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Sep 16, 2011 . As of today, however, Sprint is ending is “Free Guarantee” program, a
Oct 5, 2011 . Sprint today confirmed to Phone Scoop via telephone that the Apple iPhone 4S
Dec 5, 2011 . Sprint today announced Sprint Mobile Controls, a new set of tools that parents
Sprint has confirmed to Mobile Burn that it is no longer using Carrier IQ's software
Take a look at what Phone Scoop thought of our DuraMax and DuraCore
Who knows maybe Sprint was doing something to the network when he was
Sprint and C Spire Let Up on AT&T Lawsuits http://t.co/cP2MajJq via @
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Nextel merged with Sprint in August 2005, and Nextel currently operates as a sub
Sprint to Offer Notes In Order to Fund Clearwire: Sprint today indicated that it is
Default Phonescoop evolution 3d review is up. . Yeah, he states "At my home in
phonescoop.com — Sprint revealed as part of its quarterly earnings report this
Junior Member. Join Date: Sep 2009. Posts: 93. Device(s): Thanks: 0. Thanked 8
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Jun 9, 2011 . According to Phone Scoop, Sprint spokesperson Stephanie Vinge emailed them
Mar 14, 2011 . Update: According to PhoneScoop, Sprint is also offering free calls and texts to
Nov 30, 2011 . Sprint Nextel and Dish Networks have come to an agreement over Dish
AT&T Accuses Sprint of Ignoring Subpoena Regarding Suit (Phonescoop).
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Sprint operates a nationwide network with CDMA technology in the PCS (1900
Jun 4, 2010 . Yesterday we brought you a post about PCMag's tests determining which carrier
Nov 18, 2011 . Sprint today announced the Huawei Express, a new bar-style Android 2.3
Dec 6, 2011 . AT&T and Sprint have agreed to wait until after the Department of Justice's trial
Reorder; Duration: 5:28; Published: 04 Jan 2007; Uploaded: 04 Nov 2011;
If your friends or loved ones need a new mobile device, Phone Scoop did all the
Phonescoop Sprint. . Sprint will indeed offer unlimited data for iPhone users |
Sprint, Clearwire Mulling Their LTE 4G Future: Sprint and Clearwire have signed
Aug 23, 2011 . The Wall Street Journal today reports that CDMA operator Sprint will sell both the
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May 7, 2010 . Phone Scoop In an official forum post concerning an update for the HTC Hero
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15 hours ago . Sprint Disabling Carrier IQ On Its Devices: Sprint has confirmed to Mobile Burn
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Results 1 - 10 . Phonescoop.com: Phone Scoop. Information about cell phones . Sprint.com:
The Sprint wireless network uses code division multiple-access technology,
iPhone 4 Up for Preorder at Sprint.com (Phone Scoop). PHONESCOOP | on Wed
Dec 1, 2011 . In a statement provided to The Verge, Sprint today admitted that it uses
Dec 5, 2011 . Sprint will not debut any Long Term Evolution 4G end-user equipment until some
Detailed features and specs for the Samsung Epic 4G (Galaxy S) for Sprint. Plus
Comparison article: http://www.phonescoop.com/articles/article.php?a=376
Jun 7, 2010 . PhoneScoop has put together an extensive comparison of T-Mobile's 3G HSPA+
Sprint Confirms 5GB Data Cap for Hotspot Add-On: Sprint today confirmed to
Oct 9, 2011 . Phonescoop sprint, Phonescoop sprint in the news, Phonescoop sprint blogs,
Dec 1, 2011 . Sprint and Clearwire today announced a new agreement that sees Sprint
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Sprint today confirmed to Phone Scoop via telephone that the Apple iPhone 4S