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6X loading dye (Promega cat#G1881) lambda DNA HindIII/EcoRI molecular
Store ProMega-Markers at 4°C (39°F) and do not freeze. . Ordering Information:
Jun 9, 2008 . 100 bp DNA molecular marker (Promega, Madison, WI; cat. no. G210A). 6X
6x loading dye (Promega). Methods: 2 % agarose gel (1 g agarose and 50 ml 1x
May 19, 2010 . So I wanted to ask you guys whether this blue/orange dye 6x is supposed to be .
Dec 16, 2009 . Materials TAE Buffer or TBE Buffer (1x); 6x loading dye (Fermentas/Promega);
(Promega) for the later DNA quantification process. Into the 4 tubes of extracted
Sara Mann: sara.mann@promega.com, (708) 389-0172. Joyce Guse: . Your
Bluelorange 6X Loading Dye (G190A): The Blue/Orange 6X Loading Dye
Blue/Orange Loading Dye, 6X from Promega. . Blue/Orange Loading Dye, 6X, is
Fisher Scientific, For loading DNA samples onto nondenaturing gels, G1881.
In this experiment, 37 restriction enzymes were tested for activity in Promega
0.5X TBE buffer: 45 mM Tris-borate (pH 8.3), 1 mM EDTA. 4. 6X Gel loading
ALWAYS balance the load in the centrifuge; Capless 1.5 ml vials serve as . .
Amazon.com: DNA Loading Dye, 6X (Promega): Toys & Games.
www.promega.com • techserv@promega.com. 3. Classic . Promega Subcloning
The TrackIt™ Cyan/Orange Loading Buffer is a 6X solution containing all
Storage Buffer: The 200bp DNA Step Ladder is supplied in IOmM Tris-HCI (pH
For loading DNA samples into gel electrophoresis, this 6X DNA Loading Dye is pre
Oct 11, 2011 . loaded once the gel has solidified. For lower MW DNA, use 100 bp or 250 bp
Convenient marker dye used for loading DNA samples into gel electrophoresis
Unit Price, $114.00. Data Sheet, http://www.promega.com/catalog/
Jun 6, 2007 . 6X DNA Loading Dye: This is required to load with your samples in gel . The 6X
Each ladder is provided with a tube of 6X Blue/Orange Loading Dye. PCR
Using a microwave, dissolve 0.8 g of agarose in 80ml of TBE buffer; Pouring the
3 μL 10x Buffer . Add 6 μL of 6x loading buffer to each of your samples. b. .
Promega currently offers five different loading buffers: Blue/Orange Loading Dye,
Do not use dye. ▪ Include an 8 ul aliquot of Promega DNA ladder + 2 ul of
Nov 2, 2010 . When making aliquot I take 100ul of the DNA ladder from the freezer, and add
PrintEmailPDF. Promega products currently stocked in the RPCI Onsite Research
Gel Loading Dye, Blue (6X) Concentration: 500 μg/ml. Recommended Load: 0.5
2) Add 2 ml of 6x gel loading dye to 10 m l of each PCR product. . marker (our
Promega Corporation Promega Corporation. プロメガ株式 . 欢迎访问Promega
Loading Buffer, 6X, Sigma #G7654. Mung bean nuclease, Promega # M4311.
Nov 1, 2008 . ethidium bromide (Promega, cat#H5041). 6X loading dye (Promega cat#G1881).
.5X TBE, DNA electrophoresis box, Power supply, Agarose, SYBR Safe DNA gel
Digested plasmid was stained by the addition of 3μl of 6x Loading buffer (
GeneRuler™ 100 bp Plus DNA Ladder can be labeled radioactively with T4
. Gel Loading Buffers / Gel Loading Dyes / Tracking Dyes; DNA .
6X GelRed and GelGreen loading buffer was premixed with DNA ladders (1:6 . .
PROMEGA-Loading dye, 6X, BLU/OR. PROMEGA-Loading dye, 6X, BLU/OR. Product Code:
2. Gel electrophoresis-grade agarose. 3. 1X TAE buffer. 4. 100 bp DNA molecular
TBE electrophoresis buffer (Sigma T. 4415). • PCR Marker, 50-2000 bp (Novagen
. see Preparation Tips #4 TBE electrophoresis buffer Sigma T 4415 PCR Marker
Protocol for Promega and Stoffel brand Taq . 2.5 µl 10X PCR buffer. 8.33 µl H20
The ladders are not intended for use in quantitative analysis. Each ladder is
Component Listing for G1881. 3 x 1ml, Blue/Orange 6X Loading Dye . Quality
Blue/Orange Loading Dye, 6X (Promega,. Cat # G1881). - 1 kb DNA Ladder (
Promega. G1881. Blue/Orange Loading Dye, 6X (3X1ml) - 3ml. $30.45. New
Promega* Conventional DNA Digest Molecular Weight Markers . and