Other articles:
www.csd.uoc.gr/~hy586/material/projects/cs586-theory-projects.pdfCachedOct 7, 2013 . Fall semester - Ac. Year 2013-14. Instructor: Panagiota Fatourou. Theory Projects
link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00446-008-0060-6Faith Ellen; Panagiota Fatourou; Eric Ruppert. Faith Ellen. 1 . Cite this article as:
www.eurotm.org/publicationsSimilarThe Distributed Computing Column by Panagiota Fatourou, Bulletin of the
. Deng Ilias Diakonikolas Benjamin Doerr Chaled Elbassioni Javier Esparza
https://hagit.net.technion.ac.il/publications/dc/2nd-errata/Sep 19, 2016 . Page 22, line 9 of Algorithm 2: (Panagiota Fatourou, Ruediger Valk) replace Line
students.ceid.upatras.gr/~faturu/CachedI have a diploma in Computer Science from the Deprtment of Computer Science
www.finki.ukim.mk/. /invited-lecture-panagiota-fatourou-acm-distinguished -speakerCachedFeb 8, 2017 . On the 24th of February, 2017, from 12:00pm to 13:00pm, at the Amphitheater of
. Mariangiola Dezani-Ciancaglini Volker Diekert Rod Downey Olivier Dubois
https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Panagiota_FatourouCachedPanagiota Fatourou of University of Crete, Rethymno with expertise in Distributed
www.ics.forth.gr/carv/index_main.php?l=e&c=539CachedSimilarPanagiota Fatourou is an Associate Professor at the Department of Computer
www.cs.cornell.edu/research/stoc06/stoc06program.txtCachedSimilar. and Sebastien Roch Session 4B 2:00-3:35 Chair: Tal Malkin Time-Space
https://www.semanticscholar.org/author/Panagiota-Fatourou/1745030CachedSemantic Scholar profile for Panagiota Fatourou, with fewer than 50 highly
https://twitter.com/acm_president/status/770192531275382784CachedAug 29, 2016 . Vicki Hanson · @ACM_President. President, ACM (Association for Computing
https://www.facebook.com/public/Panagiota-FatourouCachedView the profiles of people named Panagiota Fatourou. Join Facebook to
https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=ZgHRkcUAAAAJ&hl. CachedAssistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of Crete - csd.uoc.grPanagiota Fatourou. Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science,
Fatourou and Spirakis considered in [12] the case of k-strict computations, that is,
opodis2016.etsisi.upm.es/organization.htmlCachedPanagiota Fatourou, FORTH ICS & University of Crete, Greece (co-chair) Pascal
Panagiota Fatourou, Faith E. Fich, and Eric Ruppert, A Tight Time Lower Bound
bulletin.eatcs.org/index.php/beatcs/article/view/344Maurice Herlihy's 60th Birthday Celebration. Panagiota Fatourou, The Distributed
https://www.hipeac.net/~faturu/publications/CachedUniversal constructions that ensure disjoint-access parallelism and wait-
. Castro Dutra Guy Edjlali Rudolf Eigenmann Thomas Fahringer Panagiota
13 [35] Faith Ellen, Panagiota Fatourou, and Eric Ruppert. Time lower bounds for
www.gsd.inesc-id.pt/~mcouceiro/eurotm/htdc2013/fatourou.pdfTheory results in. Transactional Memory. Panagiota Fatourou. FORTH ICS &.
dblp.uni-trier.de/pers/f/Fatourou:PanagiotaCachedSimilarList of computer science publications by Panagiota Fatourou.
docplayer.net/31652987-Curriculum-vitae-panagiota-fatourou.htmlCachedCURRICULUM VITAE Panagiota Fatourou July 2016 Table of Contents 1.
www.di.unisa.it/~alberto/asdad2003/dalweb/faturu/consensus1.psDistributed Computing. Panagiota Fatourou. MPII. The Consensus Problem. á
www.disc-conference.org/wp/disc2016/program/CachedSession Chair: Panagiota Fatourou. 10:30 – 10:55, k-Abortable Objects: Progress
www.ics.forth.gr/~faturuCachedSimilarNov 10, 2016 . Panagiota Fatourou is an Associate Professor at the Department of Computer
www.cs.uoi.gr/~faturu/CachedSimilarI got a diploma in Computer Science from the Deprtment of Computer Science of
www.canada411.ca/Fatourou-1CachedFind People in Canada using Canada 411 People Finder.
Panagiota Fatourou, Faith Ellen Fich, and Eric Ruppert. A Tight Time Lower
2005; Fatourou, Mavronicolas, Spirakis PANAGIOTA FATOUROU Department of
axel22.github.io/publications/concurrent-tries-with-snapshots/CachedFaith Ellen, Panagiota Fatourou, Eric Ruppert, Franck van Breugel: Non-blocking
https://courses.cs.ut.ee/. /Ruppert_Lock- free%20Shared%20Data%20Structures_further%20reading.pdfCachedA recent paper by Fatourou and Kallimanis [16] gives a good . . [15] Faith Ellen,
https://gr.linkedin.com/in/panagiota-fatourou-a7a633SimilarView Panagiota Fatourou's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the
prabook.com/web/person-view.html?profileId=1417269CachedPanagiota Fatourou, Greek computer engineer, educator.
https://acmwe-codess-hackathon.devpost.com/CachedJustin Pearson Uppsala University. No avatar 100. Nesrine Changuel Program
https://hal.inria.fr/tel-01256954/documentJan 18, 2016 . Panagiota Fatourou, who acted as mentor, guide and co-supervisor. Without their
www.cs.toronto.edu/~faith/conferences.htmlCachedSimilarConference Publications. Faith Ellen, Panagiota Fatourou, Joanna Helga and
dsp.acm.org/view_lecturer.cfm?lecturer_id=7503CachedPanagiota Fatourou is an Associate Professor at the Department of Computer
www.cost.eu/COST_Actions/ict/eurotm/?address=13&db. back. Jun 8, 2010 . ICT Action IC1001 Contact details Prof Panagiota FATOUROU. Panagiota
www.seeu.edu.mk/en/information/events?id=1501CachedLecture: "Concurrency for the masses: The Paradigm of Transactional Memory"
ppopp16.sigplan.org/profile/panagiotafatourouCachedName: Panagiota Fatourou. Affiliation: University of Crete & FORTH. PPoPP 2016
users-cs.au.dk/gerth/alcom-ft/TR/ALCOMFT-TR-01-76.ps.gzCachedPanagiota Fatourou. Department of Computer Science. University of Toronto.
www.cs.yorku.ca/~ruppert/CachedJan 3, 2017 . Faith Ellen, Panagiota Fatourou, Joanna Helga and Eric Ruppert. The amortized
https://www.hipeac.net/~faturu/CachedGot it! This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our
3 Panagiota Fatourou, Dmytro Dziuma, and Eleni Kanellou Liveness in
scholar.google.co.uk/citations?user=3XmHFWMAAAAJ&hl=enCachedFoundation for Research and Technology Hellas - Institute of Computer Science - cs.uoi.grSingle-scanner multi-writer snapshot implementations are fast! P Fatourou, ND
https://infoscience.epfl.ch/record/198722/files/pcl_theorem_1.pdfddziuma@ics.forth.gr. Panagiota Fatourou. ∗. University of Crete &. FORTH-ICS