Other articles:
Jul 29, 2010 . ParsYellowPages.com Persian names list, over 2000 persian names in one list.
You will find here the Original Iranian Names for both Girls and Boys. The names
Farsi names - Large list of Farsi baby names, Farsi girl names, Farsi boy names
Persian Girls and Boys Names, traditional names with corresponding meaning,
names & meanings! over 22000 · Home · Persian/Iranian Girl .
Find Persian names at BabyZone, including Persian boy names and Persian girl
Lexicon of Iranian Personal Names. GIRLS . Names classified with lighter
Names are a really, really important thing. Particularly when you're a child. As
Girls. [edit.
Large lists of Iranian names and meanings for both boys and girls. culture_list.
abbAs (A), Frowning, looking austere; also means lion. abou-ali, Name of a
Browse the best selection of Persian Names at Baby Names World. We have
Apr 18, 2011 . Baby names for girls starting with Z. . Za-ee-da; Zy-da, Sada, Saida, Sayda,
JustMommies / Baby Names / Girl Names. Girl Names : D . . 50, Dara, girl,
Below we have listed a variety of names for Persian cats that can be used for
Baby Names – Baby Name Network has easy to find Persian baby names,
Iranian Names. This list was made available to you by. Mrs. Maryam . GIRLS ·
Persian baby names - The only baby names dictionary in the web to find out baby
Jul 20, 1997 . Afareen, Praise; also means to create. afsAneh, A fairy tale. afsar, Crown. afshAn,
24 Persian names for girls, listing Persian baby names 1-20. Ayesha, Bibi, Daria,
Sep 19, 2010 . Hi guys I have about 6 weeks to go and had decided on Eva (persian) for my little
Boys Names, Girls Names, Articles, Feedback, Downloads, Random Names .
May 3, 2010 . Thank you for another great post about Persian names for girls. Where else can
Jul 21, 2010 . ParsYellowPages.com/ Over 2000 Persian Names, Persian names and
Brings you the list of popular iranian baby names for boys and girls with
Azura - Persian: Blue sky. B - Unique Baby Girls Names. Basia - Polish: The
as the mom looking for a good persian/english name. We're also expecting our
[ Suggest Names for this page ] [ Go to Male Persian Names ] .
Top Iranian Persian Baby Names for Girls with Meaning .
. (47598 bytes). names. Original Persian Names .
Jun 22, 2011 . This guide offers over 100 Persian names for a baby girl, including a variety of
Most complete list of Persian names for girls. We seek to correct and complete
Islamic Names for Girls . Banan (banaan-finger tips) Barirah (bareera-pious,
Get Persian names & meanings at Parents Connect Baby Names. We have
Urdu names come from three languages Arabic, Persian and .
Persian baby names by Cutebabynames.org, list of thousand baby names and
Iranian names - Large list of Iranian baby names, Iranian girl names, Iranian boy
Etymology of names. Baby names, pet names, sim names, story character names
Aug 12, 2010 . Sorry , I don't think if there is more. why you ask for it? i think there are some, like:
Irannian girl names with english spelling & meaning.
Persian names for baby girls. Persian Names. Please choose an alphabet from
Meanings of baby girl names of Persian origin from the names Azar to Zohreh.
Looking for the perfect Persian baby name? Browse through our name lists to
Matches 1 - 100 of 133 . Persian baby names and origins for boys and girls. Searchable database of over
May 14, 2011 . Welcome to Persian/Iranian names for both boy and girl included with its
For more information on this cat breed, see our Persian cat profile and pictures.
Persian Baby Names, Complete List of Top Persian Names for .
Names that are CAPITALIZED are from Parsiana's Book of Iranian Names. . ..
Hence inclusion of "Khan" with a name is not compulsory. A Full List of Names for
Persian Boy names, Persian Girl names, and unique Persian baby names.