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[Archive] Interworx repository's php-5.2.0 SRPM: How to compile 5.2.5? Hacks /
Next I found I was using PHP 5.2.5, so I followed the directions (copied the
Aug 5, 2011 . Is PHP 5.2.5 released for CentOS? Where do I get the package signing key for
I can not get Zend optimize to work I have been working on this for days Used
Here is the latest ( DEC 2007 ) srpm for the subj for CentOS/REL 5. it does NOT
For quite some time now SiteGround's unique server setup has allowed our
Right now I modified zz010_psa_httpd.conf as follows in point 3: 3) PHP 5.2.5
The PHP development team would like to announce the immediate availability of
Code: --- php-5.2.5/ext/imap/php_imap.c 2007-07-31 02:31:10.000000000 +
bash$ tar xvfpj php-5.2.5.tar.bz2 php-5.2.5/ php-5.2.5/ext/ php-5.2.5/ext/gd/ php-
My question is with PHP 5.2.5 as I do not see it for download on php.net. Is there
Beginning with PHP version 5.2.5, it will be necessary for the server administrator
Aug 31, 2011 . The problem is the use of the anonymous function in lib/VPU.php which is not
Security Enhancements and Fixes in PHP 5.2.5: Fixed dl() to only accept
PHP 5.2.6, 01 May, 2008 (4 years ago), 9.13 MB. PHP 4.4.8, 03 January, 2008 (4
Description. PHP 5.2.5 fixed the ini_set-issue. Fixed bug #41561 (Values set with
Most Linux distributions come with PHP these days, so if you do not want to
You will be able to find those as well as even PHP 3 and PHP 2 releases in the
IIS 7 PHP 5.2.5 WordPress 2.6 Pretty Permalinks (2 posts). Anonymous
May 1, 2008 . SecurityFocus is designed to facilitate discussion on computer security related
[08-Nov-2007] The PHP development team would like to announce the
Note that this option is not possible on PHP 5.2.5+ so, if you are on this version or
Monday, November 12. 2007. php 5.2.5 was just released. Fefe makes fun of this
As of PHP 5.2.5 you can only load extensions using a filename, this means that
Hi folks. I've got a problem since my provider upgraded to the latest PHP version
I installed PHP 5.2.5 MSI with "FastCGI" as the environment. I ran the fastCGI
Hope this helps: http://www.php.net/manual/en/image.installation.php
Open Source PHP: Downloads, datasheet, dependency analysis, rankings, and
Nov 24, 2007 . PHP 5.2.5 on Leopard. Built on Rasmus' birthday. How appropriate (-: First, a
OpenSSL: Reverted a change in timeout handling restoring PHP 5.3.6 behavior,
PHP 5.2.5-pl1-gentoo (cgi) (built: Apr 10 2008 15:57:28) Copyright (c) 1997-2007
%define contentdir /var/www %define apiver 20041225 %define zendver
Oct 8, 2007 . This How-To guides you through the steps to install and configure the most
Web design & hosting: Apache 2.2.8, PHP 5.2.5, on Windows - Read Web design
Since PHP 5.2.5 has been published, over 8500 tests were sent to the Quality
After a little more than 2 months of waiting since the last release, PHP has been
Mar 31, 2008 . PHP 5.2.5. To enable PHP you need to edit Apache's protected configuration file,
Good Afternoon, I am stuck on something. I have up loaded some PHP web
Jan 26, 2008 . In file included from /usr/include/tidy/tidy.h:70, from /tmp/php-5.2.5/ext/tidy/tidy.c:
Mar 20, 2008 . PHP 5.2.5 and prior : *printf() functions Integer Overflow - SecurityReason
I would prefer not to use advanced mechanisms or do my own compilations of
Sep 22, 2011 . +++ This bug was initially created as a clone of Bug #704319 +++ Description of
Feb 18, 2008 . Compiling & installing Xdebug for PHP 5.2.5 (Entropy.ch build) on OS X 10.5.
Hi all, I'm using the latest version of OMERO which requires Ice 3.3.1 I also would
Jan 30, 2008 . Posted: Mon, 31 Dec 2007 22:58 Post subject: PHP 5.2.5 updated build for . I've
Jun 4, 2011 . How to Install and Configure Php 5.2.5 and Apache 2.2.8 in Windows Vista. Many
It seems that Xcache 1.2.1 has some compatibility problems with Joomla 1.0.13
php-5.2.5-Win32 - createragnarokonlineprivateserver.blogspot.com.rar.
[opensuse] PHP 5.2.5 on 10.1 upgrade. From: "Nick Zeljkovic" <nzeljkovic@