Other articles:
Oct 30, 2008 . How A Nigerian Steals Your Laptop. By Ben Popken on . More About: scams,;
Nov 28, 2008 . A new variant of popular Nigerian 419 scam is possible via Paypal, according to
Hi,it's surely a scam,i got the same one the other day for a camera.They want to
Jun 10, 2010 . Most Nigerian scammers "pay" using PayPal. Then they send an email that looks
How to Avoid PayPal Scams . Craigslist Nigerian Scams and More . as BidPay,
Scams: AFF - Nigerian, Lottery scams, Money Transfer Frauds, Lawyers with .
WARNING Hi , as we all know Ebay is a great place to find bargains and an
Nov 4, 2011 . So I am new to Ebay, PayPal and Craigslist. I recieved an email last night/this
mobile phone scam? Nigeria??? HELP!!! Mar 9, 2006 04:55 PM. Hi,I was selling
Nigerian twist #2: Send me the stuff -- I'll use PayPal. The scam: Wise to the use
PayPal Scam from a Nigerian. Submitted by marquezbilly@ma. on Tue, 2010/05
Jul 24, 2009 . It is obviouisly the paypal scammers they used the names -Leon Harris, . She
We wrote previously about the use of forged PayPal emails used in Nigerian
Unless a PayPal payment shows up in your actual PayPal account you have not
Jun 4, 2011 . Just go to any search engine, type in “Nigeria Paypal Scam” and read the
i hate people that try to scam .. send him a box with a fish or something that
Nigerian Romeo Boiler Room Rip Off Scam. Zoloft For Sale, Well . . I delete
Apr 24, 2011 . Craigslist/PayPal Nigeria Scam?I have an item on craigslist, and someone
Jun 3, 2005 . re: Beware the PayPal Email Scams! Yeah, these have replaced all of the "free
You'd think that Nigerian scammers would use good English before trying to
Bank / Paypal "Update your Account" Phishing Scams The 'Nigerian' 419 Scam
Nov 27, 2008 . A VARIANT of the extremely popular Nigerian 419 scam is possible via Paypal,
"scams paypal, nigeria", a playlist created by jbunit2.
1.6 Online auction and retail schemes; 1.7 PayPal Fraud; 1.8 Call tag scam . like
Oct 6, 2011 . My sister is now in Nigeria, where she and her classmates are conducting a
Aug 19, 2008 . They have three things in common: (1) they both want the items to be shipped to
. out fake but look real paypal invoices saying that money is pending for .
Jul 11, 2010 . I hope this helps keep other Craigslist sellers from being scammed. nigerian
Apr 3, 2009 . There are a lot of posts on this problem, so I don't profess to be the last word on it.
Mar 5, 2009 . So we call Paypal and they say, "Oh no, where did you ship the stuff to because
The latest "PayPal" scam! . Some of the "Hotbeds" from where these Nigerian/
There's another, more common scam that people sometimes refer to as a
If the seller balks at sending the item to Nigeria, he counters with a request to
First paypal is ok; asked to transfer to person: shawannamoore@aol.com. . .
Apr 27, 2011 . Hi, I have a strange situation. I have been reading all these posts about
Dec 5, 2010 . Beware of Shelia Williams or Anita Odole (Nigerian Scam, Paypal Scam);
Where am I? Original Post Top of the thread Current page. The Nigerian Scam
eBay Nigeria Scam Exposed September 4, 2007. Posted by Andrew Wee in :
May 12, 2006 . This is a link to another version of this Nigeria / Ebay scam: . They send an email
If you believe you may have fallen victim to this type of scam and wish to . In
He or she will request that the item be shipped to Nigeria via a parcel service (
I'm victim of paypal fraud from Nigerian scammers and my item has been left in
Oct 30, 2011 . This was obviously a fake email, not from Paypal. I googled "Nigerian scams
Discussion about c*r*a*i*g*slist - PayPal - Nigeria Shipping. Speak your mind
Hi and welcome to my web site on some of the best scams you will find on the
First of all, be very aware if somebody that buys from you on ebay has zero
I recently sold a PSP on ebay and the buyer requested to pay in full. i accepted.
Nov 10, 2007 . " NIGERIA SCAM " . so got a hold of pay-pal they advised me that the buyer is a
Try always enabling "immediate payment required" for paypal, or at least paypal
payment via PayPal?..i would like to know the final price of the item including the