Sep 29, 14
Other articles:
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  • baseballreflections.com/2011/06/. /one-fans-take-on-posey-the-giants/‎CachedJun 13, 2011 . I have watched Scott Cousins' collision with Buster Posey multiple times, and I
  • sfist.com/2011/05/26/reactions_to_buster_posey_injury.php‎CachedMay 26, 2011 . Not the best way to start off the Memorial Day Weekend, that's for sure. As most of
  • blogs.kqed.org/newsfix/2011/05/26/buster-posey-leg/‎CachedSimilarMay 26, 2011 . Update 3:25 p.m. After fans watched the collision at home between Scott Cousins
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  • sports.espn.go.com/mlb/news/story?id=6623896‎CachedSimilarJun 4, 2011 . Florida Marlins rookie Scott Cousins has been receiving death threats . The
  • www.sportsnet.ca/baseball/mlb/blue-jays-rays-home-plate-collisions/‎CachedSep 1, 2012 . Sabean blasted Cousins in a radio interview, calling the play . Buster Posey
  • www.kansascity.com/. /What-to-watch-for-on-a-play-at-the-plate.htmlApr 1, 2014 . The runner—Miami's Scott Cousins—hit Posey up around the . but if you want to
  • www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az. all. ‎CachedHe went on to say that if he never hears from Cousins again, . Instead he chose
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  • mlbnews.sportsblog.com/posts/. /home_plate_collisions_banned.html‎CachedDec 16, 2013 . The two most notable collisions involved four players Pete Rose, Ray Fosse,
  • www.baseball-excellence.com/sbaseballforums/printthread.cfm?. ‎CachedRunners are therefore allowed to collide with the catcher if there is no clear path
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  • www.nbcbayarea.com/blogs/the-cove/136021168.html‎CachedDec 21, 2011 . Florida Marlins' Scott Cousins, top, collides with San Francisco Giants catcher
  • www.fangraphs.com/blogs/on-the-new-collision-rules-at-home-plate/‎CachedSimilarFeb 25, 2014 . Umpires will now have two judgment calls to make on collision plays. . . I do
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  • www.ibtimes.com/sabeans-hypocrisy-defense-scott-cousins-644617‎CachedJun 4, 2011 . Posey was standing in between Cousins and home plate, without the ball.
  • hoolauna.tv/2014/03/03/the-buster-posey-rule/Mar 3, 2014 . With the go ahead run on third, Scott Cousins tagged up and took off as . Rule
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  • www.totalprosports.com/2013/04/12/13-epic-home-plate-collisions/‎CachedSimilarApr 12, 2013 . Is Buster Posey's form bad on this collision with Scott Cousins from May 25, 2011
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  • www.kcra.com/sports/Giants-GM-Sabean-calls. Cousins/97862‎CachedJun 3, 2011 . Cousins responsible for ending catcher Buster Posey's season . that Cousins
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  • www.baseballprospectus.com/article.php?articleid=14046‎CachedMay 26, 2011 . Buster Posey is gone, and the Giants might be gone as well if they don't . as
  • compassrosebooks.blogspot.com/. /buster-posey-collision-rule-debate.html‎CachedMay 27, 2011 . The runner--Scott Cousins, a rookie trying to make the team after a stellar college
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  • nextimpulsesports.com/2013/12/12/brutal-mlb. collisions. /2/‎CachedSimilarDec 12, 2013 . In what is an absolutely vicious collision at home plate, the Pirates' Josh Harrison
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  • www.freerepublic.com/focus/chat/3187686/posts‎CachedAug 1, 2014 . It's called the “Buster Posey” rule for a reason. . Ironically, in the Cousins/Posey
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  • www.neontommy.com/. /giants-need-keep-perspective-posey-collision‎CachedJun 4, 2011 . Scott Cousins, the potential winning run, tagged up from third base and . led to a
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