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Plenum - Definition of Plenum is presented by 1913 online Webster's Dictionary.
PLENUM definition : n. A space that is completely filled with matter.
Part of Speech, Definition. Noun, 1. A meeting of a legislative body at which all
Definition of plenum: 1. A condition, as in an occupied room, in which the
The first subject to be addressed is the definition of plenum and duct. Duct is any
(Miscellaneous Technologies / Building) a type of air-conditioning system in
Online environmental dictionary and glossary of environmental definitions. . The
I need help applying the NEC definition of plenum. My company is planning to
Definition of plenum (plena) in the AudioEnglish.net Dictionary. Meaning of
plenum definition, meaning, French dictionary, synonym, see also 'plenum','
plenum Definition. . noun plenums, plena. 1. A meeting attended by all members
This page describes the term plenum cable and lists other pages on the Web
Definitions of plenum, synonyms, antonyms, derivatives of plenum, analogical
a : a space or all space every part of which is full of matter b : an air-filled space in
plenum. Quick definitions. noun (plena). a meeting of a legislative body at
In building construction, a plenum (pronounced PLEH-nuhm, from Latin meaning
Definition of Plenum. What is meaning of Plenum in all .
have a different definition of "plenum". What Is a Plenum Rating? For HVAC
Definition of plenum in the Definitions.net dictionary. Meaning of plenum. What
plenum, rather than any other spaces within a building. Plenum Defined. A
Plenum definition, definition of plenum, Anagrams of plenum, words that start with
Kamus.net is the largest english - indonesia - english dictionary on the net.
ple·num (pl n m, pl n m). n. pl. ple·nums or ple·na (pl n , pl n ). 1. An assembly or
plenum meaning, definition, English dictionary, synonym, see also 'plum','plume','
Synonyms for plenum at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms,
plenum definition, meaning, English dictionary, synonym, see also 'plenum
Plenum Meaning and Definition. (n.) A condition, as in an occupied room, in
Plenum definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation,
ple·num (pl n m, pl n m). n. pl. ple·nums or ple·na (pl n , pl n ). 1. An assembly or
Definitions and translations of Plenum. . priestor pre klimatizáciu, plénum 1
A type of network cabling which satisfies plenum-ratings issued by the National
Try out WordReference Random Word! Each page load will return a random
Definition of Plenum with photos and pictures, translations, sample usage, and
An air-handling unit, defined as either "recirculating" or "once-through" design,
plenum: definition, pronunciation, and examples from free Oxford Dictionaries
Plenum. (noun, artifact) an enclosed space in which the air pressure is higher .
Definition of a furnace plenum in forced air heaters. Find out what a heater
plenum n. , pl. , plenums , or plena . An assembly or meeting with all members
Plenum cable definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with
Define plenum. What is plenum? plenum meaning and more by Macmillan
What is the definition of Plenum Cable? The Geek.com Glossary helps you define
Plenum - Topic:Home - Online Encyclopedia - What is what? Everything you
PLENUM: Review the definition, meaning, pronunciation, explanation, synonyms,
air-mixing plenum ( ′er ′miksiŋ ′plēnəm ) ( mechanical engineering ) In an air
noun pl. plenums or plena. space filled with matter; fullness; a full or general
A plenum ceiling is a suspended ceiling that forms the bottom section of an . “
plenum Definition from PC Magazine Encyclopedia.
Definition of plenum ventilation from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary with
Nov 17, 2010 . Definition: PLIP · Definition: Plotter · Definition: Plug and Play Cable with a
Feb 2, 2010 . This is a page about plenum. This page includes the Etymology and sound of this