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NNPDF approach to parton distribution functions. NNPDF NEWS. The LO and
Jun 26, 2009 . Modifications of the parton distribution functions in the nucleus, relative to the
Model uncertainties have also been estimated. 1 In this paper the term PDF will
nCTEQ project is an extension of the CTEQ collaborative effort to determine
The Durham HepData Project · Reaction Database Data Reviews Parton
dependence of parton distribution functions (PDFs), and QCD dynamics at very
File:CTEQ6 parton distribution functions.png. From Wikipedia, the free
Parton distribution functions (PDFs). ❑ Two parton correlations: ❑ Factorization: <
The hard functions in expression . it obtains the distribution functions .
parameterizations of diffractive parton distribution functions determined from.
In order to predict the results of any hard-scattering process where hadrons are
Jul 22, 2011 . CT10 Parton Distribution Functions . the accuracy of QCD and to extract the
Lecture 3: Parton Distribution Functions. Gavin Salam. CERN, Princeton &
CTEQ6 parton distribution functions are publicly available as a .
Jan 10, 2012 . This article explains the definition of parton densities (also called parton
An introduction to Parton Distribution Functions. 2. Global . Parton Distribution
Parton Distribution Functions of Hadrons. Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle
Nucleon spin and parton distribution functions. Jörg Pretz. Physikalisches Institut,
Analytic Fits to Parton Distribution Functions. Sohang. C. Gandhi. Supervisor:
Feb 3, 2010 . The Nucleon Parton Distribution Functions. The ABKM09 set -- the 3-, 4-, and 5-
The CTEQ6 parton distribution functions in the MS renormalization scheme and
2.3 The Pion Parton Distribution Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33. 2.4
Jun 6, 2008 . perturbation series in αs (at least formally). ■ fg/p(x, µ) is the parton distribution
Sep 25, 2008 . With the abundance of talk recently about the LHC coming online and all the
Apr 4, 2001 . Abstract: We present parton distribution functions which include a quantitative
A FORTRAN package containing parametrizations of parton distribution functions
Jun 20, 2011 . Impact of the parton distribution function uncertainties on the measurement of the
Drell-Yan invariant mass spectrum, normalised to the Z resonance region.
Parton distribution functions are determined by performing a global ana- . . 1.3
Acronym, Definition. PDF, Portable Document Format (Adobe Acrobat). PDF,
Analysis centre: Parton Distribution Functions. Mission - provides training on all
Recent progress on nuclear parton distribution functions. Authors: Hirai, M.;
Parton distribution functions are determined from data from particle physics
For PYTHIA the amount of multiple parton scattering depends on the parton
Jun 28, 2011 . Title: Parton distribution function dependence of benchmark Standard Model total
CTEQ-TEA parton distribution functions: CT10. CT10 parton distribution functions
We present parton distribution functions which include a quantitative estimate of
At the scale Q of the hard interaction, factorization does not yield standard parton
We show that the gauge-invariant transverse-momentum-dependent (TMD)
We investigate the uncertainties of the heavy-quark parton distribution functions
Nov 6, 2010 . The momentum distribution functions of the partons within the proton are simply
First. Contents. Back. Conclusion. Calculation of. Parton Distribution. Functions.
LHC Topical Program @NCTS. 1. Introduction to. Parton Distribution Functions.
How do Neutrino Scattering Results Influence. Parton Distribution Function Fits?
Dec 11, 2002 . Code for CTEQ, GRV, MRS, and ALEKHIN distributions.
3 parton distribution functions. introduced by Feynman (1969) in the parton
Jun 7, 2007 . Parton Distribution Functions and. Global Fitting. J.F. Owens. Physics Department