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As of February 1, 2008, customers now have the option to apply for a passport
Apr 25, 2012 . Will the passport card only be sufficient or do I need the book? I noticed on their
A passport book (commonly called a passport), is used for travel anywhere in the
Sep 2, 2010 . Ultimately I am planning on going to Vietnam and possibly Thailand but I don't
May 20, 2008 . From GailTravel: Summer travelers are being faced with the dilemna of choosing
The card provides a less expensive, smaller, and convenient alternative to the
PASSPORT BOOK OR PASSPORT CARD. Passport Book. To obtain a passport
Question: Travel from metro Detroit to Bahamas do I need a book passport or
That said, there's a difference between a passport book and a passport card that
Passport Book - can be used for air, land and sea travel. Passport Card - can be
Citizens are allowed both a passport book and a passport card. A Passport Card
What is the difference between passport book and card? A US Passport Card can
Mar 10, 2010 . On TripAdvisor's Frankfurt travel forum, travelers are asking questions and
If you are like my family and friends, you are curious as to the differences
Passport Cards are wallet-sized passports that are convenient and less
I read the website, but still can't quite figure it out. I got my passport card a few
U.S. PASSPORT BOOK. U.S. PASSPORT CARD. Valid for travel by air, sea or
Renewing your U.S passport can be a relatively straightforward . www.wikihow.com/Renew-a-U.S.-Passport-With-Form-DS-82 - Cached - SimilarPassport Application & Renewal - Apply for a US Passport at DMV . The passport card is a newly released document that's valid for travel only to
10. Current Passport Book or Passport Card Information. Your name as listed on
What is the difference between the U.S. passport book and the U.S. passport card
If you have a U.S. passport book and are eligible to use Form DS-82, you may
Mar 28, 2011 . U.S. Passport Cards vs. U.S. Passport Books. by Carolyn W. Paddock. Have you
Oct 13, 2011 . The new passport card is a slimmer, less expensive alternative to using a
For a Passport Card, the applicant must appear in person and present the
The kids' passports (full books) expire in August. Is there any reason we shouldn't
New passport fees for the U.S. Passport Book, the U.S. Passport Card, and other
Mar 1, 2010 . I am going to the Bahama's in June, and need a pas…answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100301125112AAenuxP - Cached - SimilarThe Difference Between the Passport Book and Passport Card . Jul 24, 2008 . Currently, official U.S. id will suffice in crossing land borders, but in 2009 the new
Apr 9, 2012 . This is because they are more convenient and less expensive than an actual
Like the passport book, the passport card is issued only to U.S. citizens and
U.S. citizens can present a passport book, NEXUS card at airports with NEXUS
I am preparing to renew my passport, and I see that you can now opt for a
Jan 25, 2009 . It's called the Passport Card and costs less than a regular Passport Book, though
Did you know you can use a U.S. Passport or a U.S. Passport Card to travel
Passport Card. Passport Book vs. Passport Card Production of the U.S. Passport
To Apply for a US Passport Book or Passport Card, you will need: • Completed
US Passport card, or book? General Discussion discussion.www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=401378 - SimilarUS Passport Book and US Passport Card Comparison | Money and . Passport Book for int'l travel by air sea or land, Passport Card when entering via
Use your ScotiaGold Passport VISA card to book a two-week vacation and you
Sep 13, 2009 . There's been lots of talk about the new U.S. Passport Card that the State
VIP Passports And Visa Services United States passport agency specializes in
Find out if you need a passport card or passport book on your honeymoon or first
Mar 16, 2008 . Whether you're getting ready to travel overseas or maybe across the border, you'
Oct 10, 2008 . I'm trying to get my passpost, and I've never had one before. I'm really confused.
Apr 20, 2012 . Small image of a US Passport A Passport book will take you anywhere in the
Apr 12, 2010 . Anyone from the U.S. want to recommend either a passport card or a book for
TRAVEL DOCUMENTS FOR U.S. CITIZENS. Apply for one or both, it's your
Cash, Check, or Money Order payable to City of Riverside. Total Fees. Adult
Aug 18, 2008 . The U.S. Department of State Passport Services recently began issuing the