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Kiln dried pine or aspen shavings (NEVER CEDAR), paper bedding like CellSorb
Our Hedgehogs are registered with International Hedgehog Registry (IHR), tame
Aspen is typically a better choice than other wood shavings. This form of bedding
DO NOT use cedar because of the aromatic oils can cause respiratory problems
Shavings/bedding: There are many types of shavings that you can use for your
Try to keep environmental temperature between 75 and 85 degrees F. Use
Hedgehogs can make wonderful family pets with the proper care. You will find .
Nov 30, 2011 . Hedgehogs like wood shavings (but see "Warnings" below) or newspaper for
***Cured Pine Shavings/Chips: Cured Pine bedding is fine with hedgehogs. This
I am washing Magnum's stuff right now and I don't have any back up liners yet so
Feb 20, 2009 . Liners; Paper Bedding; Aspen Shavings; Corn Cob; Cedar and Pine . There are
For bedding, use any pelleted or recycled paper product. Pine and cedar
Hedgehogs may be housed singly or groups. . absorbent, several inches deep,
Be prepared to clean your hedgie's feet because some hedgehogs have a
Please NEVER use cat litter, it can be harmful if swallowed! I use pine shavings
Mar 19, 2011 . Avoid cedar or pine shavings as they cause respiratory problems in hedgehogs.
As for bedding, common wood shavings like pine can contain harmful
Aug 14, 2009 . Pine shavings- Pine shavings are an easily attainable and relatively cheap form
Nov 21, 2011 . I have recently been in touch with Gerald McKiness, who had lost five of his
Jul 10, 2011 . My hedgehog uses Aspen bedding. It is the safest bedding for a hedgehog and
Hedgehogs like to burrow, so it is important to take into consideration bedding for
Compared to some of the other bedding here, aspen is not quite as absorbent or
Cedar and Pine Shavings. Should you use pine or cedar bedding for your
The only pine bedding considered safe for hedgehogs is kiln-dried pine.
Aspen Shavings: Although more expensive then pine shavings, these contain no
hedgehogs for sale, hedgehog health and hygiene, diet, hedgehog . Wood
Please note that hedgehogs are very good climbers, and given the opportunity,
Things to have ready BEFORE your new hedgehog comes home: Cage . You
You should absolutely avoid any cedar or pine chips or shavings as bedding
What kind of bedding use for hedgehogs? . Carefresh, pads, and pine bedding
Feb 26, 2009 . That said, most hedgehog owners find that corncob bedding is the best for their
There are many types of bedding that you can use for your hedgehog. I
Uncured pine ought to never ever be used as hedgehog bedding. Apart from
Feb 9, 2011 . Never use cedar or pine bedding for your hedgehog as they can cause
Bedding: Aspen shavings is the best kind of wood shavings, but it is . have been
Mar 25, 2011 . I've got a softwood bedding its pine fragranced but not actual pine so it won't
Like with any cages animal, you will have to clean you hedgehog's cage, how
Shredded paper Provides environmental enrichment because hedgehogs enjoy
Cedar and pine bedding have wood oils that are dangerous to hedgehogs and
The best bedding for a hedgehog's cage is recycled paper litter or aspen
I would return it and get the aspen bedding. I know some people think you
Nov 26, 2011 . I have recently been in touch with Gerald McKiness, who had lost five of his
The hedgehogs seen in captivity are almost entirely domestically bred. . Pine
2 days ago . He had originally been on aspen shavings, and hadn't seemed to have any
Should you use pine or cedar bedding for your hedgehog? A great . Although
There are many choices in bedding that can be used with hedgehogs, though .
Jan 27, 2010 . If you do wish to use wood shavings as hedgehog bedding, keep in mind that
Although there are some instances of hedgehogs suffering from allergic reactions
Recycled paper such as Carefresh®or Yesterday's News®, aspen or kiln dried
Although there are some instances of hedgehogs suffering from allergic reactions