Other articles:
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twitchy.com/. /presidents-approval-rating-hits-9-year-high-pres-bush-that-is/CachedJun 20, 2014 . Gallup favorability ratings of living Presidents has Pres. . headline have been
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hotair.com/. /gallups-clickbait-obamas-still-pretty-popular-among/CachedJul 11, 2014 . Based on a data dive on its daily tracking poll on presidential approval ratings,
www.jstor.org/stable/2749215public support and the throwaway presidency" (pp. 357-58). . These two recent
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presidentialpolls.com/tags/obama-approval-ratings/CachedSep 16, 2014 . Gallup. o Approve – 41%. o Disapprove – 55%. President Obama's mid-
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thehill.com/. /207664-obamas-low-approval-ratings-could-hurt-democratsCachedMay 30, 2014 . For nearly a full year now, President Obama's job-approval rating has been stuck
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elections.huffingtonpost.com/pollster/obama-job-approvalCachedSimilarPolls and chart for Obama Job Approval. See the latest . Approve, Disapprove,
dailycaller.com/. /gallup-obama-first-term-approval-ratings-among-lowest-in -modern-history/CachedSimilarJan 21, 2013 . A Gallup poll released on the morning of Barack Obama's second public . The