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transitive verb permitted, permitting. to allow; consent to; tolerate: smoking is not
49-107 - Power and delegation of state authority; § 49-109 - Certificate of
Jun 24, 2010 . Home; Licenses; Basic Driver License; First-Time Drivers; GDL Definitions .
Personnel Definitions for Permits. Applicant/Permit Holder – The person,
Work permit is required to be completed before a work can be done. Work permit
v. per·mit·ted, per·mit·ting, per·mits. v.tr. 1. To allow the doing of (something);
Definitions of Selected Permitting Terms. . Title V permits must assure
Sep 12, 2011 . tradeable permit. Definition: Tradable emissions permits are used in an
Building Permits - Definition of Building Permits on Investopedia - A type of
Nov 17, 2011 . Utah DEQ: DAQ: Permitting: Definitions of a Source's Size Category.
permit ( ) v. , -mitted , -mitting , -mits . v.tr. To allow the doing of (something);
Definition of permit from the Longman Online Dictionary of Contemporary English
permit - definition of permit - Legal authorization to conduct an activity; written,
Definitions. §4502. Fees. NOTE: Rule-making authority cited for formulation of
Regulations and Permits Definitions. Definitions. Antlered Deer: A deer having at
This glossary is provided to give general definitions for permit types and some of
Sep 2, 2010 . Definition of “routine maintenance and emergency repair” as it pertains to annual
There are two types of wastewater discharge controlled by NPDES permits -
Sep 13, 2010 . Eagle Permit Definitions. Active Nest – is a nest that is attended built, maintained
Permit definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation,
S.E.A.L. International. 2. SAFE WORK PERMIT. Definition of Safe Work Permit. •
If FEMA has not defined the SFHA within a community, the community shall
Business Permits definition from Entrepreneur's small business encyclopedia.
Definition of public waters. Public waters are designated as such to indicate
Does My Proposed Project Require a §404 Permit? To answer this question you
OSHA's definition of a confined space and permit-required confined space.
Building permits represent the number of new privately-owned housing units
A vehicle license trip permit allows a vehicle to operate for three consecutive
Noun, 1. learner's permit - a document authorizing the bearer to learn to drive an
Nov 8, 2011 . We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), propose to revise the definition
Introduction Definitions OSHA's Confined Space Standard Alternative to a full
Permits definition from Entrepreneur's small business encyclopedia.
The following definitions have been provided to assist users in understanding
EPA has authorized 46 states to issue permits directly to the discharging facilities
defined above. Section 5.9 – Work without a work permit R186(h) – Athletes and
Aquatic noxious weed control — Water quality permits — Definition. (1) The
Definition of building permit: Formal approval of building plans by the designated
1.1 Definition. (a) Work Permit for a “non-citizen skilled contracted worker” means
It is not included in the CWA definition of "point source" and therefore not subject
What Is a Tradeable Permit? In its most general use, a tradeable permit can be
May 21, 2009 . Definition: Building permits represent the number of new privately-owned
E. Definitions. Best management practices (BMPs): Policies, practices,
Aug 16, 2006 . Definition of these terms will place holders of these special licenses and permits
permit verb - definition, audio pronunciation, synonyms and more for permit verb:
445A.040 “Permit” defined. 445A.041 “Person” defined. 445A.042 “Pier” defined.
Sep 25, 2001 . Definition: Tradable pollution permits are rights to sell and buy actual or potential
Definition of permit from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary with audio
Noun, 1. work permit - a legal document giving information required for
During the rule revision process, a question was raised regarding the fact that