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Adding the pptx extension fixed the problem. To avoid future problems with other
checked on the web and found a solution to add the pptx mime type on my server
Mar 5, 2007 . I needed to add new mime-types to IIS 6 in order to allow download of new MS
Extension, Mime type, Icon. jpg, image/jpeg. jpeg, image/jpeg. gif, image/gif. png,
Feb 6, 2011 . Hello, Probably this question has been asked before; but I could not find it in the
This page lists the full set of MIME types webmasters should set in their . .pptx.
Feb 24, 2010 . I had some issues recently with the new MS Office files like: .docx .pptx .xlsx –
This time in the PowerPoint sphere, PPTX is a Presentation format that stores .
checked on the web and found a solution to add the pptx mime type on my server
You might try: "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.
Nov 7, 2011 . pptx is the latest Power point format from microsoft office.https://github.com/EllisLab/CodeIgniter/pull/653 - Cached[#WBDV-192] Identify the mime type of pptx files - Atlassian Plugins . When a Office2007 pptx file is uploaded via WebDAV Confluence does not
How to add MIME types for docx, xlsx, and pptx for Plesk running IIS 6. I needed
We need this both for what we set in IIS and for the HttpContext.Reponse.
Jul 23, 2008 . If the MIME types are not registered, servers will detect the new file formats as
Jun 3, 2009 . On my Apache server I have stored several docx, xlsx pptx files. . The server
Type: Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 Presentation. Category: Document. Mime type:
Apr 16, 2012 . Add mime type for DOCX and PPTX documents. No milestone. No one is
May 25, 2007 . macroEnabled.12 .pptx . Adding all mime-types to IIS in one step is very simple:
This time in the PowerPoint sphere, PPTX is a Presentation format that stores .
Keywords powerpoint MicrosoftOffice MSOffice mime-type mimeviewer OpenXML
Aug 24, 2010 . Archive for the tag '.pptx mime type application/vnd.openxmlformats-
I've done all that I know to add MIME Type for DOCX so the new XML . . With
This patch will temporarily resolve the issue of docx, pptx, and xlsx files being
.ppa | application/vnd.ms-powerpoint .pptx . I have enabled the xlsx mimetype in
The issue is with your web server configuration. You need to enable MIME types
Uploading docx, pptx, xlsx and other Office formats to MediaWiki. . Mediawiki
pptx mime type. I was working with a CMS and found that one file was not
The commented lines are there incase the shorthand pptx and xlsx mimetype
Apr 9, 2007 . Just open your /etc/mime.types and add this to the last line: application/vnd.
Mar 19, 2012 . You can change that by adding the right mime type to the file . <mime-mapping>
Nov 9, 2011 . If you put PPTX/PPSX files on your site, you may not get the results . If they click
Oct 21, 2011 . This happens due to your servers MIME types that're currently in place . as “pptx
Jan 17, 2010 . pptx mime type. I was working with a CMS and found that one file was not
Feb 18, 2009. ambiguity and lack of documentation on the MIME content-types you should
The PPTX file type is primarily associated with 'Power Point' by Microsoft . Mime
Jul 15, 2008 . pptx, etc) need to be added with a new mime-type for Apache to serve them up
For older *.doc documents this was enough: header("Content-Type: . Here are
Microsoft Office 2007, 2010 docx, xlsx, pptx mime type (to avoid the zip issue).
I played around and added the apache mime type for pptx in /etc/mime.types as
$document)); $mimeType = ''; switch ($extension) { case 'pdf': . break; case 'ppt':
I've checked my IIS7 server mime types and we have the proper doc, docx, ppt,
May 26, 2008 . We need this both for what we set in IIS and for the . We've tried a bunch of
Apr 5, 2011 . Add the .pptx extension under the MIME types. Example: #mapping of mimetypes
Jan 21, 2009 . <extension>pptx</extension> <mime-type>application/vnd.openxmlformats-
For images files (like png, jpeg) & pdf, the type returns as expected but for the
Apr 24, 2012 . After confirming the URL of the file was correct, it dawned on me that IIS has
Added PPTX mimetype mapping to page import. Also, custom mime-type
May 26, 2008 . We need this both for what we set in IIS and for the HttpContext.Reponse.