May 14, 12
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  • As of February 1, 2008, customers now have the option to apply for a passport
  • Apr 25, 2012 . Will the passport card only be sufficient or do I need the book? I noticed on their
  • A passport book (commonly called a passport), is used for travel anywhere in the
  • Sep 2, 2010 . Ultimately I am planning on going to Vietnam and possibly Thailand but I don't
  • May 20, 2008 . From GailTravel: Summer travelers are being faced with the dilemna of choosing
  • The card provides a less expensive, smaller, and convenient alternative to the
  • PASSPORT BOOK OR PASSPORT CARD. Passport Book. To obtain a passport
  • Question: Travel from metro Detroit to Bahamas do I need a book passport or
  • That said, there's a difference between a passport book and a passport card that
  • Passport Book - can be used for air, land and sea travel. Passport Card - can be
  • Citizens are allowed both a passport book and a passport card. A Passport Card
  • What is the difference between passport book and card? A US Passport Card can
  • Mar 10, 2010 . On TripAdvisor's Frankfurt travel forum, travelers are asking questions and
  • If you are like my family and friends, you are curious as to the differences
  • Passport Cards are wallet-sized passports that are convenient and less
  • I read the website, but still can't quite figure it out. I got my passport card a few
  • U.S. PASSPORT BOOK. U.S. PASSPORT CARD. Valid for travel by air, sea or
  • Renewing your U.S passport can be a relatively straightforward . - Cached - SimilarPassport Application & Renewal - Apply for a US Passport at DMV . The passport card is a newly released document that's valid for travel only to
  • 10. Current Passport Book or Passport Card Information. Your name as listed on
  • What is the difference between the U.S. passport book and the U.S. passport card
  • If you have a U.S. passport book and are eligible to use Form DS-82, you may
  • Mar 28, 2011 . U.S. Passport Cards vs. U.S. Passport Books. by Carolyn W. Paddock. Have you
  • Oct 13, 2011 . The new passport card is a slimmer, less expensive alternative to using a
  • For a Passport Card, the applicant must appear in person and present the
  • The kids' passports (full books) expire in August. Is there any reason we shouldn't
  • New passport fees for the U.S. Passport Book, the U.S. Passport Card, and other
  • Mar 1, 2010 . I am going to the Bahama's in June, and need a pas… - Cached - SimilarThe Difference Between the Passport Book and Passport Card . Jul 24, 2008 . Currently, official U.S. id will suffice in crossing land borders, but in 2009 the new
  • Apr 9, 2012 . This is because they are more convenient and less expensive than an actual
  • Like the passport book, the passport card is issued only to U.S. citizens and
  • U.S. citizens can present a passport book, NEXUS card at airports with NEXUS
  • I am preparing to renew my passport, and I see that you can now opt for a
  • Jan 25, 2009 . It's called the Passport Card and costs less than a regular Passport Book, though
  • Did you know you can use a U.S. Passport or a U.S. Passport Card to travel
  • Passport Card. Passport Book vs. Passport Card Production of the U.S. Passport
  • To Apply for a US Passport Book or Passport Card, you will need: • Completed
  • US Passport card, or book? General Discussion - SimilarUS Passport Book and US Passport Card Comparison | Money and . Passport Book for int'l travel by air sea or land, Passport Card when entering via
  • Use your ScotiaGold Passport VISA card to book a two-week vacation and you
  • Sep 13, 2009 . There's been lots of talk about the new U.S. Passport Card that the State
  • VIP Passports And Visa Services United States passport agency specializes in
  • Find out if you need a passport card or passport book on your honeymoon or first
  • Mar 16, 2008 . Whether you're getting ready to travel overseas or maybe across the border, you'
  • Oct 10, 2008 . I'm trying to get my passpost, and I've never had one before. I'm really confused.
  • Apr 20, 2012 . Small image of a US Passport A Passport book will take you anywhere in the
  • Apr 12, 2010 . Anyone from the U.S. want to recommend either a passport card or a book for
  • TRAVEL DOCUMENTS FOR U.S. CITIZENS. Apply for one or both, it's your
  • Cash, Check, or Money Order payable to City of Riverside. Total Fees. Adult
  • Aug 18, 2008 . The U.S. Department of State Passport Services recently began issuing the

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