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Compatibility note: The current version of Tux Paint requires Mac OS X .
Total Posts: 144. Does anyone know of a mac version of paint.net? Posted: 17 Jul
Oct 2, 2011 . Net's GUI, and as such if you work on the Windows version, you can just as easily
Windows; Mobile; Games; Mac; Widgets; Drivers. Pop Searches: . A newer
Developer: dotPDN LLC and Rick Brewster. Latest Version: Paint.NET 3.5.8.
Paint.NET 3.5.10: Free, easy-to-use photo editor with support for layers. .
Oct 1, 2010 . No Mac version. Bottom Line. Featuring an easy-to-use interface and an array of
NET download and remember that open source is also a shareware and
Feb 1, 2012 . Paint.NET free download. Get the latest version now. Paint.NET is image and
Feb 9, 2012 . Homepage · Windows Games Drivers Mac Linux Scripts button Mobile Handheld
NET 2.60 (Beta 2) > Download. Old Versions of Paint.Net. Complete listing .
Aug 9, 2007 . Mac OS X @ DaniWeb - Is there a microsoft paint like application for mac? Either
Oct 1, 2011 . Paint.NET 2.60 (Beta 2) (3.15 MB). Paint.Net. Old Version of Paint.Net 3.5. .
Jul 27, 2009 . Paint.NET does not run on Wine or Mono. So is there any similar fast . While a
Feb 3, 2008 . Hi! I really love Paint.NET, I use it on my pc!… . i wanted to know if there was a
Apr 30, 2011 . For the purposes of this page, an "image editor" is defined as a paint or drawing
List of 5 free open source image editors for Windows, Mac, and linux. . Note that
Feb 27, 2009 . Paint.NET has grown out of a simple replacement for the well known MSPaint
This FAQ is up-to-date as of the release of this version of Paint. . Paint.NET has
Mar 8, 2011 . Paint.NET is image and photo manipulation software designed to be . .. It would
Nov 23, 2010 . If you too are looking for a MS Paint equivalent for Mac, then check out . It's
Jan 15, 2010 . Supports Windows, Mac, and Linux. Paint.NET Supports Windows XP . . for an
Aug 27, 2008 . As for Mac OS X, the Paint.NET's author writes: May 20th, 2008: Well, I bought a
Pick which version of Tux Paint you wish to download: Get Tux Paint at
Jun 26, 2010 . But unfortunately, paint.net does not have a Mac alternative. . Do you know if
Jan 16, 2012 . How To Remove Green Screen Background Using Paint.net (DIY . (Gimp now
try Graphic Convertor, which is already in your applications folder. more of an
NET for Mac OS X. The free image editor Pinta offers the basic drawing tools .
Paint.NET is a free image and photo editing software. It features .
May 3, 2006 . PDA. View Full Version : Mac version of paint? . Is there any free software that i
OldVersion.com is a museum that archives older versions of popular software
Mar 5, 2011 . Paint.NET 2.60 (Beta 2) (3.15 MB). Paint.Net. Old Version of Paint. . dotPDN
Results 1 - 10 of 19 . Paint.NET, on the other hand, is an open-source freeware editor with all the
mac version of paint? . I'm looking for a small - cheap(preferablly free) mac app
Gimp works across several different platform (Linux, Mac, Windows, FreeBSD,
Oct 21, 2006 . If You Use PhotoShop, Check Out Paint.net . need – if it was usable on a Mac I'd
Does anyone know any alternatives to Paint.NET? Mac Applications and . for
SourceForge.net Logo · Support This Project. Paintbrush is a simple paint
Is there a portable version of Paint.NET? Not officially, no. Paint.NET is not . . (1)
Dec 14, 2007 . Mac paint or Microsoft paint or whatever the hell you want to call it, crappy pixel
Jun 6, 2011 . For fans of digital photography, there is certainly no shortage of image editing
Nov 21, 2010 . Paint.NET, like GIMP, is free. However, unlike GIMP, it is really . Cons of using
Jan 12, 2012 . NET on Mac OSX Lion via Wine? Mac OS X 10.7 . I am using the correct, but
Feb 9, 2010 . Pinta requires Mono and is available to download for Mac OS X, openSUSE and
Paint.net is available from the Get Paint web site (See links below) but it only
GIMP, Paint.NET, Pixelmator, Pixlr , Adobe Fireworks and more.
Feb 11, 2009 . As some of you know i'm getting very close to placing an order for a macbook pro
Oct 10, 2011 . Paint.net uses Microsoft's .net framework, hence the name. It's entirely designed