Other articles:
Sep 24, 2009 . Matlab contains several well-documented functions and properties for the mouse
I'm trying to pass a long integer array (1 x 10) as the output of a mex file. Example
Jul 18, 2011 . nlhs - number of arguments on the left hand side; plhs[ ] - pointer to MATLAB
MATLAB sets this property to the location of the pointer at the time of the most
This MATLAB function returns an empty (void) pointer.
Matlab package for a complete and fully automatic calibration of multi-camera
We will limit ourselves to simple MATLAB tables to store the data. . In the last
. CPXENVptr env; CPXLPptr lp = NULL; /* Assign pointers to MATLAB memory
MATLAB Pointer Library provides an implemetation of pointers and data
Reference Pointers. Arguments that have more than one level of referencing (e.g.
Apr 19, 2011 . However, when the dll created in Labview exports an array as output, an array
When a file is opened with FOPEN , an internal pointer is positioned before the
In Matlab, there aren't really pointers. Instead, you can collect the arrays in a cell
Aug 6, 2010 . I've written a class with a method that I would like to use to change the value of
Matlab (short for matrix laboratory) is a specialized numerical computing .
Hi, I want to use the pointer to class properties in mex file. I am trying to use the
Is there a way to use pointers in matlab? if yes, when are they advantageus in
Hi everybody Is there something like "pointers" in MATLAB programming
Apr 4, 2006 . try searching for Pointer Toolbox on www.mathtools.net . Micha Boris schrieb: >
Some More Matlab Pointers: The following are suggestions, not absolute
Is there a way to have a pointer in the function that will go to certain points of the
MATLAB for Neural Networks. The Quick and Dirty MATLAB Manual, ver0.2c.
Is there a way to do this to a pointer in MatLab or is there perhaps another way to
I would be interested to hear if other users find this implementation of pointers in
MATLAB sets nlhs with the number of expected mxArrays . plhs. MATLAB sets
The documented way to get dynamic allocation of memory is to use the MATLAB
This is possible using pointers in C to ensure that b points to the address of a.
the number of right-hand side arguments(input), and a constant pointer to these
Feb 18, 2011 . CUDA MEX function as part of an iterative loop in MATLAB. Can i pass pointers
6 days ago . I have read how to pass pointers into MATLAB, but not much on how to read
See "Specifying the Figure Pointer" in Matlab's documentation to see the list of
programming.itags.org: Matlab question: how to define a NULL pointer, created
You declare the array as a local variable that will go out of scope at the end of the
Option 1: Use the STR2FUNC function (assumes the string in type is the same as
Is there a way to use pointers in matlab? if yes, when are they advantageus in
Jan 29, 2011 . File exchange, MATLAB Answers, newsgroup access, Links, and Blogs for the
matlab tips and tricks and . page overview: I created this page .
Jun 11, 2009 . Why doesn't matlab have some kind of ability to make a pointer/handle to a non-
Sep 22, 2011 . Hi, I'm writing a C routine to use it with mex function. I trying to create a 2D array
If you are working with MEX-Files or the MATLAB C Math Library, you may need
Aug 1, 2004 . Summary: This is a basic guide to writing mex files for MATLAB in C. This . We
MATLAB will call the myclass delete function when it clears the pointer, so the
Can I return a reference to the object which calls the method (the "this" pointer in
Michal Kutil's home page with non-frequently ask questions. A Pointer Transfer
Pointers are required when setting up the various device properties. The
Use the mxCreate functions to create the MATLAB arrays for your output
Function pointers and MATLAB. Post by Wu » Tue Aug 21, 2007 8:14 pm. Mark,
Aug 18, 2009 . It returns a direct (double*) pointer to the real part of any Matlab vector (and
The library stores and uses the pointer for a period of time so you want the
Pointers in Matlab? . I know in C++ you can achieve the smae affect with