
  • This definition clearly encompasses more than the application for assistance. The
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  • The habit or characteristic of doing things without - Cached - Similarpromptness - definition of promptness in the Medical dictionary - by . 1 the rate of change of position with time. Compare velocity. 2 See
  • Reasonable Diligence Law & Legal Definition. Reasonable . A lawyer shall act
  • Promptness - Definition of Promptness is presented by 1913 online Webster's
  • Definition of promptness. What is meaning of promptness in all . - CachedMinimizing Maximum Promptness and Maximum Lateness on a - JstorA < dj - si < A + pj for some constant A. For each job Jj (j = 1,. , n), its promptness
  • Promptness Meaning and Example Sentence: Meaning, definition, sample
  • Definition of promptness with German, Dutch, French, Italian, and Spanish
  • It's all symbolic. . Promptness \Prompt"ness\, noun. 1. . 138 Moby
  • Promptness definition, definition of promptness, Anagrams of promptness, words
  • Define prompt. What is prompt? prompt meaning, synonyms and audio
  • Meaning of Promptness: Promptitude; readiness; quickness of decision or - Cached - SimilarDefine promptness – kgb answersFeb 4, 2012 . Define promptness The KGB Agent answer: promptness: the characteristic of
  • Make us YourDictionary! Drag this button YourDictionary to your bookmarks bar
  • promptness. Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary. Jump to: navigation,
  • Is Promptness a Scrabble word? Is it Scrabble dictionary, and What is
  • Authors: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z. Definition of
  • Carried out or performed without delay: a prompt reply. tr.v. prompt·ed, prompt·ing
  • promptness definition. Meaning of promptness. promptness definition. Free
  • Dictionary for promptness : promptness Definition,promptness Synonyms,
  • PROMPTNESS definition : n. The habit or characteristic of doing things without
  • Prompt definition at, a free online dictionary with pronunciation,
  • definition of promptness - the characteristic of doing things without - CachedPromptness Meaning and DefinitionPromptness Meaning and Definition. (n.) Cheerful willingness; alacrity. (n.)
  • )? · An SOP is the number of days we have to process an application for benefits
  • prompt —adj. 1. performed or executed without delay. 2. quick or ready to act or
  • AskDefine is an online English dictionary. It features auto completion of search
  • Definition of promptness in the - CachedWhat is the definition of promptness? - True KnowledgeWhat is the meaning of the word promptness? . prompt (pr mpt) adj. prompt·er,
  • Each of these required services is defined in federal regulations. . . do so, and
  • A style that anyone native to Miami or that has lived there 10+ years adapts to. It
  • Definition of expedition in the Online Dictionary. Meaning of expedition.
  • Discover what are words like promptness. Discover what is a synonym for
  • Domain, Definition. Noah Webster, 1: [Noun] Readiness; quickness of decision or
  • Promptness definition at, a free online dictionary with

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