Other articles:
Oct 10, 2009 . JPG / JPEG - (Joint Photographic Experts Group) Jpeg format is used for color
JPEG -vs- GIF; Transparent Images; Interlacing; Animated Gifs . background.
JPG is a common choice for use on the Web because it is compressed. For
When to use JPG and when to use GIF. . JPG vs GIF. While GIF is great . For
Jul 18, 2008 . You may use any screen capture tool to grab a screenshot of your desktop but
Jan 26, 2010 . How do the different image formats compare against one another? Here's a
Web Graphics, JPG vs. GIF vs. PNG. The goal of every web designer is to have
Dec 10, 2005 . Screenshots: JPEG vs. GIF. It constantly amazes me how many times I . jpeg-
What is the difference between JPEG, GIF and PNG? . JPEG is designed for
Jun 6, 2011 . GIF vs. PNG vs. JPG vs. TIFF - which image file format to use? - an article by AB
Aug 20, 2010 . PNG supports millions of colours (from Wikipedia: “palettes of 24-bit RGB or 32-
Good information overall in this article; however the easiest way to choose
Fact also is that PNG is a licence-free format (not GIF, for example, JPG i don't
GIFs are great for line drawings (images that are not photographs). They have a
When to Use GIF, JPEG, or PNG. There are three image formats widely used in
If JPEG compression is so great, why not use it for everything? Why waste time
Mar 2, 2011 . Do I save my grape photographs as .png or .jpg format? . PNG – a lovely
Using PNG instead of a high-quality JPEG for such images would . By contrast,
Nov 25, 2008 . What is the difference between JPEG , GIF and PNG? HP has done a very nice
Mar 21, 2011 . GIF vs. JPG vs. PNG. While there are a number of different methods which can be
PNG at a Glance Stands for - Portable Network Graphics (or "PNG's Not GIF")
GIF vs .JPG vs .BMP vs .etc. . ..why one over the other? Computers and . While
When saving an image for use on the web, there are three main image formats to
GIF vs. JPG--Which Is Best? One of the most important and difficult concepts to .
When to use JPG and when to use GIF. . JPG vs GIF for web images. The two .
Dec 5, 2008 . With different free and paid image editors, there are more than 20ish ways that
PNG Image Format VS GIF and JPEG Formats. The GIF, PNG, and JPEG formats
I'm improving the images of my website and have met a dilemma. . You should
Oct 5, 2010 . JPG, PNG, and GIF have become the most common, but what sets them . JPG is
Feb 9, 2011 . What format should I use GIF, JPEG or PNG? The three main formats are GIF,
An online computer dictionary and internet search engine for internet terms and
And by the way, I don't think there are any licensing issues we have to worry
GIF vs. JPG vs. PNG. Excerpted from "Cheap Web Tricks: Build and Promote a .
JPG vs. GIF vs. PNG. Following are the most commonly used graphics file formats
Jun 24, 2010 . JPG, GIF, and PNG are the most commonly used graphics file formats for putting
JPG vs. GIF vs. PNG - Presentation Transcript. JPEG/JPG. JPEG/JPG Short for J
Oct 18, 2011 . Image Formats JPEG vs. PNG vs. GIF. Question: What is the difference between
JPG vs. GIF vs. PNG. Although many manners exist in which graphics are stored
Aug 3, 2009 . JPG or JPEG . For logos or images with blocks of flat colour and no gradients,
[Archive] png vs. jpg formats Graphics and Multimedia discussions. . a png will
When creating web graphics it's important that you use the correct format for the
 I choose one of the following three formats: GIF, JPEG or PNG. The PNG
The important point here isn't really the technical merits of PNG vs JPG (or
Choose the best and perfect format of images for your websites and reduce
Dan, Publisher 2003 loads slowly. you can read more about that on David
Compression Methods: GIF vs. JPEG vs. PNG excerpted from WebReference.
First of all, I'm not asking a question, but rather answering one. Too many times I
Dec 26, 1999 . GIF and JPEG are currently the primary file types for graphics on the . or other
Mar 21, 2010 . Raw vs JPG vs PNG – What's Best For Me? . (LZW) data compression algorithm