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The whole nine yards - the meaning and origin of this saying.
Nov 19, 2011 . Origins: The idiom, “all roads lead to Rome,” was being used as early as the
Seemingly designed for those with laser-focused attention or plenty of time on
Word, Saying & Phrase Origins. Sayings. Words, in any language, are the
Feb 15, 2010 . The four purported phrase origins it proffers are bunk: The actual history of each
Ever wonder why we say some of the things we do such as in Throw in the towel?
Word and Phrase Origins Questions including "What is the origin of the term 'Luck
Popular expressions and the origin of common sayings at WomansDay.com.
Nov 23, 2011 . 171 "wait for the other shoe to drop" (Phrase origins - alt.usage.english). This
free expressions, words, phrases origins and derivations, original meanings and
ShangralaFamilyFun with Fun Origins of common words and phrases used today
The origins and histories of idioms, sadinys, phrases, and other expressions are
There are phrases we use every day without ever thinking about where they
Dec 23, 2011 . Legal Phrase Origins (with jokes): Don't make a federal case out of it! Did you
Aug 18, 2011 . This week's 'language in new media' post looks at the origins of the English
Seemingly designed for those with laser-focused attention or plenty of time on
I've been seeing this in several wonderful poems (whose attributions I'm not
Interesting how we use phrases that we all understand yet don't really know what
Anyone interested in the English language will be fascinated by -- and then
It is difficult to determine the origin of this phrase. It would be helpful to know the
The meaning and origin of thousands of English phrases, sayings and
An archive of the meanings and origins of thousands of phrases, sayings, idioms
Morris Dictionary of Word and Phrase Origins: Amazon.ca: William Morris,
This is the list, some 400 word and phrase origins. The words and phrases are
Dec 9, 2011 . funny pictures history - Where the term Son of a gun comes from.
Jan 13, 2011 . Do you ride horses? Do you have to hold your horses?
Be warned that every book on phrase origins so far published has etymologies
The most probable theory about the origin of "tip" traces it back to the 1600s,
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Feb 28, 2004 . word and phrase origins, best cure for a hangover, encyclodpedia: Hello, I hope
May 23, 2010 . True Phrase Origins: Seeing a Man About a Horse - I've got to go see a man
It is a play on the name of an Irish high chief who was known as the Tain with his
6 days ago . TURNS OF PHRASE · WEIRD WORDS. Free weekly e-magazine. E-MAGAZINE
At Wordwizard we're interested in English, in particular the origins of English
I've compiled a list of the phrases and words that I find most interesting. Some of
The Origins of 10 Food Phrases by Matt Soniak - October 10, 2010 - 10:25 AM. If
Aug 7, 2008 . The story got around London, and the phrase grew out of it. PAY THROUGH THE
Subject: Phrase Origins Category: Reference, Education and News > General
5 days ago . Wordorigins.org is devoted to the origins of words and phrases, or as a linguist
The origin of the phrase, Red Tape and funny sayings we used to use when we
Search: Search Mode, Natural Language, Find single term, Find any term, Find
Directory. Part of the Internet Public Library. Describes books and web sites that
The Meaning and Origin of Several Traditional English Phrases, Sayings and
What is the origin of the phrase "it's raining cats and dogs?" Answer: We don't
What is the origin of "go to hell in a handbasket"? "going to hell in a handbasket"?
Feb 24, 2011 . If you read this all at once (how do you do that?) you are reading it tout de suite. If
A dictionary of 700 entries written in a popular, non-technical style, explaining the
Jokes, humor, and funny stories about the Military. Military Word/Phrase Origins.
I ll be a son of a gun, is that where that phrase came from. I was always
If you want to amaze your friends at the next party or backyard picnic as to how