Other articles:
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www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/. phelps-dodge. /104420110Workers From The American Factory Phelps Dodge Demonstrating In The
Unfortunately for the politics of strike settlement, the Phelps Dodge strike followed
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https://www.pinterest.com/pin/368380444496921711/Cachedclifton az | Strikers at the People's Clinic. Phelps Dodge Strike, Clifton .
Phelps Dodge officials said the strike was over. Union negotiators said this was
https://www.workers.org/2010/us/phelps-dodge_0708/CachedPhelps-Dodge Copper Miners to Pittston Coal Strike. Published Jul 5, 2010 5:30
https://prezi.com/6owtmzml-7xr/arizona-copper-strike-conflict-map/CachedMay 3, 2015 . Arizona Copper Strike Conflict Map Conflict Context The Arizona mine strike of
https://barriozona.com/the-phelps-dodge-copper-strike-in-clifton-morenci- 1983-1986/CachedSimilarMar 9, 2012 . (Tucson, Arizona) -– This year, 2012 marks nearly 30 years of the Phelps Dodge
www.nytimes.com/. /fury-etches-strikers-life-in-crumbling-fight-at-arizona- mines.htmlJul 30, 1984 . The strike began July 1, 1983, when 2,900 workers went out. On Aug. 20, 1983,
www.lawyersgunsmoneyblog.com/. /day-labor-history-june-30-1983CachedSimilarJun 30, 2014 . On June 30, 1983, workers at the Phelps-Dodge Corporation copper mines in
https://libcom.org/history/benefit-phelps-dodge-british-minersMar 27, 2014 . Poster for benefit for Phelps-Dodge and British miners - Libertarian Workers
https://www.mininghistoryassociation.org/. /MHJ-v3-1996-Bailey.pdfCachedSimilarJul 18, 1984 . Bailey- "Keeping People From Being Killed". 3. "Keeping People From Being
. 203 Pew Research Center for the People and the Press, 134 Pew Research
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arizona_copper_mine_strike_of_1983CachedSimilarThe Arizona copper mine strike of 1983 began as a bargaining dispute between
pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/cen-v046n014.p022Nov 6, 2010 . A coalition of 26 unions and Phelps-Dodge Corp. have reached an agreement
https://www.jacobinmag.com/. /general-strike-donald-trump-womens-march- immigration-ban-ludlow-strikeCachedFeb 6, 2017 . Less than a month after calling for a citywide general strike, King was
https://books.google.com/books/about/The_Phelps_Dodge_Strike.html?id. Publication of the Morenci Miners' Union to describe the Phelps Dodge Strike
www.academia.edu/. /Arizona_Copper_Strike_Conflict_AnalysisCachedSimilarThe conflict that I am going to analyze is the Steelworkers' strike that happened
https://www.pinterest.fr/pin/368380444496921711/CachedArizona cemetery. I think it is in Morenci, AZ. We used to call it the cemetary with
https://www.amazon.com/Holding-Line. Strike/dp/0801483891CachedSimilarHundreds of families held the line in the 1983 strike against Phelps Dodge
www.jocelync.com/wom06.htmlCachedSimilarArizona Copper Mine Strike. photo of women in a strike demonstration. Next.
His preference, he said, was not to be recognized as "the guy [leading the
https://www.huffingtonpost.com/. /you-cant-fake-it_us_ 5898e516e4b0c1284f279ebdCachedFeb 6, 2017 . The Phelps-Dodge strike of 1983 pitted local miners against riot police. Arizona
https://sciencesource.com/C.aspx?VP3=CMS3. CachedPhelps Dodge Copper Mine - SS2420317 Phelps Dodge copper mine, Morenci,
PHELPS DODGE STRIKE The Phelps Dodge strike was a brutal struggle
https://prezi.com/pd_ukausjz8k/arizona-miners-strike-conflict-map/CachedDec 23, 2013 . Central Conflict In June 1983, Phelps Dodge Corporation and the Local Unions
THE PHELPS DODGE STRIKE IN DOUGLAS The six corporations that make up
www.savethesantacruzaquifer.info/pd%20history.htmCachedSimilarThe strike was settled with an agreement by which "a handful of owners in New
https://www.facebook.com/. /Phelps-Dodge. Strike. /118205538205395CachedPhelps Dodge "On Strike" / State of Arizona (Retired). 1 like. Local Business.
articles.chicagotribune.com/. /9501160114_1_unions-phelps-dodge-labor- managementCachedSimilarJan 16, 1995 . And few strikes have had as corrosive an effect on U.S. labor relations as the one
www.theirminesourstories.org/?p=1107CachedSimilarIn 1983 2400 workers in Clifton/Morenci, members of 13 international unions,
articles.latimes.com/1987-04-26/news/mn-1473_1_town-centerCachedSimilarApr 26, 1987 . In 1981, when Phelps Dodge's New Cornelia mine, mill, concentrator and smelter
https://openjurist.org/974/f2d/. /urrea-v-phelps-dodge-corporationCachedFACTS. Urrea began working for Phelps Dodge as a nonsalaried employee in
www.themilitant.com/1995/5930/5930_20.htmlCachedSimilarVol.59/No.30 August 21, 1995. Book On 1983 Copper Strike Draws Wrong
www.nytimes.com/books/98/10/18/. /kingsolver-holding.htmlCachedSimilarJan 7, 1990 . he great Arizona mine strike referred to in the subtitle of Barbara Kingsolver's
https://portside.org/2017-03-18/saintly-dr-olearyCachedMar 18, 2017 . Early in October 1983, three months into a bitter strike at the Phelps Dodge
https://www.jstor.org/stable/4226487On July 1, 1983, 2400 workers went on strike against the Phelps. Dodge
caselaw.findlaw.com/us-supreme-court/313/177.htmlCachedSimilarThe source of the controversy was a strike, begun on June 10, 1935, by the
https://sagehouse.blog/. /the-thirtieth-anniversary-of-the-phelps-dodge-strike/CachedJul 8, 2013 . This summer marks the thirtieth anniversary of the long, often violent, community-rending—but for women, in particular, sometimes empowering—Phelps Dodge Strike in the copper towns of Arizona.
www.bribte.com/Pmp/69166/phelps-dodge-copper-mine.htmlCachedPhelps Dodge WOW. In 1908, with the Phelps and Dodge owners no longer alive
https://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?. CachedThis week in 1984, the Arizona, copper corporation Phelps Dodge announced it
www.fundinguniverse.com/. /phelps-dodge-corporation-history/CachedSimilarAlso in 1917, Phelps, Dodge & Co., Inc. transferred its assets and subsidiaries to
D The Arizona copper miners' strike against the Phelps Dodge Corporation
https://www.marketwatch.com/. /phelps-dodge-hoping-for-new-strike-talks- soonNov 17, 2004 . NEW YORK (CBS.MW) - Phelps Dodge management Wednesday expressed
https://www.csmonitor.com/1984/0703/070335.htmlCachedJul 3, 1984 . The unrest that has marked the first anniversary of the copper miners' strike