Other articles:
a. premonition b. pursuit c. ominous d. utmost. Give a synonym for tumult in the
There's now a science of premonitions. For the first time in history, we can now
a sense of something about to happen; premonition. [from obsolete French, from
Example Sentences. Ted cleared his throat, and it was just that: not a premonition
I have had three or four very striking and vivid premonitions in my life which have
Oct 30, 2011 . Can Use premonition in a sentence or 2? ChaCha Answer: As soon as I saw the
Find English Sentence Examples. Input an English word or phrase. This is a case
Feb 2, 2012 . The word premonition is the "anticipation of an event, w/o conscious reason". [
Sample sentences (English) for "premonition". He did not have a premonition,
Write an original sentence, for each word, that shows you understand the
"But . . . the sentence says that I cannot prove it true!" He laughed out loud. "
Nov 9, 2010 . he's the God that got your sentence reduced. But in the back of his mind, . the
Dec 29, 2011 . There's now a science of premonitions. For the first time in history, we can now
. Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li (2009); The Other End of the Line (2008)
How can you use the word premonition in a sentence. I had a . (Tell your
"He had a sudden premonition that the room in which they were having a
He started the audience along this particular path with his first two sentences by
How to use premonition in a sentence. Example sentences with the word
Premonition Meaning: Meaning, definition, sample sentence of .
Use premonition in a sentence. Premonition, a troubling of the spirit, told her that
Find English Sentence Examples. Input an English word or phrase. This is a case
May 29, 2010 . Phrays is a game for word lovers. In Phrays you try to write a sentence that best
The second sentence, not without premonition of the great flights later, is almost a
Definition of “premonition”: a feeling of anticipation of or anxiety over a future
Real people have premonitions also called precognitive visions,learn how to
Find English Sentence Examples. Input an English word or phrase. This is a case
If I was told to sum up Deadly Premonition in one sentence, I am not entirely sure
A guide into lucid dreaming, dream premonitions and dream energy. . Yet as
The Spanish Word for premonition. Now you know how to say premonition in
Find 6 questions and answers about Use Gallant in a Sentence at Ask.com Read
Dec 14, 2009 . A sentence with premonition? 2 years ago; Report Abuse · Kitt by Kitt. A Top
Top questions and answers about Use Premonition in a Sentence. Find 5
Did Mrs. DeFeo have a premonition of the murders? . He is currently serving his
And yet into him who sits in the seat of power a premonition of something
Example Sentences. Ted cleared his throat, and it was just that: not a premonition
If I was told to sum up Deadly Premonition in one sentence, I am not entirely sure
Encyclopedia Search results: Use-Premonition-in-a-Sentence. Stylistic device.
Apr 1, 2010. review it, and instead offered their entire synopsis in the following sentence: "
Premonition (2007). Poster for Premonition. IMDB · Digg · del.icio.us · TwitThis .
Definition of premonition meaning of premonition – Webster's Dictionary
Jul 4, 2009 . What's wrong with a premonition, for example? Off the top of my head, the
Sentence Maker: premonition. The Sentence Maker allows you to enter a word or
Precognition also called future sight, The related terms, premonition (from the
Dec 2, 2010 . In those above, you'll notice that the verb used with premonition is had. Both of
Feb 1, 2012 . How do you use premonition in a sentence? The KGB Agent answer: The
What is a sentence using the word premonition? ChaCha Answer: I had a
Looking for sentences or phrases with the word premonition? Here are some
How do you use premonition in a sentence? In: Sentence and Word Structure [
Dictionary Home » Sentence Examples » calamitous . Premonition a
Can use premonition in a sentence? ChaCha Answer: I felt a vague premonition