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Members serve at YouthCare's Orion Center, Metrocenter YMCA, YouthCare
Mar 12, 2012 . Most recently, the YMCA of Greater Seattle has taken over operation in .
Categories in Passages Northwest--SSC Community Champions . ymca. Sort by
Here are examples of some of the full-time employment .
Passages Northwest - Passages Northwest is a program of Metrocenter Y
. including Boy Scouts, Urban Wild, Passages Northwest, YMCA. At least 100
Girls Leadership / Passages Northwest Program Director (Metrocenter YMCA –
Hiking, climbing and back-packing adventures for teens this summer. Learn
Most recently, the YMCA of Greater Seattle has taken over operation in
Passages Northwest (now a program of Metrocenter YMCA) helps unearth the
Feb 11, 2012 . In past years, AEE NW has presented playnotes by Erik Marter of Synergo and by
Strategic & Financial Planning Consultant. Damon Kruger, Secretary. Lee &
The YMCA is proud to be the new home for Passages Northwest programs, now
IMSE, UW, // 3. College of Education, UW. // 4. Passages Northwest, Seattle, WA.
Passages Northwest, a program of the YMCA of greater Seattle (Seattle, WA) .
Passages Northwest, Seattle, WA, http://www.passagesnw.org , Wilderness and
Passages Northwest Expeditions. Grades 6 - 12. Build courage and leadership on an introductory or advanced wilderness adventure just for girls. YMCA Earth .
Feb 10, 2012 . Categories in Passages Northwest--SSC Community Champions . Org Name:
including: YMCA Young Adult Services, YouthCare Orion Center, Metrocenter
Feb 24, 2011 . Girls Leadership Program Director, YMCA Passages Northwest (Seattle, WA).
Neighborhood map and hours for Passages Northwest, Seattle Nonprofit, in
The YMCA Outdoor Leadership Development program helps young people make
Job Announcement – Course Director for Spring and Summer 2012. Passages
Seattle Counseling Services Passages Northwest Bike Works The Washington
4 days ago . $8 General Fee,$40 for 6-Class Pass, $6 w/ Student ID, $5 for YMCA Members,
Girls Rock! began in 1997 as part of the independent non-profit Passages
. Informal Science Education Consortium (ISE); Science Partnership Academy;
The Metrocenter YMCA is one of 12 branches of the YMCA of Greater Seattle,
Jun 20, 2011 . I count my own such youthful passages as among the reasons I have devoted my
On March 18, 2009, a public event was held at Rainier Beach High School where
Northwest Network for Youth, Seattle WA, USA. Passages Northwest, Seattle WA,
Job Announcement – Course Director for Spring and Summer 2012. Passages
Passages Northwest is dedicated to inspiring courage and leadership in girls .
May 27, 2011 . Website: www.ymcaspokane.org. Passages Northwest Camps. Where:
including Boy Scouts, Urban Wild, Passages Northwest, and the YMCA. At least
. Passages Northwest; Overlake Specialty School; Mercer Island Schools;
Passages Northwest Wilderness School. Passages Northwest is an outdoor
. for Science and Mathematics Education, and two non-profit youth groups in
Seattle Counseling Services Passages Northwest Bike Works The Washington
Passages Northwest is moving into the Metrocenter Y, and needs your help in
YMCA of Greater Seattle . One of the city's most respected nonprofits, YMCA
Job Announcement – Logistics Coordinator - Summer 2012. Passages Northwest
Feb 28, 2012 . Ledwith joined the YMCA two years ago, and running has become a delight .
Jun 22, 2011 . YMCA Bold Mountain School and Passages Northwest, Seattle WA Community
www.seattleymca.org, 1 Sept 2011 [cached]. Two wonderful Passage Northwest
EMT/ Training Officer at Rural Metro; Field Instructor at Passages Northwest;
Feb 10, 2012 . Passages Northwest Wilderness School and BOLD Mountain School are YMCA
Passages Northwest - Passages Northwest is a program of Metrocenter Y
Auburn Valley YMCA · Girls LEAD (Lead.Empower.Adventure.Discover) ·
programming for girls in the country! Join us as we bring the Passages Northwest
Friends of the Northwest Weather & Avalanche Center . . Events in Seattle and