Jan 6, 12
Other articles:
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  • Nov 19, 2011 . Origins: The idiom, “all roads lead to Rome,” was being used as early as the
  • Seemingly designed for those with laser-focused attention or plenty of time on
  • Word, Saying & Phrase Origins. Sayings. Words, in any language, are the
  • Feb 15, 2010 . The four purported phrase origins it proffers are bunk: The actual history of each
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  • Word and Phrase Origins Questions including "What is the origin of the term 'Luck
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  • ShangralaFamilyFun with Fun Origins of common words and phrases used today
  • The origins and histories of idioms, sadinys, phrases, and other expressions are
  • There are phrases we use every day without ever thinking about where they
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  • Aug 18, 2011 . This week's 'language in new media' post looks at the origins of the English
  • Seemingly designed for those with laser-focused attention or plenty of time on
  • I've been seeing this in several wonderful poems (whose attributions I'm not
  • Interesting how we use phrases that we all understand yet don't really know what
  • Anyone interested in the English language will be fascinated by -- and then
  • It is difficult to determine the origin of this phrase. It would be helpful to know the
  • The meaning and origin of thousands of English phrases, sayings and
  • An archive of the meanings and origins of thousands of phrases, sayings, idioms
  • Morris Dictionary of Word and Phrase Origins: William Morris,
  • This is the list, some 400 word and phrase origins. The words and phrases are
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  • Be warned that every book on phrase origins so far published has etymologies
  • The most probable theory about the origin of "tip" traces it back to the 1600s,
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  • Feb 28, 2004 . word and phrase origins, best cure for a hangover, encyclodpedia: Hello, I hope
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  • It is a play on the name of an Irish high chief who was known as the Tain with his
  • 6 days ago . TURNS OF PHRASE · WEIRD WORDS. Free weekly e-magazine. E-MAGAZINE
  • At Wordwizard we're interested in English, in particular the origins of English
  • I've compiled a list of the phrases and words that I find most interesting. Some of
  • The Origins of 10 Food Phrases by Matt Soniak - October 10, 2010 - 10:25 AM. If
  • Aug 7, 2008 . The story got around London, and the phrase grew out of it. PAY THROUGH THE
  • Subject: Phrase Origins Category: Reference, Education and News > General
  • 5 days ago . is devoted to the origins of words and phrases, or as a linguist
  • The origin of the phrase, Red Tape and funny sayings we used to use when we
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  • Directory. Part of the Internet Public Library. Describes books and web sites that
  • The Meaning and Origin of Several Traditional English Phrases, Sayings and
  • What is the origin of the phrase "it's raining cats and dogs?" Answer: We don't
  • What is the origin of "go to hell in a handbasket"? "going to hell in a handbasket"?
  • Feb 24, 2011 . If you read this all at once (how do you do that?) you are reading it tout de suite. If
  • A dictionary of 700 entries written in a popular, non-technical style, explaining the
  • Jokes, humor, and funny stories about the Military. Military Word/Phrase Origins.
  • I ll be a son of a gun, is that where that phrase came from. I was always
  • If you want to amaze your friends at the next party or backyard picnic as to how

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