Other articles:
5 days ago . Please close/delete this thread I am leaving for new forums. Thank you all that
Apr 30, 2012 . Got a 20 gallon with sand and alot of driftwood . i was told that babytears wont
An aquarium without any electricity being used is possible. This is my 29-gallon
Freshwater & Brackish - Planted Tanks - Aquatic gardens and aquascaping. Tips,
Introduce yourself and read up on how the forum is organized. Forum Led By . .
Freshwater and Saltwater Fish Discussion board. Webforum covering all apsects
In most non-planted or lightly planted tanks, the nitrate level will slowly rise, and
Jul 7, 2006 . A complete one-page guide to growing healthy aquarium plants. Includes
ALGAEFIX Marine in Freshwater planted tank? General Planted Tank Discussion
Planted Tanks Forum Links To Aquaurium News . ask about your equipment &
The Marine Planted Tank & Macro Algae Thread. this thread is intended as both
Hey all! Havent been here in a while So here goes! The tanks been up for around
Planted Aquarium and Aquatic Plant discussion forum for aquatic plant
Filter: Do not use an under gravel filter or other air driven filter in a planted tank. It
Aquarium plants community for aquarium plants enthusiasts. Aquatic plant forum
Sand, Cories and Planted tank Freshwater Aquarium Plants.www.fishtankforums.com/showthread.php?t=12982 - Cached - SimilarTrying my hand at dirt planted tank - Freshwater & Saltwater . Trying my hand at dirt planted tank Freshwater Aquarium Plants.www.fishtankforums.com/showthread.php?t=13245 - Cached - SimilarUK Aquatic Plant Society Forum • View forum - Specific Planted . Specific Planted Tank Discussions. Forum: Topics: Posts: Last post. Algae
Planted Tank Photos: This section is for planted tank photos..Please post the tank
The BarrReport is the digital newsletter and forum covering the aquatic planted
How much circulation do you think is good to a regular planted aquarium? I
Planted tank expert Rhonda Wilson is going to be here on Wednesday
AQ is an active forum of aquarium hobbyists. Join us and share our passion for
Rate My Fish Tank Forums • View forum - Freshwater / Planted Tank Discussion.
The Planted Tank - Plants provide natural filtration and habitat for your freshwater
do anyone know whats the forum for planted tanks. if i remember correct they had
Plant and Aquascaping discussions. Got pictures? Post 'em!www.arofanatics.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=8 - Cached - SimilarPlanted Tanks a Step by Step Guide! - Tetra Community ForumPlanted Tanks a Step by Step Guide! Fishkeeping Articles.www.tetra-fish.com/forums/showthread.php?t=22941 - Cached - SimilarAqua Botanic's Aqua Bloggin »Learn the latest in the planted aquarium hobby from our extensive list of articles
Discus in a Planted Tank. For most of the people difficult to do, so get here your
by ClownLoachSharky » Tue Mar 06, 2012 11:01 am. ok, time to start a thread on
My 29 gallon planted tank- new to TheOKAA.org Realburnsie. . OKAA Forum -
Mar 24, 2008 . The Planted Tank forum. http://www.plantedtank.net/ . I have kept various
GENERAL PLANTED TANK DISCUSSION . No unread posts, Interested in a
Good luck with the tank! I'd also strongly recommend being active in planted tank
May 2, 2012 . 100 Gal Planted :). Hey guys havent been on this forum in awhile. Just wanted to
Planted Nano Tanks - A little short on cash? Discuss any of the problems . The www.plantedtank.net/forums/planted-na. The Planted Tank - Articles, Forums, Pictures, LinksProvides information on sucessfully keeping a planted tank through the
Hey guys just thought I'd share some pictures of my 12 gallon planted tank.
Hi guys, I want to share with you an article I wrote back in 2000 when I was still a
I have a 10 gallon tank(L:19,W:10,H:11) that i want to plant, but i don't know
Information on planted aquariums, aquarium plants and other aquatic plants.
Forum, Stats, Last Post Info . Toggle this category Aquarium Photos & Journals
www.fishforum.com.au | Australian Aquarium Forum | ADA | Australian Natives |
The Aquarium Plants forum is where aquarium enthusiasts Planted tank
Plants and Planted Tanks - Identification, Care, Lighting, Nutrients, CO2, Algae.www.aquariaforums.com/plants-planted-tanks/ - Cached - SimilarBreeding Killifish in a planted tank? [Forums - Beginner's Corner . I am planning an setting up a 20G long as plant grow out. Wondering if I can
Apr 1, 2012 . I started with Eco-Complete substrate (that has ferts in it) in my 30G. I have
I'm curoius as to the thoughts on keep bn in a planted community tank. will they
4 days ago . Cardinal Tetras, Paracheirodon axelrodi; Neon Tetras, Paracheirodon innesi;
Discuss local pet stores, clubs, and conventions or any event happening in your