Dec 19, 11
Other articles:
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  • Jan 1, 2011 . Processed Food And Health. Processed foods include any foods that have been
  • Trying to eat for good health but short on time? Here's our list of some of the
  • Oct 18, 2007 . Processed Foods can wreak havoc on your health with little nutritional benefit.
  • Last year, the journal Health Affairs reported that about 75 percent of the $2.2
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  • Oct 19, 2005 . 90% of the money Americans spend on food goes to processed foods. Other
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  • eating healthy cooking healthy feeling great. Printer friendly version. What are the
  • Apr 7, 2011 . The diet of modern Americans bears little resemblance to the foods our ancestors
  • pressure on the already over-burdened health related economic costs of these
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  • Nov 4, 2010 . Why are we obese? A public health expert singles out booming sales of shelf-
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  • In the 1940, a medical doctor named Dr Pottenger wanted to know how
  • Reduction of fat content in final product e.g. by using baking instead of deep-
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  • Reducing the salt in your food is a big part of a heart-healthy diet. The American
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  • From the Harvard School of Public Health. . Takes Detective Work: Learn more
  • Tips on reducing or eliminating processed foods from your pantry. Eating whole

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