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Dr. Kathleen DesMaisons came up with the solution and published it in her
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The same brain chemicals that are altered by antidepressant drugs are also
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Has anyone read Potatoes Not Prozac (by Kathleen DesMaisons) or looked at
Feb 13, 2000 . Potatoes not Prozac is a very useful book. The multitalented author Kathleen
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Nov 10, 2011 . Potatoes not Prozac offers some good ideas in nutrition that can help those
The same brain chemicals that are altered by antidepressant drugs are also
Aug 3, 2011 . The drug has antidepressant overdosethe symptoms, during treatment of
Sep 9, 2010 . Quotations of encouragement to those on the Potatoes not Prozac plan by
"Potatoes Not Prozac." Simon & Schuster. ISBN 141655615X; ^ Blass, E., E.