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self-possessed meaning, definition, English dictionary, synonym, see also '
Define possess in American English. What is possess? possess meaning and
This article provides the definitions of demonic possession and being affected by
self-pos·ses·sion (s lf p -z sh n). n. Full command of one's faculties, feelings, and
possessed ( ) adj. Owning or mastering something. Used with of: one who is
Definition of quiet possession: Freedom to enjoy a possessed property without
Definition of possession in the Definitions.net dictionary. Meaning of possession.
Possessed Meaning and Definition. (imp. & p. p.) of Possess. Possessed: words
possessed, the following definition of controlled substance analog should be
Definition of POSSESSED. 1. a (1) : influenced or controlled by something (as an
definition of possessed - influenced or controlled by a powerful force such as a
like a man/woman possessed - definition, audio pronunciation, synonyms and
to have as belonging to one; have as property; own: to possess a house and a
To put in possession; to make the owner or holder of property, power, knowledge,
spurred or moved by a strong feeling, madness, or a supernatural power (often
Definition: The word demon comes from the Greek…daimoôn or daimonion .
Possess \Pos*sess"\ (?; 277), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Possessed; p. pr. & vb. n.
Law. actual holding or occupancy, either with or without rights of ownership. 5. a
Definition of possessed in the AudioEnglish.net Dictionary. Meaning of
possess - definition of possess - verb to own something Compare repossess
a : to have and hold as property : own b : to have as an attribute, knowledge, or
Define possessed. What is possessed? possessed meaning and more by
self-possessed adjective Having a firm belief in one's own powers: assured ,
as if dominated by an evil spirit : demoniac <ran down the street like all-
possessed definition, meaning, English dictionary, synonym, see also 'self-
Dictionary for possessed : possessed Definition,possessed Synonyms,
For the definition of possessed, see Instruction 6.18.922G-4 (Firearm Offenses –
self-possession noun - definition, audio pronunciation, synonyms and more for
May 15, 2011 . Definition from , the free dictionary. Jump to: navigation . Adjective. Possessed (
definition-of.net View definition and meaning of self-possessed .
Define possess. What is possess? possess meaning and more by Macmillan
Demon Possession defined and explained. Part 1 of a DiskBook: Demon
Skip to definition. . "he possesses great knowledge about the Middle East";
▶verb. 1 have (something) belonging to one. ■ Law have possession of as
The state of being possessed or controlled, as by an evil spirit, or violent
Definition of Self-possessed with photos and pictures, translations, sample usage
Law Actual holding or occupancy with or without rightful ownership. 5. A territory
Definition of possessed from the Longman Online Dictionary of Contemporary
Synonyms for possess at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms,
Possession is the state of having something or something that is owned. (noun).
possessed - Clear definition, audio pronunciation, synonyms and related words,
in full control of one's faculties, and having a firm belief in one's abilities;
[edit] Requirements for adverse possession. The adverse party is called the
The ownership, control, or occupancy of a thing, most frequently land or Personal
Non-possession is, by definition, concerned with defining the concept of
Owning or mastering something. Used with of: one who is possessed of great
tr.v. pos·sessed, pos·sess·ing, pos·sess·es. 1. To have as property; own. 2. To
A. The problem of definition. Exactly what is demon possession? What are its
possess ( ) tr.v. , -sessed , -sessing , -sesses . To have as property; own. To have
adjective 1. owned 2. controlled by an emotion or as if by an evil spirit; crazed;