Sep 25, 14
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  • www.centerforpolitics.org/crystalball/articles/tfs2011111701/‎CachedSimilarNov 17, 2011 . According to Pollster.com and as of earlier this week, Obama has a 25-point .
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  • mediamatters.org/print/blog/. obamas-approval-rating. /166611‎CachedJun 23, 2010 . Note how Matthews pointed to this chart from Pollster.com to demonstrate
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  • www.pollster.com/driver.php?q=/polls/us/-jobapproval-obama. ‎CachedOur National Obama Job Approval chart for all populations is available here, and
  • my.firedoglake.com/fflambeau/tag/pollster/‎CachedThe influential website pollster.com's composite poll shows for the first time that
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