Jan 16, 12
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  • Sep 24, 2009 . Matlab contains several well-documented functions and properties for the mouse
  • I'm trying to pass a long integer array (1 x 10) as the output of a mex file. Example
  • Jul 18, 2011 . nlhs - number of arguments on the left hand side; plhs[ ] - pointer to MATLAB
  • MATLAB sets this property to the location of the pointer at the time of the most
  • This MATLAB function returns an empty (void) pointer.
  • Matlab package for a complete and fully automatic calibration of multi-camera
  • We will limit ourselves to simple MATLAB tables to store the data. . In the last
  • . CPXENVptr env; CPXLPptr lp = NULL; /* Assign pointers to MATLAB memory
  • MATLAB Pointer Library provides an implemetation of pointers and data
  • Reference Pointers. Arguments that have more than one level of referencing (e.g.
  • Apr 19, 2011 . However, when the dll created in Labview exports an array as output, an array
  • When a file is opened with FOPEN , an internal pointer is positioned before the
  • In Matlab, there aren't really pointers. Instead, you can collect the arrays in a cell
  • Aug 6, 2010 . I've written a class with a method that I would like to use to change the value of
  • Matlab (short for matrix laboratory) is a specialized numerical computing .
  • Hi, I want to use the pointer to class properties in mex file. I am trying to use the
  • Is there a way to use pointers in matlab? if yes, when are they advantageus in
  • Hi everybody Is there something like "pointers" in MATLAB programming
  • Apr 4, 2006 . try searching for Pointer Toolbox on www.mathtools.net . Micha Boris schrieb: >
  • Some More Matlab Pointers: The following are suggestions, not absolute
  • Is there a way to have a pointer in the function that will go to certain points of the
  • MATLAB for Neural Networks. The Quick and Dirty MATLAB Manual, ver0.2c.
  • Is there a way to do this to a pointer in MatLab or is there perhaps another way to
  • I would be interested to hear if other users find this implementation of pointers in
  • MATLAB sets nlhs with the number of expected mxArrays . plhs. MATLAB sets
  • The documented way to get dynamic allocation of memory is to use the MATLAB
  • This is possible using pointers in C to ensure that b points to the address of a.
  • the number of right-hand side arguments(input), and a constant pointer to these
  • Feb 18, 2011 . CUDA MEX function as part of an iterative loop in MATLAB. Can i pass pointers
  • 6 days ago . I have read how to pass pointers into MATLAB, but not much on how to read
  • See "Specifying the Figure Pointer" in Matlab's documentation to see the list of
  • programming.itags.org: Matlab question: how to define a NULL pointer, created
  • You declare the array as a local variable that will go out of scope at the end of the
  • Option 1: Use the STR2FUNC function (assumes the string in type is the same as
  • Is there a way to use pointers in matlab? if yes, when are they advantageus in
  • Jan 29, 2011 . File exchange, MATLAB Answers, newsgroup access, Links, and Blogs for the
  • matlab tips and tricks and . page overview: I created this page .
  • Jun 11, 2009 . Why doesn't matlab have some kind of ability to make a pointer/handle to a non-
  • Sep 22, 2011 . Hi, I'm writing a C routine to use it with mex function. I trying to create a 2D array
  • If you are working with MEX-Files or the MATLAB C Math Library, you may need
  • Aug 1, 2004 . Summary: This is a basic guide to writing mex files for MATLAB in C. This . We
  • MATLAB will call the myclass delete function when it clears the pointer, so the
  • Can I return a reference to the object which calls the method (the "this" pointer in
  • Michal Kutil's home page with non-frequently ask questions. A Pointer Transfer
  • Pointers are required when setting up the various device properties. The
  • Use the mxCreate functions to create the MATLAB arrays for your output
  • Function pointers and MATLAB. Post by Wu » Tue Aug 21, 2007 8:14 pm. Mark,
  • Aug 18, 2009 . It returns a direct (double*) pointer to the real part of any Matlab vector (and
  • The library stores and uses the pointer for a period of time so you want the
  • Pointers in Matlab? . I know in C++ you can achieve the smae affect with

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