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www.thelyricarchive.com/song/377431-54719/PatchesCachedClarence Carter - Patches lyrics from Patches (1970) album. . The Lyric Archive
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rateyourmusic.com/. /clarence_carter__snatching_it_back__the_atlantic_ fame_and_abc_years_1965_1976/CachedSimilarComplete discographical overview of Clarence Carter's recordings for . "Let Me
www.lyricsvault.net/php/bio.php?a=2585CachedCarter's earliest releases were as half of the duo Clarence And Calvin. . "
www.amiright.com/artists/clarencecarter.shtmlCachedFun music facts, trivia, jokes, lyrics stuff about Clarence Carter on amiright. . "
www.last.fm/music/Clarence+Carter/_/PatchesCachedSimilarI was born and raised down in Alabama On a farm way back up in the woods. I
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(Thanks to the internet, I was able to find the lyrics and a youtube video of the
https://answers.yahoo.com/question/?qid. CachedSimilarLyrics of a Clarence Carter song : The few troubles I've had performed in the
pancocojams.blogspot.com/. /chariman-of-board-clarence-carter.htmlCachedJun 15, 2014 . This post showcases the 1970 song "Patches" as sung by Chairman Of The
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clarence_CarterCachedSimilarClarence George Carter (born January 14, 1936) is an American blues and soul
tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/c/clarence_carter/patches_crd.htmCachedSimilarDec 18, 2012 . Patches Chords by Clarence Carter with chord diagrams, easy version . Patches
songmeanings.com/songs/view/3530822107858811878/CachedSimilarClarence Carter · Soul Deep; Patches. Patches is found . "Patches" as written by
usslave.blogspot.com/2013/10/clarence-carters-patches.htmlCachedOct 9, 2013 . Patches Lyrics . I was so ragged the folks used to call me Patches . Songfacts --
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www.offbeat.com/2001/07/01/clarence-carter/CachedSimilarJul 1, 2001 . Clarence Carter's first million-seller was “Patches” in 1968. . I decided I was
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. the charts, Johnson's songs became hits for the likes of Clarence Carter ("
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www.soulbluesmusic.com/clarencecarter.htmCachedSimilarAlthough often thought as a bawdy soul comedian, Clarence Carter is . "Patches