Other articles:
Bill currently teaches American literature, poetry writing, literary criticism, and .
Sima Rabinowitz, Newpages.com, January 2009. “Let Us Eat Cake” American
Sign up for Twitter to follow Passages North (@PassagesNorth). A national
Passages North is an American literary magazine published by the Northern
Her work has appeared in literary journals including Fourth Genre, Topic,
Feb 22, 2012 . This reading, sponsored by the MFA and MA Program sin creative writing in
Jul 27, 2010 . Passages North Other Features: . MFA Program - 10/05/2009. Literary Journals
Northwest Passages is an online bookstore specializing in selling Canadian
Passages North, NMU Literary Journal . Activities and Societies: Passages
PhD University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill . "Fabula," forthcoming in
Nov 21, 2008 . Passages North, poetry and nonfiction competitions. November 21 . Passages
Her work has appeared in The Georgia Review, Iowa Review, Poetry Northwest,
Feb 10, 2012 . Why There Are Words Literary Reading Series presents the following . the
Arts & Entertainment Writer at The North Wind; Scriptwriter/Director at Child and
Kern has published fiction and creative nonfiction in literary, popular, religious
Passages North literary magazine. . Passages North :: NewPages Guide to
Passages North, the annual literary journal sponsored by Northern Michigan
His poems have appeared in journals including American Literary Review, Black
Oct 8, 2011 . Passages North-Literary journal. Passages North has a brand new website and
Passages North is an annual literary journal sponsored by Northern Michigan
Sep 24, 2010 . New verse by alumna Maia Rauschenberg (Poetry '09) has been published in
Magic Word: XQZZQX . Literary Magazine Listing - 01/23/2008. Northern
. Whistling Shade Poetry East Passages North Platte Valley Review Poet Lore .
Mar 21, 2012 . Category Archives: Literary Events . Her poetry has appeared in Passages
Passages North is an American literary magazine published by the Northern
His poems, reviews, and translations have appeared or will soon appear in Iron
Feb 10, 2006 . Passages North, the annual literary journal sponsored by Northern Michigan
Fall 2007: ENGL 4310: Studies in Literary Theory: Postmodern Poetics. ENGL
Submission Guidelines and Other Things Worth Knowing Because the process of
Oct 25, 2011. in the NMU English department, the MFA and MA programs in creative writing,
. open to the public, and sponsored by MFA and MA programs in creative writing
Her work has appeared in literary journals including Sonora Review, Creative
The 2011 winning entries will be published in Issue 32 of Passages North, due .
The MacGuffin, a national literary magazine from Schoolcraft College in Livonia,
May 2, 2011 . Lit Mag Trivia Contest . Cozy Up With This Literary Magazine . This issue of
Mar 16, 2012 . This reading, sponsored by the MFA and MA Program sin creative writing in
Outside of teaching she is a fiction editor for Passages North, a literary journal
Passages North is a prominent American literary journal published by the
She is a freelance writer, former managing editor for the literary journal Passages
Dec 3, 2011 . First up is one of my favourites, the website of Passage North, an annual literary
. The Man Made of Words attempts to fashion a definition of American literature
Outside of teaching she is a fiction editor for Passages North, a literary journal
. Union Poetry Prize, four Pushcart nominations, and others. Passages North
Marquette, Michigan Literary Magazine of poetry, literary fiction, contemporary
Mary Alexandra Agner's poetry appears in North American Review, Passages
Passages North, the annual literary journal sponsored by Northern Michigan
Nick McRae's poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Copper Nickel,
Michigan Literary Resources Online . a literary journal based out of Michigan
Roadshow Rage. Florida Review, Winter 2008. Let Us Eat Cake. American