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Mar 14, 2008 . I understand them to mean; p*ss myself laughing pmsl roll on floor laughing rofl
Apr 12, 2011 . What does pmsl mean,is this text language for something?
pmsl means , pmsl meaning , Pmsl - means Project Management Source List
Aug 22, 2011 . What does PMSL mean in a text? What is the meaning of PMSL in Facebook chat
Piss myself laughing. A more slang way to say, "I am laughing so hard I peed in
Someone said: use the face book app u download frm app world instaed of ur
Visitors to this page also searched for: Pmsl mean on fb Pmsl fb Pmsl short for
Visitors to this page also searched for: Pmsl meaning girls . . What does pmsl
8 results . Looking for the definition of PMSL? Find out what is the full meaning of PMSL on
A: Heaven summed it all up in a nutshell. .Sorry about that Connor, I keep
http://m.urbandictionary.com/#define?term=pmsl. Was this helpful? 0 Thanks for
Sep 21, 2011 . A friend typed it on Facebook and I'm unsure what …
Thread: Can someone tell me what pmsl means? . Don Knotts means nothing to
February 23, 2010 at 12:08pm. Kayla Johnson if it ment fuck my sex life it would
Apr 18, 2010 . pmsl: @elzan1 Piss my self with laughter. . Discover what hashtags really mean,
What the hell does PMSL mean? - Ask questions and get answers from real
what does pmsl mean? please join @sunquizlive for sun quiz twitter updates!
Rank, Abbr. Meaning. ***, PMSL, Prince-Mont Swim League (Maryland and
Apr 15, 2007 . Thank you soooo much! I understand what everyone else is talking about now!!! I
Sarah Tomkins | Facebook Good, that means you stood up for something., You
What does text talk pmsl mean? excuse my french but Pi*sing my self
What does pmsl mean? In: Acronyms & Abbreviations, Internet Slang [Edit
You see this peculiar expression in online games or in instant messages. But
What does the text abbreviation PMSL mean? ChaCha Answer: The abbreviation
Why do some women say over the phone i dont want to talk about it, then once
IM language for Pissing Myself Laughing. Mostly it's not literally meant but it's
the model domain has been almost the same. Monthly pmsl bias fields of 48 h
What is NWT? What is NWOT? What is 'KK'? What Is 'PMSL'? What Does PMSL
Jun 1, 2010 . I hope someone can shed some light on my curiosity here and enlighten be with
Now playing. Please enter the words you hear, below. Incorrect, please try again.
You see the expression 'PMSL' in online conversations. But what exactly does
Sep 9, 2006 . lol can mean lots of love omg - oh my god omfg - oh my f****** god tbh - to be
What does "pmsl" mean? ChaCha Answer: The definition of PMSL is "P***ing
. PMSL abbreviation? The meaning of PMSL abbreviation is "Pissing Myself
What does it mean? Technology · Business · Society · Internet · Authority ·
SIDC Forums: Wot Does PMSL mean? - SIDC Forums . . IYKWIM - If You Know
What does pmsl mean? . What does pmsl mean? 8:20PM Mon, December 19.
May 30, 2011 . Collection of Pmsl Meaning pictures and photos from web using Related tags:
Can someone tell me what "pmsl" means. ?? . Can someone tell me what "pmsl
Author: squitchy [ Mon Oct 20, 2008 10:01 pm ]. Post subject: Call me dumb but
Feb 5, 2012 . What does pmsl mean in text slang The KGB Agent answer: "PMSL" in texting
possiably the worst and most unrealistic of internet jargon. . 'pissing myself
Jan 7, 2009. ads are only displayed to guests. Please login to remove them. NathanC wrote:
PMSL is contoured in white and upward omega is contoured in tan. ZLvls - Mean
Originally posted by morrocan roll. HELP! what does pmsl mean ? Coming from
This Internet Slang page is designed to explain what the meaning of PMSL is.
Dec 13, 2006 . "What does PMSL mean ?" - Find the answer to this question and millions more
Jul 23, 2008 . I've seen this abbrev. used alot but have no idea what it means. I know it has to
Jan 12, 2012 . What does PMSL mean? . PMSL means Pissed MySelf Laughing. Get 400
In text language what does pmsl mean? In: Acronyms & Abbreviations [Edit