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When to Use GIF, JPEG, or PNG. There are three image formats widely used in
Hello dudes! i just like to have a survey for the web designers. for you which do
First off, png vs. jpg, which is "better"? If you're a total quality whore and can spot
In most circumstances, PNG produces smaller files sizes than either GIF or .
Feb 9, 2011 . What format should I use GIF, JPEG or PNG? . graphics or images over the web
Oct 17, 2010 . Too often I see JPEG used where it just isn't appropriate; text screenshots are a .
The PNG format looks the best but is about twice the size of my jpegs. . would
BMP Normal Image Format JPEG vs GIF vs PNG vs BMP blog . step for any web
JPEG -vs- GIF; Transparent Images; Interlacing; Animated Gifs . uncompressed
In addition, zip compression does not reduce TIFF file sizes as much as other .
Note: the composite image is saved in PNG format, which uses a lossless 24-bit
Composite image comparing JPEG and PNG: notice artifacts in . low-contrast
Mar 2, 2011 . Do I save my grape photographs as .png or .jpg format? . In this case, it makes
PNG is a good way to save large format architectural black-n-white construction
JPEGs are great for e-mail because of their small file size. Because . They have
Dec 26, 1999 . GIF and JPEG are currently the primary file types for graphics on the Internet. . to
Jul 14, 2009 . Keeping image size to a minimum is an important part of keeping your sites
Oct 5, 2010 . JPG, PNG, and GIF have become the most common, but what sets them apart .
PNG vs. GIF compression. For some reason there's a widespread . and then
Dec 5, 2008 . Quality remained untouched in all four pictures: .GIF – 140KB .JPG – 186KB .
png differs from jpg and why I'd use one vs. the other in PowerPoint (2003)?
PNG VS. JPG? Which one is smaller in file size? Newbies & General flash
Jun 24, 2010 . JPG, GIF, and PNG are the most commonly used graphics file formats . to
JPG is a common choice for use on the Web because it is compressed. For
This is a short quality comparison between png, pdf and jpg. . 179kb enlarged
Aug 20, 2010 . PNG vs JPEG vs GIF . I use GIF only for animation; PNG – my favorite for the site
Although the files often end in the three-letter extension JPG (or JP2 for . PNG)
JPEG vs. PNG excerpted from WebReference.com. Compression algorithms .
I rarely . very rarely. ever see a gif beat out a 8bit png (not 24) in file size. jpg vs
Both JPG and PNG are methods that describe how a program encodes an image
Either way and the JPG vs. PNG performance argument looks to favour JPG,
Smallest File Size, JPG with a higher Quality factor can be decent. TIF LZW or GIF
Mar 21, 2011 . GIF vs. JPG vs. PNG. While there are a number of different methods which .
How bad are the artifacts introduced by the lossy JPG compression? . size of the
Mar 21, 2010 . Raw vs JPG vs PNG – What's Best For Me? As a Photographer, we have quite a
Oct 23, 2011 . Let me rephrase; the use of PNG instead of JPEG is not due to file size, it's due to
It doesnot matter whether u use jpg or png,coz loading depends on the size but
Apr 21, 2006 . [example 3]; A png does not always have a greater file size than a gif or jpg. [
GIF vs. JPG--Which Is Best? One of the most important and difficult concepts to
PNG vs JPEG . Prevent conditions publishing a PNG instead of a JPEG. .
Size (px) 460 x 349 Shortcode for WordPress.com blogs ? . GIF vs. PNG -
The advantage of saving JPEG data is that the file size is smaller and the file can
[Archive] PNG vs JPEG Archive. . photos taken or things like that, JPEG probably
Felis silvestris silvestris small gradual decrease of quality.png . It supports a
JPEG is designed for compressing either full-colour (24 bit) or grey-scale . This
Aug 3, 2009 . As you can see the JPG file size is very large when compared with . The best fix
. many pictures. I am concerened about app size, and I can get a smaller filesize
Deciding between GIF and JPEG (before PNG hit the scene) was easy: any 24-bit
PNG vs JPG, file size. Jerry Anning clem at dhol.com. Fri Jan 9 12:05:04 EST
Jan 15, 2011 . .png and .jpg are the two of the most popular formats for graphics on the . is that